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NEET Score for BDS Government Colleges

BDS or Bachelor of Dental Surgery is the next demanding medical course after MBBS. Admissions are granted through NEET qualifying scores. Cutoff varies as per college. Interested to know the NEET score for BDS government colleges? Tap to le
Overview of NEET BDS Score
NEET qualifying score is determined by NTA based on exam difficulty level, reservation quota, and total test takers. Compared to private colleges, BDS cutoff is higher for govt colleges.
NEET BDS Cutoff Percentile
Per the previous year's cutoff analysis, the BDS cutoff for the general category is around the 50th percentile while for the reserved category, it is 40th percentile.
Category-wise BDS Cutoff
1: General: 720-135
2: SC/ST/OBC: 138-105
3: Gen-PwD: 138-119
4: SC/OBC-PwD: 122-105
5: ST-PwD: 122-105
Expected BDS Govt College Cutoff
1: Govt Dental College, Bangalore: 16400-17350
2: SCB Dental College, Calcutta: 5600-10800 3: Regional Dental College, Guwahati: 15200-24500
4: JMI, Delhi: 16000-29000
BDS Cutoff for Govt Colleges 2024
1: MAIDS, Delhi: 4200-89000
2: Govt Dental College, Thrissur: 14900-22500
3: BHU: 7600-24500
4: Burdwan Dental College: 18350-20100
5: Patna Dental College: 21700-23200
NEET BD Cutoff 2023
1: General: 720-137
2: SC/ST/OBC: 136-107