Kg to lbs (Kg to Pounds) Converter

1 kg is equal to 2.205 Lbs

Convert Kilogram to Pound


2.205 Lbs


Kg to lbs (Kilogram to Pounds) Converter is a useful tool that allows for easy and quick conversion of weights from the metric system to the imperial system. Kilograms (kg) and pounds (lbs) are two commonly used units of weight, with kilograms primarily used in the metric system and pounds used in the imperial system.

This conversion is particularly useful in situations where measurements need to be made in both metric and imperial units. For example, when buying groceries in a foreign country, or when measuring body weight for medical purposes. To convert kilograms to pounds, simply multiply the number of kilograms by 2.20462. This conversion can be done quickly and easily using a Kilogram to Pounds converter.

Using a converter ensures accurate and efficient conversions between these two units of weight. The Kilogram to Pounds converter is a handy tool for individuals and professionals working in fields such as health and fitness, sports, and cooking.

How to Use the Kg to lbs Calculator?

While many of us might face difficulties when trying to make use of the mathematical formula for the conversion of Kilograms to pounds, CollegeDekho’s Kg to Pounds Calculator will help you get it done in no time. All you need to do is to enter the value you want to convert in the Kilogram box. The value you entered is for the kilogram in the designated box for the kilogram and the calculation will be done automatically. The results will be visible to you in the box displaying pounds. Yes, it is this easy to use the kg to lbs calculator.

Check out the details of the steps involved:

Step 1: Insert the kilogram unit you need to convert in the box for kg
Step 2: Press the button that reads “Convert”.
Step 3: The result of the conversion will be visible in the box for lb.

What is a kilogram(Kg to lbs)?

A kilogram or kg is the basic unit of mass in the metric system and it is almost equal to the mass of 1000 cubic cm of water. The history of the kilogram goes back to the late 18th century when it was represented by a platinum solid cylinder. While the measurements of the mass of a volume of water turned out to be far from precise and inconvenient, the platinum cylinder became the standard. In 1889, this was replaced by a solid cylinder whose height was equal to its diameter and was made of an alloy of platinum and iridium. This standard kilogram was kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures lab, Sevres, France.
The kilogram is used to measure the weight of mostly heavy objects such as a bag of rice, or a basket of apples.

What is a pound?

A pound is known as a unit of avoirdupois weight which is equal to 16 ounces, 7000 grains. The Romans are known as the ancestors of the pound or the libra- which is also the source of the abbreviation lb. England in its medieval period had many derivations of the libra for use like the Tower pound and Troy pound. The pound is also used in the British Imperial and the United States customary systems of measurement.
The pound is used to measure mass in a unit for example body weight.

Formula to convert Kg to Pounds

One kilogram is equal to 2.205 lbs
1 kg = 2.205 lbs
So this means, every time you want to convert any unit of kilogram to pound, you need to multiply that particular value with 2.205 lbs.

Example to Convert Kg to lbs

I: To convert 15 kilograms to Pounds, you need to multiply 15 with 2.205
So, 15 kg = 15x 2.205 lbs
Therefore, 15 kg = 33.075 lbs
II: To convert 9 kilograms to Pounds, you need to multiply 9 with 2.205
So, 9 kg = 19x 2.205 lbs
Therefore, 9 kg = 19.845 lbs
III: To convert 55.5 kilograms to Pounds, you need to multiply 55.5 with 2.205
So, 55.5 kg = 55.5x 2.205 lbs
Therefore, 55.5 kg = 122.3775 lbs

FAQs for Kg to lbs Conversion:

1.     1 Kilogram is equivalent to how many pounds?
One Kilogram is equivalent to 2.205 pounds. (1 kg = 2.205 lbs)

2.     How to calculate kilograms to pounds?
The standard formula to calculate kilograms to pounds is to multiply that particular value with 2.205 lbs.

3.     How many pounds are there in 40 kilograms?
Approximately there are 88.2 pounds in 40 kilograms. (1 kg = 2.205 lbs) which means 40 kg = 40x 2.205 lbs which brings us 88.2 lbs

4.     What is a kilogram used to measure?
Kilograms is usually used to measure the weight of various objects like a bag of flour or the weight of a box of oranges.

5.     Which countries don’t use kilograms as the standard unit of measure?
The United States, Liberia and Myanmar don’t use the standard unit of measure. 

Kilogram to Pound Conversion Table

Kilogram ( kg )

Pound ( Lbs )

Kg to lbs (Kg to Pounds) Converter


0.022 Lbs

0.01 kg is equal to 0.022 Lbs


0.221 Lbs

0.1 kg is equal to 0.221 Lbs


2.205 Lbs

1 kg is equal to 2.205 Lbs


4.410 Lbs

2 kg is equal to 4.410 Lbs


6.615 Lbs

3 kg is equal to 6.615 Lbs


8.820 Lbs

4 kg is equal to 8.820 Lbs


11.025 Lbs

5 kg is equal to 11.025 Lbs


13.230 Lbs

6 kg is equal to 13.230 Lbs


15.435 Lbs

7 kg is equal to 15.435 Lbs


17.640 Lbs

8 kg is equal to 17.640 Lbs


19.845 Lbs

9 kg is equal to 19.845 Lbs


22.050 Lbs

10 kg is equal to 22.050 Lbs


44.100 Lbs

20 kg is equal to 44.100 Lbs


66.150 Lbs

30 kg is equal to 66.150 Lbs


88.200 Lbs

40 kg is equal to 88.200 Lbs


110.250 Lbs

50 kg is equal to 110.250 Lbs


132.300 Lbs

60 kg is equal to 132.300 Lbs


154.350 Lbs

70 kg is equal to 154.350 Lbs


176.400 Lbs

80 kg is equal to 176.400 Lbs


198.450 Lbs

90 kg is equal to 198.450 Lbs


220.500 Lbs

100 kg is equal to 220.500 Lbs

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