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Here are those tinge of feelings that every student feels while going to hostel from home

East or West, Home is the best! It is your home where you feel at peace, secured, loved by your dear ones, could eat those yum food whenever you desir

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East or West, Home is the best! It is your home where you feel at peace, secured, loved by your dear ones, could eat those yum food whenever you desired and what not.

At school, you simply wished for that moment when you could join college and live life the way you want but the very moment when you start packing your bags to leave for hostel, you get a tickle down your spine. Its a feeling which is blended with joy, sadness, anxiety, fear and utmost love for home. Whether it is the first time when you leave home or after a long vacation from college, the feeling of going back to college is always the same.

Let's see what are those different state of mind that beeps when you know you have to leave home and go back to that hostel once again!

1. Sadness: Every student feels sad when the dates of leaving home comes nearer. Your own room, love, food, tantrums are missed when you are away from home. You develop a life of independence, responsibilities and grow as an individual with freedom.

2. Happiness: A certain tinge of eagerness is felt which is filled with joy at the name of your college and friends. At home, you are bound to stay with rules and restrictions, but in the hostel you can enjoy things the way you want with friends. So, with the name of going to hostel brings in a smile on to your face.

3. Anxiety: Anxiety is a feeling which includes both happiness and sadness. So, with the dates of leaving home coming closer, you start feeling panic with anxiety. Pressure of studies, future career and grades in college keep tickling you from within.

4. Obviously the food!! With every delicious dish prepared at home, you wish the time and the calendar to stop awhile. You start missing homemade food and crave for it more and more when in hostel. So, with the very name of hostel, you think about every food you have at home.

5. About Cleanliness: Your personal bathtub and the washroom is always clean and tidy. At hostel, when you have to use your bathroom with other hostel mates, you start thinking frequently about hygiene and cleanliness.

6. Studies: The different study material as compared to at school, pressure of the syllabi and the grades to score often keeps on pounding on your head. You are left stranded between regular courses and extra curricular studies as well.

7. Decision making: Its at home when you are surrounded with love and care by your family. But once you start living in a hostel, you are all up to yourself and every single decision has to be taken all by yourself. So being wise enough becomes important. You start thinking every strong decision that your parents had advised you.

So, do not feel upset or anxious, simply live the life you have. Enjoy every moment in your college and hostel as you will always miss hostel life throughout your life. A silly decision will make you smile later down the line. Happy #Collegelife

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