Ontario Invites 546 International Students and Workers for Provincial Nomination


Cyril Zachariah
Updated on Mar 03, 2022 09:35 AM IST

The Ontario Immigrant Nomination Program (OINP) invited 546 immigration candidates in the latest round of invitations on October 20 to apply for a provincial nomination.

Ontario Invites 546 International Students and Workers for Provincial Nomination

Latest Update: (March 2, 2022)

Inviting immigration candidates for provincial nomination applications, Ontario has held 5 draws over the past few days. Reports state that 1,493 immigration candidates are closer to becoming permanent residents in the territory.

According to reports, a total of 173 candidates eligible for permanent residency under the PhD graduate stream were invited to apply through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Programme (OINP) on Feb 28, 2022. For this stream, to be eligible, a minimum EOI or Expression of Interest score of 16 was required. Subsequently, the territory invited applications from candidates under the Masters Graduate, International Student and Foreign Worker stream, mon March 1, 2022.

The minimum score requirement for each of the streams were as follows:

  • Masters Graduate - 41

  • International Student - 72

  • Foreign Worker - 39

  • PhD Graduate - 16

Also Read:Canada Targets 1.3 Million Immigrants in 3 Years

Additionally, OINP also sent out targeted invitations to eligible candidates under the International Student stream. Candidates with a score of 42 and more, who possess valid work experienced in accordance with National Occupation Classification codes, were targeted for this.

Source:CIC News


October 22, 2021

The Ontario Immigrant Nomination Program (OINP) invited 546immigration candidatesin the latest round of invitations on October 20 to apply for a provincial nomination.

These were candidates who had profiles in the Expression of Interest (EOI) pool and may have qualified for the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream, Masters Graduate stream and the PhD Graduate stream.

The OINP also invited 479 international student graduates to apply for provincial nomination under the Masters Graduate stream and 63 under the PhD Graduate stream.

Also Read:Ontario Invited 691 Masters and PhD Grads for Provincial Nomination in September 2021

Each stream had its own score requirement for the EOI system, for instance, Masters Graduates need a score of at least 35 and PhD graduates needed a score of at least 25.

This is the second-largest draw for Masters Graduate stream since Ontario adopted the new EOI system for its Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs) that are not under the Express Entry system.

About Employer Job Offer International Student Stream

Under the Employer Job Offer category, the Ontario International Student Stream has been opened to all foreign nationals with an eligible job offer from an employer within Ontario.

While candidates are not required to apply from within Canada, they are required to meet other specific criteria to be invited. For candidates to be considered eligible, they must have completed a study program froma Canadian Designated Learning Institution, received an eligible job offer from an employer in Ontario, displayed interest in immigrating to the province, along with other requirements.

Also Read: International Students, Immigrants Contributed to Canadas Population in Q1 2021: Report

Candidates will receive an invitation to the programme if they have registered an EOI profile on the Ontario website. The processes will include their EOI profile into one pool, subsequently receiving a score based on the files submitted. Sources state that Ontario awards points for human capital factors determined to indicate a candidates ability to integrate within the labour market.

Also Read: Canada's Job Market Bounces Back as COVID-19 Restrictions Ease

About Employer Job Offer Foreign Worker Stream

This stream is open to foreign nationals who hold an eligible job offer from an employer in Ontario. They do not have to mandatorily apply from within Canada if they meet the eligibility criteria.

The eligibility criteria require a candidate to have the equivalent of two years of work experience in a skilled occupation, have a job offer in Ontario and wish to immigrate to Ontario, among others.

Want to Learn More About Canadian Immigration?

What is the process for receiving points for the Ontario Immigration?

The current processes adopted by Ontario ranks EOI profiles depending on the number of human capital factors determined by the province as important in selecting potential immigrants. Points are awarded to candidates based on the skill level of their job along with their Canadian work experience. Ontario uses the National Occupational Classification system to allocate points.

The scoring system of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Programme (OINP) takes into consideration the stream you choose to apply. Included with the skill level and work experience, the OINP scoring system will also consider the region of work, the official language proficiency, education and wage. Additionally, under its own discretion, Ontario awards 10 points to respond to the current labour market requirements.

Source:CIC News

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