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AABHA Women's day programme organised at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research Nagpur

The Women Empowerment Cell of Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research organized a programme "AABHA" on the occasion of W

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The Women Empowerment Cell of Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research organized a programme "AABHA" on the occasion of Women's Day. Women's Day is the time to celebrate the achievements of women in all spheres of life.

The Women Empowerment Cell of Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research plays a significant role in mobilizing women's views and perspectives on important social issues, questioning the existing biased and stereotypical notions & concepts that deny identity and respectable space for women, promoting gender consciousness into all systems of knowledge in order to progress towards a true gender sensitive society and eliminating cultures of impunity, silence and complicity leading towards real empowerment.

On this occasion, the women students and faculty members of the institute got an opportunity to listen to the experiences and views of eminent women from various walk of life who have already established themselves in domains which are male dominated even today. The participants also interacted with these eminent personalities in length and were enriched by their guidance.

The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. Pallavi Chopde, a senior faculty member of Dr. Ambedkar College. In her welcome speech, she said, "Women, themselves will have to stand up for their cause. She said that women must gather their courage and bravely oppose any injustice they are meted out in society. Each and every woman should stand up and rise for their rights. Accepting injustice quietly is a symbol of timidity. Women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves. It cannot be brought about by law enforcement; it has to come from within."

Dr Sudhir Fulzele, Director, DAIMSR addressed the gathering. He expressed his good wishes to the entire women community on this occasion. In his address, he mentioned that women should make themselves strong enough so that they do not have to face any discrimination. He said that it is equally the responsibility of the men folk to ensure that women get their due respect in every sphere of life.

Ms. Nirmala Girish Kandalgaonkar, a Pune-based housewife turned entrepreneur said, "working in a male-dominated field of waste management while addressing the gathering she also encouraged the students to become self-sufficient and listening from such a lady is definitely a lifetime opportunity for many of our students. Her life itself unfolds many lessons."

She is presently the Chairperson, Vivam SWM Pvt. Ltd. Pune, Her company VIVAM is in the field of solid waste processing such as Composting, Vermicomposting, Mechanical Compost and Biogas since last ten years. She is into the business of converting waste to energy. She has been awarded Stree Shakti Award by TATA-TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs), Mumbai in the year 2009.

‘Mrs Inspirational' 2015 Ms Shilpa Agrawal one among very few lady industrialists who is into the business of furniture shared her experiences of life. In her interaction, she shared her experiences about the work-life balance and the challenges which she has faced in her life and for motivating and inspiring the students.

According to her, having a passion and pursuing it is one of the most important aspects of life. She talked about the work-life balance. She is of the strong opinion that work-life balance is not only important for a manager but is essential for every woman. She motivated the students and asked them to be passionate about their work. ‘We must try to love our work", she said. She also shared with the students the challenges which she has faced in her life. In her view passion and commitment are two key elements essential for a woman to become empowered.

Ms. Meera Khadakkar, Principal Judge Family Court said in her address said, "Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the constitution provide equal rights to all men and women. Women have the right to vote, the right to own property, the right to move freely and earn a living. But it is a fact that mere Legislation and Government Schemes do not lead to Empowerment. Until and unless the women themselves stand up and do something for themselves no amount of legislature and social reforms can be of any help".

During her address, she discussed some of the modern day problems faced by the women folk in the Indian society and sharing some tips for the women to prevent them from falling into traps

She made the participants realize that women are much stronger. Women fight the society from within and without, they have the capacity to procreate, to give birth, they endure difficulties both physical and emotional and almost always come out victorious she said. She urged the students not to let their self-worth and self-respect erode.

Ms. Richa Bagla, (IAS) Director Textile Government of Maharashtra speaking on the occasion said: "to be empowered means to be able to make own decisions in the social, economic, political and legal field for personal benefits as well as for the society".

In this occasion a few unsung heroes in and around Nagpur, who have already set an example for women empowerment were felicitated. Short video clips of their deeds were made by the students of the college about their work and was screened during the function. Among those who were felicitated were Mrs. Pratima Shastri, Mrs. Radha Borde, Mrs. Nagpure and Mrs. Minakshi Sarwarte, Mrs. Vandana Sharma and Mrs. Shachi Mallick for their contribution towards women empowerment by setting an example.

As a token, a few of the women journalists were also felicitated for their contribution towards empowering women through their journalistic work.

The programme was attended by around 160 students and faculties of the Institute, a large section of the press, and many other eminent invitees.

Source: Subodh, City Journalist - Nagpur, CollegeDekho

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