More UK-India Knowledge Partnership Suggested to Increase Indian Students in the UK


Subhashri Roy
Updated on Dec 29, 2021 04:53 PM IST

According to a new report, the UK government would be advised to partner up with India as one of the main goals of the proposed free trade agreement being discussed by both countries. Read to find out more.

More UK-India Knowledge Partnership Suggested to Increase Indian Students in the UK

In a bid to encourage sustainability and competition of the UKs international education sector, former universities minister Jo Johnson, who leads the Natural partners: building a comprehensive UK-India knowledge partnership, has suggested a 'number of reforms'.

According to a new report, the government of the UK would be advised to partner up with India as one of the main goals of the proposed free trade agreement being discussed by both countries.

The report is a collaboration between the Policy Institute of Kings College London and Harvard Kennedy School.

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The report concentrates on doing away with fraud and abuse of the visa system along with working on reducing the dependency on China for international education by doubling the number of students from India studying in the UK before the end of the current parliament term.

Johnson said that the UK would have to deploy its universities and research base with India in a more strategic way. The same could be implemented by making a 'comprehensive knowledge partnership' the feature of a UK-India free trade agreement post-Brexit.

The report highlights that although the number of Indian students is rising considerably in the UK after years of decline, they only represent less than 50% of the number of students from China.

To ensure the partnership, the report has formulated five 'building blocks', with the first being the simplification of movement between institutions in both countries and mutual recognition of their credits and qualifications.

The second is moving India to the 'low-risk country list' and attracting a greater number of Indian students.Then, it has proposed the launch of a sector-backed loan funding programme for students from India as well as promoting a more balanced partnership with more UKstudents in India, with support from the Turing Scheme.

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Lastly, it has recommended significantly-increased funding and support for collaborative research to promote frontier science.

Johnson again added that UK Visas and Immigration should adopt an approach similar to Canadas Student Direct Scheme, which fastracks visa processing time for students who can prove that they have purchased a Guaranteed Investment Certificate of CAD 10,000 from a recognised bank.

The study on India, in the previous report, 'The China question: managing risks and maximising benefits from partnership in higher education and research', also highlights how people under 25 represent more than 600 million people in India, which could be a valuable source of economic growth.

Source:The PIE News

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