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NEET PG 2022: No Extension of Internship Deadline, Supreme Court Declares

NEET PG 2022 internship deadline will not be extended, as per the decision taken by the Supreme Court. Here is all you need to know about the decision and its consequences. 

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NEET PG 2022 has been running into one court case after another with scores of aspiring candidates submitting plea after plea regarding the extension of the internship deadline from July 31, 2022. This is because, as many students claim, they were not informed by their college authorities during their Covid ward duties that it would affect their mandatory 12 months rotatory internship, thus taking away their chance to appear for the NEET PG Exam 2022

Also Read: NEET PG 2021 Round 2 Counselling Seat Allotment Gets Cancelled if an Aspirant Accepts Seat in Special Round 

The NEET PG examination is a national level test that enables all graduate medical students in the country to get admission in post graduate medical courses in premier medical institutions of the country. The completion of the 12 month long rotatory internship is mandatory according to the rules stated in Clause 4.4 of the Information Booklet for NEET PG 2022. However, the petitioners had argued that their medical internship had been postponed due to Covid ward duties and that their respective medical institutions had promised them that it would not affect their compulsory internship at all. 

The Supreme Court bench consisting of Justice DY Chandrachud, Surya Kant and Bela M. Trivedi has however scrapped the plea and refused to extend the internship deadline by stating - “Undoubtedly there is an element of hardship, but it is not possible for us to interfere at this stage”. Earlier, the concerned authorities had extended the internship deadline from May 31, 2022 to July 31, 2022. The extension of the deadline again would have a negative cascading effect on the entire admission process, starting from the NEET PG 2022 exam to the NEET PG 2023 registrations. If the internship deadline gets extended again, then the NEET PG academic session for 2022 would get delayed and not be able to start as scheduled from August 2022, leading the lives of several aspirants into peril. 

Also Read: What's new in NEET 2022?-Know the details here

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