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Marwadi University Review and Verdict by CollegeDekho

Thinking about joining Marwadi University? Explore our detailed review to discover if it's perfect for your academic journey.

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Campus at a Glimpse

Marwadi University, established in 2016, has quickly made a name for itself in the academic world. Starting with degree programmes in Engineering, Management, Computer Applications, and Commerce, it expanded to include Law and Pharmacy by 2018 and physiotherapy by 2019. 

In 2021, Marwadi University was recognised as a "Centre of Excellence" by the Government of Gujarat, a prestigious title only given to six universities in the state. The university provides a range of facilities, including separate hostels, a canteen, food courts, a bank, an ATM, a health centre, and a 24/7 ambulance service.

However, as per news outlets like Time of India, Marwadi University faced a serious challenge in 2022 when five students were under investigation for extreme ragging, including physical and sexual assault, against a junior. The incident had sparked calls for the university's recognition to be revoked.

Marwadi University Rankings

Ranking Body


India Today 2023 (All India)


Outlook 2022


Our take
While the university hasn't made it to the NIRF Ranking 2023, it has managed to secure a spot in other rankings. In 2023, it ranked 62nd in India Today's All India list. However, it didn't appear in any other rankings this year, despite its diverse student population and wide range of academic courses. Also, the absence of the NIRF ranking signifies that the university's performance in terms of ranking and recognition has not met the required criteria and needs further development.

Marwadi University Academia & Batch Size

Marwadi University provides value-added courses in areas like science, technology, and life skills. It also has a partnership with Coursera for such value-added courses. Over the past five years, an average of 75.36% of students have enrolled in these Marwadi Univesity courses.

Marwadi University admission procedure is transparent and compliant with regulatory standards. This is reflected in its impressive demand ratio of 1:5 and a remarkable 91% admission rate against seats reserved as per the state government policies. 

Marwadi University uses AI-driven cards to categorise and track students' academic performance. Advanced learners are encouraged in co-curricular activities, while additional support is provided to slow learners, ensuring all students receive the necessary resources and attention.

Our Take
Marwadi University is pretty popular, with 1:5 applicants vying for every available seat. That's some serious demand! Plus, they have an impressive admission rate of 91%. So, it is pretty clear that students prefer this university for their higher education. At the same time, the university is taking a few forward-looking steps, like leveraging AI to track students. This ensures that the students remain compliant with attendance and other guidelines. At the same time, it allows the university to take many student safety measures on campus. 

Marwadi University Infrastructure


As per the students, Marwadi University classrooms are well-organised and air-conditioned, ensuring a comfortable and suitable learning environment for all students.


Marwadi University's auditorium has a seating for over 800. It's where all the big events, seminars, and celebrations happen. Plus, it's two-tiered, giving it a real theatre vibe.


Marwadi University has two main libraries forming the Learning Resource Centre, equipped with specialist collections, the latest technology, RFID technology, and a Self KIOSK. An E-Resource Lab with over 60 computers is also available for online research. And the best part? Students are totally digging it, giving the library rave reviews for its excellence.


The university offers 24/7 wifi connectivity, but students mention that the Wi-Fi is not the most reliable, sometimes causing connectivity problems on campus. 


Marwadi University hostels can accommodate over 3500 students and provide amenities like furnished rooms, laundry, internet, and medical services. However, student feedback is mixed, with some praising the facilities and others criticising the management, food quality, and medical facilities.


Marwadi University offers sports facilities for cricket, hockey, soccer, and more. But it's not all about sports; they also host activities like spiritual talks, meditation, and even mountaineering and trekking. Talk about all-round development!

Cafe/ Hang-out:

Marwadi University's canteen serves fresh meals in clean spaces, seating over 1200 students. It includes a food court for hangouts and canteens on every floor of the main building for convenient snack breaks.

Our Take
Marwadi University offers a lot, from air-conditioned classrooms and a spacious auditorium to high-tech libraries and conveniently located canteen facilities. There's also a variety of activities and convenient canteen locations. So, it is pretty clear that the university is attentive to students' academic and non-academic requirements. However, it's not all perfect - the Wi-Fi connection needs to be fixed, and as per the student reviews, the experiences with the hostels have been conflicting.

Marwadi University Internships & Placements


Marwadi University emphasises practical learning, offering MBA students a six-week Summer Internship Project after their second semester. This approach allows students to apply classroom knowledge to an actual work environment, gaining valuable hands-on experience. It's all about making the most of that semester break!


