GREAT Scholarships India to Study in UK


Samarpita Goswami
Updated on Jun 29, 2023 01:02 PM IST

The GREAT Scholarships India supports Indian students in their masters education in UK universities. Check out the opportunities provided by the scholarship, its entry requirements, the documents required and others.

GREAT Scholarships India to Study in UK

GREAT Scholarships India is a remarkable UK scholarship programme that paves the way for aspiring Indian students to embark on a transformative odyssey towards academic brilliance. The British Council and the UK government have partnered under the GREAT Campaign to deliver this inclusive scholarship based on merit.

The GREAT Scholarships India commits to nurturing future leaders who would innovate and bring change. They are open to students from diverse academic disciplines. For students willing to dedicate themselves to science, engineering, arts, humanities, social sciences or business studies this programme offers a plethora of scholarships which ensure that they do not succumb to financial pressure.

This scholarship initiative strengthens ties between India and UK while unravelling a successful path where students can realise their dreams of studying in the UK. This article dives into the intricate details of GREAT Scholarships India shedding light on its eligibility criteria, application process and the myriad benefits it offers to aspiring Indian students.

GREAT Scholarships India Award Value and What it Covers!

GREAT Scholarships India aims to nurture talents while fostering an academic community that benefits both India and UK. The several benefits that are offered to students through this scholarship are given below:

Expense Type


Award Value

Minimum GBP 10,000

Award Limitations


Application Fee Waiver

Not covered

Tuition & Fees

Part of the tuition fees

Library, Books, etc.



Not funded 

Travel Cost

Flight tickets not covered 

Health Cover


Spouse/Child Care

Not covered 

Eligibility for GREAT Scholarships India

To apply for GREAT Scholarships India, students are expected to fulfil certain eligibility criteria which are given below:

  • Must be an Indian scholar.

  • Must possess an undergraduate degree, be self-motivated and be enthusiastic about the proposed subject area.

  • Must satisfy the specific UK university's English language test requirement.

  • Must develop academic connections with the UK while meeting both personal and academic goals.

  • Must be prepared to attend a networking session when and wherever required for all UK-based GREAT scholars to share experiences of studying in the country.

  • Must be prepared to serve as an ambassador for the GREAT scholarships and keep communication with the British Council and their HEI.

  • Must be willing to share the experience as an alumnus with prospective GREAT applicants about their personal journey. 

Search for Top Scholarships to Study in the UK!

GREAT Scholarships India Applicable Courses, Universities, and Country

The courses for which the GREAT Scholarships India is available depend on the participating UK universities. The participating UK universities for GREAT scholarships and the list of courses for which the scholarships are given are provided below:

Participating UK Universities

Courses Offered 

Robert Gordon University

All Subjects

Royal Northern College of Music


Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance

All Courses

Edge Hill University

Sports, Psychology, Biosciences

University of Bath

All Subjects excluding MBA

Arts University Bournemouth

Animation Production, Design and Innovation, Digital Fashion Innovation, Film Practice,  Fine Art, Graphic Design, Historical Costume,  Illustration, Painting, Photography, Arts

University of Southampton

Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching, Communication Design, Contemporary Curating, Creative Writing, Cultural Heritage Studies, Design Management, English Language Teaching TESOL, English Literary Studies, Fashion Design, Film and Cultural Management, Film Studies, Fine Art, Global Advertising and Branding, Global Business Ethics and Philosophy of Management, Global Challenges, Global Literary Industries Management, Global Media Management, History, International Music Management, Languages and Cultures, Luxury Brand Management, Maritime Archaeology, Philosophy, Textile Design, Music, Archaeology, Business and Heritage Management

University of York

Computer Science, Economics, Management

University College London

All Subjects

University of Bristol

Law, Business, Computer Science, Data Science

University of Essex

All Subjects

University of Hull

TESOL, Marketing and Advertising, Renewable Energy

University of Plymouth

Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Data Science and Business Analytics, Health Data Science and Statistics, Autonomous Systems, Cyber Security, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering Design, Medical Engineering

Nottingham Trent University

Business and Management, Law, Arts and humanities

Guildhall School of Music & Drama

Collaborative Theatre Production and Design

Imperial College London

Engineering, Natural Sciences, Medicines

University of Edinburgh

Computational Applied Mathematics, Operational Research, Operational Research with Computational Optimization, Operational Research with Data Science, Operational Research with Risk, Statistics with Data Science, Statistics and Operational Research

Keele University

Computer Science, Advanced Computer Science, Accounting and Financial Management, Business Analytics, Enterprise and Innovation, Human Resource Management, International Business, Investment Management, Management, Marketing, MBA

Sheffield Hallam University

MA and LLM Applied Human Rights, Applied Human Rights, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Legal Professional Practice

St George’s University of London

Genomic Medicine, Global Health, Sports Cardiology, Translational Medicine, Clinical Neuroscience Practice, Medical Ethics, Law, & Humanities

Application Deadline for GREAT Scholarships India

The GREAT Scholarship India application deadlines depend on the UK university the student is applying to. Here is a list of universities in the UK offering GREAT Scholarship and their application deadline for 2023:

