List of UK Universities Accepting 6 IELTS Band Scores


Aarushi Jain
Updated on Nov 08, 2022 05:32 PM IST

Scoring IELTS band 6 can now fulfil your dreams of studying masters in the UK! Yes, you read it right! Check out the list of all IELTS 6 band universities in UK for masters on this page. 

List of UK Universities Accepting 6 IELTS Band Scores

IELTS 6 Band Universities in UK for Masters: Did you know that, according to a UK Commission for Employment and Skills research, by 2022, one out of every seven occupations would require a postgraduate degree? If you opt to pursue a master's degree today, you will increase your career prospects in the long run, giving you a significant advantage over competitors.

Now that you have decided to study in the UK and have completed your IELTS exam. Think about the possibility that you receive a band 6 on your exam. Most UK universities demand a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 from international students to pursue a master's degree in the UK.

Having said that, there is no need to be disheartened because there are several IELTS band 6 universities in UK for masters where you can still apply and study.

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List of IELTS 6 Band Universities in UK for Masters

Now that you have a brief overview of the IELTS exam, here are some of the best IELTS 6 band universities in UK for masters for aspirants who are eager to study in UK:


Minimum IELTS Band Scores Required

QS World University Rankings 2023

University of Liverpool



Queen Mary University of London



University of Portsmouth



University of Warwick



University of Manchester



University of East Anglia



University of Sheffield



University of Leicester



University of Nottingham



Queens University Belfast



Newcastle University



University of Sussex



University of Birmingham



University of Leeds



University of York



University of Aberdeen



University of Strathclyde



Apply to Best UK Universities with IELTS Band 6.0!

How to Apply for IELTS 6 Band Universities in UK?

After making a note of the top UK universities accepting IELTS 6 for masters, let us also know how to apply for IELTS 6 band universities in UK for masters. Aspirants can refer to the steps elucidated below for help:

  • Step 1: The first step is to give the IELTS exam. After receiving an IELTS band score of 6, you have to then shortlist all the IELTS 6 band universities in UK for masters as per your course, specialisation, tuition fees and other numerous factors.

  • Step 2: After shortlisting the UK universities with IELTS 6, you have to start applying for each university depending on the intake you are planning to study in UK.

  • Step 3: Your university or institution will contact you (typically via email) to let you know if you have been accepted to study there. Congratulations if you are accepted with an unconditional offer! You have a spot available and can accept it right away. If you are accepted with a conditional offer, the position is yours if you meet a few additional requirements (such as submitting GRE/GMAT scores for masters). Before receiving your offer for some courses, you may be requested to attend an interview.

  • Step 4: It is now time to secure and arrange for funds and finances. You might be qualified for one of the many scholarships in the UK available for international students, which will help you pay for your study.

  • Step 5: You must wait for your CAS after paying your tuition payments and obtaining your unconditional offer letter. If your application is accepted, you must present the CAS or Confirmation of Acceptance letter to apply for a Tier-4 Student Visa.

Documents Required to Study in UK

If you apply to IELTS 6 band universities in the UK for a master's degree, you will be required to provide the following documents:

Alternative to IELTS to Study in UK

Students can now study in the UK without having to take the IELTS exam. Certain UK universities have opted to relieve international students of the burden of IELTS testing. They are now imposing alternate obligations on pupils, such as:

  • Class XI and XII English language proof

  • Students who had English as a major specialisation while completing their undergraduate degree are exempt from taking IELTS.

  • Duolingo English Test, TOEFL scores, or PTE scores may be used instead of IELTS scores.

  • A medium of Instruction Certificate can also be used.

Why Study Masters in UK?

After knowing everything about the IELTS 6 band universities in UK for masters, here is a bonus section explaining why to study in UK for our aspirants aspiring to study in the UK for their masters.

  • Employers are becoming more aware of the benefits of a master's degree, which increases employability and career advancement. When making hiring judgments for entry-level positions, they consider advanced skills and experience. A master's degree in the UKwill provide you a major advantage over your competition.

  • Higher teaching quality and world-class research facilities make UK education more desirable to firms throughout the world. Subjects are taught by some of the world's greatest academics, and QAA evaluates the quality of education regularly.

  • The length of your master's degree is entirely up to you. Full-time studies typically take one year, although part-time courses may last two to three years. Part-time education allows you to obtain job experience, but bear in mind that a postgraduate degree requires a substantial amount of time, effort, and dedication.

