How to score 300+ in BITSAT Exam 2024? Complete Preparation Guide

Falak Khan

Updated On: May 17, 2024 04:02 pm IST

Candidates should attempt the BITSAT mock test in online mode, practise previous year papers and read the chapters properly. Candidates can learn how to score 300+ in BITSAT exam with the BITSAT 2024 preparation tips given in this post. 

How to score 300+ in BITSAT Exam 2024? Complete Preparation Guide

How to score 300+ in BITSAT Exam 2024? The BITSAT 2024 exam will be conducted for a total of 400 marks. A score of 300+ marks can be categorized as a good score in BITSAT 2024 exam. Scoring 300 marks in the BITSAT examination is not going to be easy. However, students working hard, day and night to prepare can crack the BITSAT 2024 exam. BITSAT Admit Card 2024 has been released for Session 1 at on May 16, 2024. The BITSAT 2024 Session 1 Exam is to be conducted from May 20 to 24, 2024, in online mode. BITS Pilani conducts the Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test (BITSAT) exam 2024 to provide admission into the reputed colleges of BITS Pilani, BITS Goa, and BITS Hyderabad. After getting admission into BITSAT colleges students get a kick start to their careers as they have reputed colleges and excellent in-house recruitment. However, getting admission into BITSAT 2024 participating colleges is not easy, students must have set their target score and study hard to achieve it. In this article, we have provided the BITSAT 2024 preparation tips to score 300+ marks for your reference.

Read the full article to know how to score 300+ in BITSAT exam 2024 here. 

BITSAT 2024 Preparation Tips to Score 300+ Marks

Certainly, accomplishing a high score in the BITSAT 2024 exam can be difficult due to its intense competition. The BITSAT entrance test entices lakhs of candidates every year which boosts the competition level and hereafter makes securing the cutoff tough. To expand your probability of victory, it's crucial to kick-start your preparation early. Candidates are advised to begin studying for the exam after filling out the BITSAT application form 2024. Candidates can check the ultimate BITSAT preparation tips 2024 to score 300+ marks given below. 

Understand BITSAT Exam Pattern and Syllabus

  1. Explore the BITSAT exam pattern 2024: Having a better understanding of the exam pattern of BITSAT 2024 that includes the number of sections asked in the exam, total marks, and time allocation for each section. Acquaint yourself with the BITSAT 2024 marking scheme, incorporating the number of questions going to be asked, marks granted, and dedication of marks for incorrect answers. BITSAT is conducted as a computer-based exam.
  2. Scrutinize Section-Wise Weightage of BITSAT 2024: Research the section-wise weightage of marks in the BITSAT exam as per the previous year's trends. we have provided the expected weightage of this year below. The marks weightage for all the sections is not the same, so assign your preparation time therefore.
  3. Review the BITSAT 2024 Syllabus: The BITSAT syllabus 2024 is divided into four main sections: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, and Logical Reasoning. Candidates should make sure they have a complete list of topics within each section. There should be no topic left to explore before the exam day.

Make BITSAT Study Plan 

To get success in BITSAT 2024, a well-synchronized study plan is vital. Dodge aimless studying procedures such as jumping to different topics without any proper approach. Instead, religiously follow an organized preparation table that covers all the chapters of BITSAt Syllabus 2024. Construct a thorough plan that recapitulates each topic, subject, and revision day, and has a well instigated mock tests for each topic (section-wise and chapter-wise). Secure a proportional technique by earmarking time every day to cover Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics religiously. 

Start Studying

To secure a 300+ score in BITSAT 2024 exam, clinging to a well-synchronized study plan is compulsory. It's critical to understand the BITSAT 2024 syllabus comprehensively rather than memorizing each topic. Candidates should reckon their potencies and disadvantages during the entire preparation. Revise hard topics while keeping these chapters the first choice and support your weaker areas, guaranteeing a wide range and lessening the chance of skipping any questions during the BITSAT preparation procedure 2024. Beginning early and strategically improving subject knowledge are key aspects for success.

Improve Your English Language & Logical Reasoning

In the syllabus of BITSAT 2024, English language and Logical Reasoning are critical segments. It's extremely important for candidates not to ignore these subjects and concentrate exclusively on core subjects. A well-constructed approach is necessary. Dedicate sufficient time to these areas, as they donate to across-the-board scores and reflect the comprehensive nature of BITSAT 2024. Balancing your BITSAT 2024 preparation by including English language and logical reasoning will allow you to accomplish well across all the sections of the syllabus, guaranteeing a secured chance of success.

Also check: BITSAT Exam Centres 2024 - Check List of Test Cities Here

English grammar books such as Wren & Martin-latest edition are sufficient to improve your essential Grammar skills. Books on verbal practice for competitive examinations such as the SAT and GMAT can include Grammar, English Proficiency-Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Composition, Verbal Reasoning - Analogy, Classification, or Odd One Out, all of which are required for the BITSAT 2024 exam. They can offer you a lot of questions which you can solve. Reading English newspapers is essential for staying up to date on exam notifications. It can also help you improve your vocabulary.

Logical reasoning questions are aptitude questions that need a logical level of analysis to find the correct answer. The majority of the questions are built on concepts, with the remainder requiring creative thinking. To prepare logical reasoning for BITSAT read and comprehend the information thoroughly. Analyze vital logical data. Consider all feasible solutions.

