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CAT 2016: Last Minute Instructions by IIMB; No Mehendi, Gadgets Allowed inside Exam Hall

Here are the last minute instructions for Common Admission Test (CAT 2016) aspirants, officially released by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

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Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore - the conducting body of Common Admission Test or CAT 2016 has released instructions for the exam day. The exam is scheduled to be conducted tomorrow, ie. 4th December 2016 (Sunday).

Also read:Reverse Counting for CAT 2016 Begins: Focus on Your Exam Day Strategy

According to the instructions laid down by IIMB, CAT 2016 aspirants must note the following:

  • There is a provision for digital fingerprint scan before the exam. For this, the students who will be appearing for the management entrance exam should avoid henna (mehendi), any kind of cosmetic colours etc. on their hands for at least five (5) days before the exam.
  • Candidates shall wear footwear that is open - for example - chappals, sandals etc. Any student who is wearing shoes or closed footwear along with socks will be asked to remove the same right outside the examination hall.
  • Gadgets such as earphones, mobile phones, microphones, health bands etc. will not be allowed inside the examination hall. Aspirants must ensure that they are not carrying these along with them to the centre of the CAT exam.
  • CAT 2016 aspirants should also reach the examination session latest by 7:30am for the first session. Subsequently, for the second session, candidates should be at the test centre latest by 1:00pm.
  • Candidates must carry the original photo IDs with them along with the admit card to the examination hall. Only these things are permitted inside the examination hall.
  • On the other hand, candidates who have opted for using a scribe should carry the filled scribe affidavit which is readily available on the official website of CAT 2016. Additionally, they shall also carry the scribe’s photo ID in original as well as photocopy to the test centre.

Also read:What Happens After I give my CAT exam

It is for the first time that the exam conducting body has released such instructions.

All candidates are thus requested to keep the above-mentioned points in mind before appearing for CAT 2016 examination. wishes all the aspirants all the very best!

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