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Kshatriya College of Engineering Nizamabad Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

  • 2 Reviews
    Nizamabad (Telangana)
  • Private
  • Approved by : AICTE
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Kshatriya College of Engineering Nizamabad Overall Rating

(Based on 2 reviews)
Infrastructure 2.8/5
Placements 3.0/5
Faculty 3.3/5
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What students says about Kshatriya College of Engineering Nizamabad

  • The college has good facilities and infrastructure.
  • It has a good placement record.
  • The faculty is experienced and knowledgeable.
  • The admissions process is slow and needs improvement.
  • The college is a little bit far from the town.

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Kshatriya College of Engineering Nizamabad Reviews

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Feb 12, 2024 3:13:10

Overall: Strengths: Academics: Strong reputation for quality education in engineering programs. Experienced and accomplished faculty with research expertise. Rigorous curriculum that balances theory and practical application. Opportunities for undergraduate research and independent study. Campus Life: Vibrant and diverse student body with a strong sense of community. Active student organizations and clubs for various interests. Beautiful and well-maintained campus with modern facilities. Strong support services for academic, personal, and career development. Placements: Excellent track record of job placement for engineering graduates. Partnerships with top companies in the engineering industry. Career center provides resources and support for internships and job search. Value for Money: Competitive tuition and fees compared to other similar engineering programs. Financial aid and scholarship opportunities available for qualified students. Weaknesses: Selectivity: Highly competitive admissions process with low acceptance rate. High academic standards can be challenging for some students. Cost of Living: Relatively high cost of living in the surrounding area. On-campus housing can be expensive. Class Size: Some engineering courses may have large class sizes, limiting individual attention. Social Scene: Limited nightlife options in the surrounding area. Campus can feel quiet on weekends and holidays. Overall: JNTUH is a highly respected engineering college with a strong academic reputation, vibrant campus life, and excellent placement opportunities. However, the competitive admissions process, high cost of living, and large class sizes may be drawbacks for some students.

Placement: The reputation of the college The quality of the academic programs The location of the college The relationships that the college has with employers Placement statistics for 2023: 98% of eligible students placed Average salary offered: ₹2.44 lakh per annum Highest salary offered: ₹4 lakh per annum

Infrastructure: Academic Buildings: Classrooms: Spacious and well-ventilated classrooms with comfortable seating, audio-visual equipment, and internet connectivity. Laboratories: Well-equipped laboratories for each engineering discipline, with modern equipment and software to support practical learning. Computer Labs: High-end computer labs with powerful machines and specialized software for engineering applications. Workshops: Well-maintained workshops for hands-on training in various engineering trades, such as carpentry, machining, and welding. Other Facilities: Library: A well-stocked library with a wide range of engineering books, journals, and online resources. Auditorium: A large auditorium for lectures, seminars, and other events. Amphitheatre: An open-air amphitheatre for cultural events and student gatherings. Sports Complex: A well-equipped sports complex with facilities for various sports and outdoor activities. Hostels: Separate hostels for boys and girls with comfortable accommodation, study areas, and recreational facilities. Cafeteria: A hygienic and spacious cafeteria serving healthy and affordable meals to students. Medical Center: A well-equipped medical center to provide basic healthcare services to students. Transportation: A reliable transportation system to connect the campus to the city and nearby areas. Additional Features: Wi-Fi connectivity: High-speed Wi-Fi access throughout the campus for seamless internet connectivity. Green spaces: Lush green spaces and gardens to provide a refreshing and healthy environment for students. Security: 24/7 security personnel and surveillance systems to ensure the safety of students and staff. Accessibility: Barrier-free access for students with disabilities.

Faculty: Professor of Electrical Engineering: A professor of electrical engineering might teach courses in circuits, electronics, and electromagnetism. They would also likely be involved in research on topics such as power systems, telecommunications, or microelectronics.

Hostel: Typical Hostel Room: Accommodation: 2-4 students per room (bunk beds) Basic Amenities: Beds, study tables, chairs, wardrobes, and an attached bathroom with basic toiletries. Optional Amenities: Refrigerator, electric kettle, and air conditioning (depending on hostel category).








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Kshatriya college of engineering
By Irfan
Feb 10, 2024 2:36:23

Overall: Kshatriya college of engineering is an emotion and it is a second house of us and a great experience i have there are good facilities and training is very good

Placement: In our college there will be 100% placements and they will provide placements by taking interview and taking partnership with good companies and best companies

Infrastructure: I have experienced very good in the college and I have learned many lessons and subject and i learned practicals and labs the college will conduct all types of programs and etc

Faculty: The faculty is good and their expectations is good they will conducts labs and they will explain briefly and we can understand everything easily by their expectations

Hostel: The college hostel is very good and they maintains neatly and provides good food and healthy food and also they keep study hours to improve our knowledge








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