Participating UK Universities

Application Deadline 2023

Robert Gordon University

June 2, 2023

Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance


Edge Hill University

June 1, 2023

University of Bath

April 24, 2023

Arts University Bournemouth

April 30, 2023

University of Southampton

May 31, 2023

University of York

May 15, 2023

University College London

May 23, 2023

University of Bristol

April 24, 2023

University of Essex

May 31, 2023

University of Hull

May 31, 2023

University of Plymouth

May 31, 2023

Nottingham Trent University

May 10, 2023

Guildhall School of Music & Drama

April 5, 2023

Imperial College London

March 13, 2023

The University of Edinburgh

March 30, 2023

Keele University

May 31, 2023

Sheffield Hallam University

May 31, 2023

St George’s University of London

May 1, 2023

How to Apply for GREAT Scholarships India?

There is no single application domain for GREAT Scholarships India. Interested students have to visit the respective university websites and complete the application process. The GREAT Scholarship application process is given below:

  • Access the university's website.

  • Follow the procedures provided on each university's scholarship webpage to submit an individual scholarship application.

  • The submission deadline for GREAT Scholarship varies depending on the university. Do submit the application within the deadline.

  • Individual universities will inform selected scholars of the outcome of their applications.

  • Individual colleges will award scholarship money to successful applicants after registration.

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Documents Required for GREAT Scholarships India

The documents required for GREAT Scholarships India depend on the UK university to which the student is applying. They must check the individual university website for detailed information. Here is a list of GREAT Scholarships India documents:

Selection Process for GREAT Scholarships India

The selection process for  GREAT Scholarships India may vary slightly depending on the specific scholarship or university offering the programme. Here is a general overview of the selection process:

  • Application Review: After the application deadline of the GREAT Scholarship India, the scholarship committee of the respective university will review all the applications. They will assess them based on the eligibility criteria mentioned in the website. 

  • Shortlisting of Candidates: The scholarship committee will shortlist applicants based on their merit, outstanding academic achievements, leadership potential and solid intent to study in the UK.

  • Interview: Some universities may encourage shortlisted candidates to attend an interview. The interview may be conducted in person or through video conferencing. 

  • Final Selection: The scholarship committee of the university will select the awardees based on interviews. Successful candidates will be notified of their selection via email along with the scholarship offer letter. 

Related Articles: 

QS World Merit Academic Excellence Scholarship - Eligibility, Documents Required and How to Apply

Hani Zeini Scholarship for Study Abroad

GyanDhan Scholarship 2023: Eligibility, Application Process, Documents Required

Oxford University Rhodes Scholarship

Why Apply for GREAT Scholarships India?

Applying for the GREAT Scholarships India is an excellent opportunity for Indian students who wish to pursue masters in the UK. Here are some reasons why you should consider applying for the GREAT Scholarships India:

  • Huge Financial Support: The GREAT Scholarships provide financial assistance of at least GBP 10,000 to deserving students, which alleviates the financial burden of studying abroad. It covers tuition fees, living expenses, or in some instances both, depending on the scholarship provided by respective universities. 

  • Access to Prestigious Universities: The participants in the scholarships are some of the top-ranked UK universities which are renowned for their academic and research excellence and have global recognition. Studying here opens doors to a wide range of career possibilities. 

  • Cultural Exposure: Studying abroad allows students to immerse themselves in a different culture while gaining a global perspective. In the vibrant and diverse environment of the UK, students can interact with peers from various cultures. 

Pro Tips for Winning GREAT Scholarships India

The competition for GREAT Scholarships India is intense, so it is essential to put in the effort and present your best self in your application. Here are some time-tested tips to win the scholarship: 

  • Research Eligibility Criteria: Students must carefully read and understand the scholarship requirement for each university while ensuring that they meet all the criteria

  • Choose the Right Programme and University: They must select a course of study that aligns with their academic interests and career goals. Research the universities offering the programme and the strong reputation of the course. 

  • Highlight Your Achievements: While writing the CV or essay, students must emphasise their academic results, co-curricular activities, leadership instances, and community accomplishments.

  • Seek Letters of Recommendation: Students must request strong letters of recommendation from professors, teachers or professionals who know them well and can vouch for their abilities and potential.

  • Prepare a Strong Application: Pay attention to the application details and provide all the supporting documents accurately within the deadlines of respective universities. They must review and edit the documents to make them error-free. 

  • Be Authentic: Students must be true to their applications by showing their motivation for winning the scholarship. They can showcase their unique experiences that set them apart from the rest. 

The GREAT Scholarships India programme is a valuable opportunity for Indian students aspiring to study in the UK.  The initiative has opened the gates for several talented pupils to pursue their educational dreams in top-notch UK universities. The GREAT Scholarships India programme is pivotal in shaping the future of enlightened minds. 

Our study abroad experts at CollegeDekho abroad help students with their SOPs and application process for scholarships to study abroad. Seek their assistance to enhance your chances to win scholarships. 

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