When it comes to Marwadi University placements, there seems to be a wide range of opinions among students. While the university claims that over 480 recruiters visit the campus offering an average salary of INR 6 LPA and the highest package of INR 34.4 LPA, student opinions vary on this data. Some assert that 80-90% of students in their course have secured placements with the highest package of 18 LPA and an average ranging from 6 LPA to 8 LPA. On the flip side, others express disappointment, stating that only a few students got placed with packages as low as 3 LPA. The truth about Marwadi University placements seems to lie somewhere in between these accounts, with experiences varying widely.

Marwadi University Placement Statistics 2023

Total Recruiters

Average Salary 

Highest Salary



INR 34.5 LPA

Marwadi University Placement (As per NIRF 2023)


Total eligible students 

Total students placed

Median Salary

UG (4 Years)




PG (2 Years)




Marwadi University Top Recruiters










Our Take
The Marwadi University placement scene seems quite varied. The university says they've got 480+ recruiters, offering an average salary of around 6 LPA, and the highest package is about 34.5 LPA, but students' experiences are all over the place. Some say they're landing great jobs with high pay, while others are a bit bummed out with lower salaries like 3 LPA. It's clear that experiences vary widely, and individual results depend on factors like the chosen course. However, the university's strong ties with companies like Airtel, Amazon, and HDFC offer promising opportunities for students.

Marwadi University Diversity & Representation 

Looking at the enrollment figures as per NIRF 2023 data, students from the home state, other states within India, and even internationally are drawn to this institution for Marwadi University admission. The university's gender distribution across both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes is diverse. The total student population comprises approximately 78% males and 22% females. Hence, the gender ratio is roughly 4:1 across both courses. Let's dive into the details.

Marwadi University Demographic Representation 


Home state

Outside state


UG (4 Years)




PG (2 Years)




Our take
Marwadi University clearly appeals to a large number of in-state students, with 2617 in UG and 365 in PG. However, the number of out-of-state students is quite low. Founded in 2016, the university is still at a very nascent state. So, we can give it the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the low number of non-domicile students. One thing that we should not ignore is that the university also draws a respectable number of international students, contributing to a culturally diverse student body. 

Marwadi University Gender Ratio


UG (4 Years)

PG (2 Years)







Our take
Marwadi University has a noticeably higher enrollment of male students in UG courses, with 2619 compared to 601 females. However, in the PG courses, the gender gap narrows significantly, with a fairly balanced ratio of 238 males to 220 females. 

Marwadi University Faculty

Marwadi University claims to have faculty members from prestigious institutions worldwide, all trained in the art of teaching to achieve academic rigour. They maintain a healthy student-faculty ratio of 17:1, with full-time faculty exceeding the number of sanctioned posts. However, student opinions seem to vary. Some students have expressed dissatisfaction, pointing out instances of incorrect information being taught and problematic behaviour. Yet, many students appreciate the faculty for their support and in-depth knowledge of their respective subjects.

Marwadi University Location

Marwadi University is located at Rajkot-Morbi Road, PO, Gavridad, Gujarat. The location is not only considered safe by students but also well-connected to various transport hubs. Bileshwar Railway Station is around 9 km away, while Rajkot Airport is approximately 13 km away. The Rajkot Central Bus Station is about 11 km away, and it takes roughly 24 minutes to reach the university from there. Marwadi University’s strategic location ensures easy accessibility from various parts of the city, making commuting hassle-free for students. 

Marwadi University: Expectation vs Reality CollegeDekho Verdict

Marwadi University has made strides in the academic world, offering a variety of programmes in the fields of management and engineering. However, it has faced significant challenges, including a serious ragging incident in 2022 and a lack of recognition in the NIRF rankings. The Marwadi University infrastructure, such as classrooms, auditoriums, and libraries, is commendable, but the Wi-Fi connectivity and hostel facilities have received mixed reviews. The gender ratio is uneven, with a significantly higher male population. The Marwadi University placement scenario is also inconsistent, with some students landing high-paying jobs while others struggle. The faculty's competence has also been questioned by some students. Despite being recognised as a "Centre of Excellence" by the Government of Gujarat, the university's overall performance and student satisfaction levels indicate room for improvement.



Broad academic programmes and value-added courses; Partnership with Coursera

A serious ragging incident in 2022 raised concerns about student safety.

Impressive infrastructure with organized classrooms, spacious auditorium, and advanced libraries

Absence in the NIRF rankings

Recognised as a "Centre of Excellence" by the Government of Gujarat

Mixed reviews about Wi-Fi connectivity and hostel facilities

Strategic location ensuring easy accessibility

Inconsistent placement scenario with varied student experiences


Gender imbalance with a higher number of male students


Questions raised by some students about the quality of teaching

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