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Most Important Chapters in CBSE 12th Board Physics

Do you know there are topics in CBSE Class 12th Physics from which questions are frequently asked the exam? And focusing on them can help you score well. Tap to check the list of the most important chapters in CBSE 12th Board Physics.
Physics has practical usefulness in real-world situations. Understanding the application of concepts and solving equations can help you quickly and accurately answer the questions.
How to Prepare for CBSE 12th Physics?
1.Coulomb’s Law of Vector
2.Electric dipole in external electric field 3.Electric dipole’s electric field
4.Gauss’s law of applications
Important Chapters from Electrostatics
To score good marks in CBSE 12th Board Physics, focus on:
1.Ohm’s Law
2.Limitations of ohm’s law
3. Combination of resistors
4.Combination of cells
5.Meter Bridge
Important Chapters from Current Electricity
The list of important chapters include: 1.Motion in a Magnetic Field
2.Magnetic force on current-carrying wire
3.Velocity Selector
4.Ampere’s circuital law
Chapters from Moving Charges and Magnetism
The list of high-weightage topics include:
1.Power and combination of lenses
2. Total internal reflection
3. Microscope Telescope
Topics from Atoms and Nuclei
Students should focus on following important chapters:
1.Electron Orbits
3.Atomic Spectra
4.Bohr Model of Hydrogen atom
Chapters from Moving Charges and Magnetism