  • A master's degree in India and most other countries require enrollment for up to two years. However, master's degrees in the UK are just one year long. The short-term programme is less costly, offers excellent value for money, and allows you to enter the workforce quickly.

  • Postgraduate study may be an expensive investment. Almost all UK colleges and universities provide scholarships, bursaries, and grants to help you with your master's degree.

  • Obtaining a master's degree enhances your immediate and long-term salary potential, according to several research. A postgraduate student may expect to earn GBP 5,500(which is around INR 5 lakhs) more per year during the start of his/her careerthan someone with only an undergraduate degree, according to a UKstudy.

  • Thousands of international students studying in the UK, together with the native population, contribute to the country's cultural diversity. You will undertake independent research, engage in conversations, forums, and events, and interview professionals as part of your study. You will build a strong professional network that will be useful to you once the course is over.

Reach out to our professional study abroad experts at and seek their guidance and help to study at one of the IELTS band 6 universities in UK!

Know How to Score Band 6.0+ in IELTS Exam!


Can I study in UK with an IELTS band score of 5.5?

It is a bitter truth that many study abroad aspirants fear that low IELTS scores will prevent them from enrolling in their dream courses in countries like the UK. Having said that, one must now remember that anyone who scores between the IELTS band score of 5.5 and 6.5, can be assured that most schools and universities will gladly accept their application.

Can I pursue PhD in UK with IELTS band score 6?

If you have an IELTS score of 6.0 overall, with at least 6.0 in each component, you can pursue postgraduate degrees in subjects such as management, science, arts, and mathematics, among others. The IELTS requirement for the UK is required for admission to any university. However, as you are aware, you can study in the UK with a 6.0 IELTS band.

Why is IELTS score required to study master’s abroad in countries like the UK?

IELTS is a significant prerequisite for studying master's degrees abroad in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. It is an English proficiency test designed to assess non-native English speakers' language skills. It is recognised by over 11,000 universities, businesses, and immigration government authorities worldwide.

How much IELTS band score is required for pursuing Masters in UK?

At the master's level in the UK, most universities need a general IELTS band score of 6.5 overall, with no subskill less than 5.5. However, there are several universities in the UK that are increasingly accepting international students with low IELTS band scores. Some of the best IELTS band 6 universities in UK for Masters are the University of Liverpool, Queen Mary University of London, and the University of Warwick.

Is Band 6 in IELTS good for UK?

If you have an IELTS score of 6.0 overall, with at least 6.0 in each component, you can pursue postgraduate or master's degrees in almost any subject of study. The IELTS criterion for the UK is required for admission to any university. However, as you are aware, you can study in the UK with 6.0 IELTS Bands.

Can I apply for Master in UK with IELTS 6 band?

Yes, you can definitely apply for Masters in UK with a score of IELTS band 6. To be admitted to the IELTS band 6 universities in UK for Masters, the student must have at least a 3.0 GPA in their bachelor's in the relevant field of study and they should meet or fulfil all the other eligibility requirements to study Masters in a particular university. 

Which country apart from the UK accepts IELTS 6 band for Masters?

IELTS Academic is approved by universities, General Training by high schools or employers, and Life Skills by the UK government for visa and immigration purposes. At the moment, you can find IELTS band 6 universities for Masters in countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and in many European countries. 

Is IELTS required for UK student visa 2022?

To be eligible for a student visa, you must have acceptance of study from a recognised university or college in the UK, as well as satisfactory English language competence exam scores such as IELTS. However, IELTS is not required to obtain a UK study visa. Most of the time, the British High Commission will accept students who have a "Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies" (CAS) from a UK university to which they have applied.

Can I study Masters in UK without IELTS?

Yes, it is possible to study in the United Kingdom without taking the IELTS exam. You should be able to meet English requirements such as having proof of over 70% in English in high school or attending an online interview conducted by the university or proof of English as your language of instruction in your school to be eligible for this.

Which countries do not require IELTS for Masters?

European countries such as Germany, Norway, France, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Belgium, Spain, the Czech Republic, and Cyprus, to name a few, are excellent examples of countries where colleges do not often demand an IELTS band score for Masters. Regardless, visit the university's website and review the complete application process without IELTS scores.

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