Contrast the result with other possibilities. Reach the correct logical conclusion.

Attempt BITSAT Mock Test and Previous Year Papers

Once students are familiar with the BITSAT syllabus 2024, they should start attempting mock tests and previous year's papers. BITSAT mock tests contain questions with the same difficulty level and format as the actual exam. Solving mock tests and BITSAT sample papers is an important BITSAT preparation tips 2024 as it will help students gain expertise in solving difficult questions with ease. Students can also tackle JEE Main mock test 2024 because the syllabus for JEE Main and BITSAT are nearly the same.

Quick Link: JEE Main Vs Bitsat Preparation Strategy

Revision is Essential

Candidates have to revise thoroughly to taste success in the BITSAT 2024 exam. Chapters such as Electromagnetics, Inorganic Chemistry, and Algebra carry the maximum weight. A preparatory approach that includes weekly revision is necessary, as it upholds tricky concepts and formulas fresh in your memory. This comprehensive revision strategy ensures quick revision during the actual exam, covering all topics, including English and Logical Reasoning. After generous revision, shifting to mock tests is mandatory. Revision and practising mock tests ensure a complete understanding of the topics and the capability to perform well under any exam situation.

Quick Link: BITSAT 2024: How to Prepare in 60 Days?

Improve Time Management Skills

In BITSAT 2024, the priority lies in swiftly completing and solving conceptual questions for all the sections. Lengthy explanations are not encouraged as they consume precious time. Excelling sufficient time management skills is a necessary preparatory tip, seeking to finish the entire BITSAT 2024 paper within the specified time. This allows enough time for altering answers and making required corrections. The key to excelling in time management skills is constant practice, especially by attempting BITSAT mock tests. 

Additional BITSAT 2024 Preparation Tips

To qualify for the BITSAT exam with 300+ exams students must go through the important tips and tricks that will be beneficial given below. 

  • Although it is entirely up to a candidate's choice or preference, candidates are recommended to select the last day's test slot in BITSAT slot booking 2024 This way, you'll have a couple more days to revise. You might also receive some beneficial suggestions from a paper analysis of the exam that was held the previous days.

  • There is no need to waste time on complex questions. If you are unable to understand the problem or find a solution within 1-2 minutes, you must abandon the question and move on as there will be a negative marking in the BITSAT exam

  • Candidates should attempt the BITSAT mock test in online mode on a computer or laptop to gain proficiency in solving papers online as BITSAT exam 2024 will be conducted in CBT mode

  • Once candidates have finished the BITSAT papers they must go through them again and check if they left any questions or if there are any errors and correct it

  • BITSAT is the only exam that allows you to take 12 bonus questions to improve your exam score. However, this option will be available only after you have completed all 150 questions; once you have chosen to solve extra questions, there is no turning back. Candidates are advised to consider whether they want to change the answer to any question before selecting this bonus question option. You should only take this step if you are pleased with your existing responses

  • Do not attempt your most difficult section first.  The first section of the paper you attempt must be the one in which you are most confident. Determine which of your sections is your strongest. Understand and pay attention to the graphs when you take the practice tests.

Quick Link: What is a Good Score in BITSAT 2024?

Related Articles 

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We hope that this post on how to score 300+ in BITSAT exam 2024was helpful and informative. 

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Can candidates rely solely upon shortcuts to save time during the BITSAT exam?

Shortcuts are valuable but a solid understanding of the key concepts is equally essential. Candidates must rely upon a blend of both for efficient problem-solving.


How many mock tests should candidates take to achieve a 300 plus score in the BITSAT exam?

Candidates should aim for at least one mock test every few days to track their progress, adjust their strategy, and get habituated with the actual exam environment.


Should candidates focus solely upon speed or also on accuracy?

Striking a balance between speed and accuracy is necessary. Rapid solving should not compromise the correctness of the responses.


What if candidates find certain topics challenging in the BITSAT exam?

Candidates should lay emphasis upon strengthening their strong areas first, but they must allocate necessary time to improve in the challenging topics as well.

Are easy questions the key to achieve a 300 plus score in the BITSAT exam?

Beginning with easier questions in the BITSAT exam is beneficial as they hold comparable weightage. It ensures that candidates cover a wider range of questions within the stipulated time.


Can daily BITSAT practice examinations really help with time management?

Yes. Daily BITSAT practice exams inculcate in candidates familiarity with the test format, improves speed, and refines their time management skills.


What role does time management play in achieving a 300 plus score in the BITSAT exam?

Time management is crucial to successfully attempt the BITSAT exam paper. Candidates must learn to allocate time wisely for every section and they should attempt easier questions first to maximize their score.


How should candidates strategize their preparation to secure 300 plus marks in the BITSAT exam?

Candidates should lay emphasis upon strong foundational concepts, high-weightage topics, and practice with time limits. Candidates can take the help of mock tests to simulate the exam environment.

Is scoring 300 plus in BITSAT 2024 achievable within the provided time frame?

Achieving a score of 300 plus in the BITSAT 2024 exam is possible with concentrated preparation, focused study, and efficient time management skills.


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