To enhance the regular preparation for NEET UG 2025, candidates should practice some questions daily. Here are NEET Daily Practice Questions for 2 January 2025.

NEET Daily Practice Questions 2 January 2025: Aspirants preparing for the NEET 2025 shall refer to the below-mentioned NEET Daily Practice Questions 2 January 2025. These questions cover important topics from subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology. They can analyze their strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject by working through these questions and reviewing the answers. It can help them to perform better in the upcoming NEET 2025 exam.
Also Read | JEE Main Daily Practice Questions 2 January 2025
NEET Daily Practice Questions 2 January 2025: Physics
Here are some of the NEET daily practice questions with answers 2 January 2025:
Question 1: A nucleus of mass number 189 splits into two nuclei having mass numbers 125 and 64. The ratio of the radius of two daughter nuclei respectively is:
1. 25:16
2. 1:1
3. 4:5
4. 5:4
Answer: (4)
Question 2: Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): The stretching of a spring is determined by the shear modulus of the material of the spring.
Reason (R): A coil spring of copper has more tensile strength than a steel spring of the same dimensions.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
1. (A) is false but (R) is true
2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
3. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
4. (A) is true but (R) is false
Answer: (1)
Question 3: From Ampere's circuital law for a long straight wire of circular cross-section carrying a steady current, the variation of magnetic field in the inside and outside region of the wire is:
1. a linearly decreasing function of distance up to the boundary of the wire and then a linearly increasing one for the outside region.
2. uniform and remains constant for both the regions.
3. a linearly increasing function of distance up to the boundary of the wire and then linearly decreasing for the outside region.
4. a linearly increasing function of distance r up to the boundary of the wire and then decreasing one with 1/r dependence for the outside region.
Answer: (4)
Question 4: The area of a rectangular field (in m2) of length 55.3 m and breadth 25 m after rounding off the value for correct significant digits is:
1. 14 × 102
2. 138 × 101
3. 1382
4. 1382.5
Answer: (4)
Question 5: A big circular coil of 1000 turns and average radius 10 m is rotating about its horizontal diameter at 2 rad s-1. If the vertical component of earth's magnetic field at that place is 2 × 10-5 T and electrical resistance of the coil is 12.56 Ω, then the maximum induced current in the coil will be:
1. 2 A
2. 0.25 A
3. 1.5 A
4. 1 A
Answer: (1)
NEET Daily Practice Questions 2 January 2025: Chemistry
Here are some of the NEET daily practice questions with answers 2 January 2025:
Question 1: Which of the following statements are correct regarding skeletal muscle?
A. Muscle bundles are held together by a collagenous connective tissue layer called fascicle.
B. Sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle fibre is a storehouse of calcium ions.
C. Striated appearance of skeletal muscle fibre is due to the distribution pattern of actin and myosin proteins.
D. The M line is considered a functional unit of contraction called sarcomere.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
a. C and D only
b. A, B and C only
c. B and C only
d. A, C and D only
Answer: (c)
Question 2: Which of the following reasons is mainly responsible for graft rejection in transplantation of organs ?
1. Inability of recipient to differentiate between 'self and 'non–self' tissues/cells
2. Humoral immune response only
3. Auto–immune response
4. Cell–mediated response
Answer: (4)
Question 3: Which one of the following NOT an advantage of inbreeding?
1. It decreases the productivity of the inbred population, after continuous inbreeding.
2. It decreases homozygosity.
3. It exposes harmful recessive genes that are eliminated by selection.
4. Elimination of less desirable genes and accumulation of superior genes takes place due to it
Answer: (1)
Question 4: Gadolinium has a low value of third ionisation enthalpy because of
1. high basic character
2. small size
3. high exchange enthalpy
4. high electronegativity
Answer: (3)
Question 5:
In one molal solution that contains 0.5 mole of a solute, there is
1. 1000 g of solvent
2. 500mL of solvent
3. 500 g of solvent
4. 100mL of solvent
Answer: (3)
NEET Daily Practice Questions 2 January 2025: Biology
Here are some of the NEET daily practice questions with answers 2 January 2025:
Question 1: Which one of the following never occurs during mitotic cell division?
1. Coiling and condensation chromatids
2. Spindle fibres attach to Kinetochores of chromosomes
3. Movement of centrioles towards opposite poles
4. Pairing of homologous chromosomes
Answer: (4)
Question 2: Which one of the following statements cannot be connected to Predation?
1. It is necessitated by nature to maintain the ecological balance
2. It helps in maintaining species diversity in a community
3. It might lead to the extinction of a species
4. Both the interacting species are negatively imp
Answer: (4)
Question 3: Which one of the following plants does not show plasticity
1. Maize
2. Cotton
3. Coriander
4. Buttercup
Answer: (1)
Question 4: The flowers are Zygomorphic in:
a. Mustard
b. Gulmohar
c. Cassia
d. Datura
e. Chilly
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. c, d, e only
2. a, b, c only
3. b, c only
4. d, e only
Answer: (3)
Question 5:
Which one of the following is not true regarding the release of energy during ATP synthesis through chemiosmosis?
It involves :
1. Reduction of NADP to NADPH2 on the stroma side of the membrane
2. Breakdown of proton gradient
3. Breakdown of electron gradient
4. Movement of protons across the membrane to the stroma
Answer: (3)
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