NEET Daily Practice Questions 16 January 2025: Solving NEET daily practice questions during the last minute of preparation is useful to boost up the performance level of the questions. Here, the candidates can find out the NEET daily practice questions from Physics, Chemistry and Biology questions, which can be solved by the candidates first and then check the answers. This year, the NEET exam will be conducted on May 4, 2025. Utilize these months by solving the daily practice papers and self-assess your performance.
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NEET Daily Practice Questions 16 January 2025: Physics
Here are some of the NEET daily practice questions with answers 16 January 2025:
Question 1: Two bodies A and B of same mass undergo completely inelastic one dimensional collision. The body A moves with velocity v1 while body B is at rest before collision. The velocity of the system after collision is v2. The ratio v1 : v2 is
(1) 1 : 2
(2) 2 : 1
(3) 4 : 1
(4) 1 : 4
Answer: (2)
Question 2: An unpolarised light beam strikes a glass surface at Brewster's angle. Then
(1) The reflected light will be partially polarised.
(2) The refracted light will be completely polarised.
(3) Both the reflected and refracted light will be completely polarised.
(4) The reflected light will be completely polarised but the refracted light will be partially polarised.
Answer: (4)
Question 3: The terminal voltage of the battery, whose emf is 10 V and internal resistance 1 Ω, when connected through an external resistance of 4 Ω as shown in the figure is:
(1) 4 V
(2) 6 V
(3) 8 V
(4) 10 V
Answer: (3)
Question 4:
In the above diagram, a strong bar magnet is moving towards solenoid-2 from solenoid-1. The direction of induced current in solenoid-1 and that in solenoid-2, respectively, are through the directions:
(1) AB and DC
(2) BA and CD
(3) AB and CD
(4) BA and DC
Answer: (1)
NEET Daily Practice Questions 16 January 2025: Chemistry
Question 1: Arrange the following elements in increasing order of electronegativity: N, O, F, C, Si
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) Si < C < N < O < F
(2) Si < C < O < N < F
(3) O < F < N < C < Si
(4) F < O < N < C < Si
Answer: (1)
Question 2: The compound that will undergo SN1 reaction with the fastest rate is:
Answer: (4)
Question 3: The highest number of helium atoms is in
(1) 4 mol of helium
(2) 4 u of helium
(3) 4 g of helium
(4) 2.271098 L of helium at STP
Answer: (1)
Question 4: In which of the following equilibria, Kp and Kc are NOT equal?
Answer: (1)
NEET Daily Practice Questions 16 January 2025: Biology
Question 1: Identify the part of the seed from the given figure which is destined to form root when the seed germinates.
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
Answer: (3)
Question 2: Lecithin, a small molecular weight organic compound found in living tissues, is an example of:
(1) Amino acids
(2) Phospholipids
(3) Glycerides
(4) Carbohydrates
Answer (2)
Question 3: A transcription unit in DNA is defined primarily by the three regions in DNA and these are with respect to upstream and down stream end;
(1) Repressor, Operator gene, Structural gene
(2) Structural gene, Transposons, Operator gene
(3) Inducer, Repressor, Structural gene
(4) Promotor, Structural gene, Terminator
Answer (4)
Question 4: Auxin is used by gardeners to prepare weed-free lawns. But no damage is caused to grass as auxin
(1) promotes apical dominance.
(2) promotes the abscission of mature leaves only.
(3) does not affect mature monocotyledonous plants.
(4) can help in cell division in grasses, to produce growth.
Answer (3)
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