Selection Notice for Project Technical Support and Nurse Positions - Selection notice for the post of project Technical support -III (social worker) - 1 No and project Nurse-II - 1 No for an ICMR funded Extramural project in the Dept. of Radiation Oncology, RCC, JIPMER.
Advertisement for Recruitment to Project Posts (on Contract) of Research Scientist (non medical) - Department of P&SM at JIPMER is inviting applications for the position of Research Scientist (non medical) on a contract basis.
Result for the Post of 'Project Research Scientist (Medical)' and 'Project Technical support' under ICMR project - Results have been published for the posts of Project Research Scientist (Medical) and Project Technical Support under the ICMR project by the Department of Pharmacology.
Advertisement for Project Posts Recruitment - Advertisement for Recruitment to Project Posts Scientist B(Medical)/Study Physician and Field Investigator under Prospons follow-up study Neonatology.
Recruitment for Various Group A (Non-Faculty) Posts - Recruitment of various Group A (Non-Faculty) Posts on regular basis at JIPMER, Puducherry & Yanam.
Recruitment for Scientist C (Medical) - Recruitment is underway for the post of Scientist C (Medical) for the project 'Regional Level Virus Research & Diagnostic.'
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