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IIM Udaipur Celebrates its Flagship Event

IIM (Indian Institute of management) Udaipur organized its flagship event –ULLF (Udaipur Leap day Lit Fest) recently were prominent people from

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IIM (Indian Institute of management) Udaipur organized its flagship event –ULLF (Udaipur Leap day Lit Fest) recently were prominent people from different fields like Classical dance, Yoga, film, literary, and media share their experience

Mr. Navtej Johor, a Bharatnatyam exponent, and a choreographer took the charge on stage first in lit fest, he talked about how ideology and philosophy are interchanged and the effect it has had on the Indian society. He explained a little about Indian philosophy’s “16 schools of thought” includes Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Purva mimansa, Vedanta, Pasupata, Saiva, Pratyabhijna, Rasesvara, Panini etc. He is a recipient of the Times of India Fellowship, 1995. And the Charles Wallace Fellowship, 1999, and was the performance director of the Commonwealth Parade, for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations at London, in June 2002.

Secondly, Mr. Bejoy Nambiar, a story & scriptwriter, director, producer well known for having directed critically acclaimed films like Shaitan, David, and recent release Wajir talked about how his mother’s storytelling skills developed in him love for telling stories and turns into films based on them. He supplements his ideas with a show of small video clips of movies like ‘Iruvar’, ‘Secret in your eyes’ and Hollywood television series ‘Black Mirror’ which he has likes the most, and completed his session by showing a music video of the band named “Thaikkudam Bridge”. This was directed by him.

Mr. Hridayesh Joshi, Senior Editor, National Affairs at NDTV, who completed his 18 years in media, discussed what a conflict zone is? and answered by himself that ‘Where two or more group are locked in a war or war like situation leading to a civil war/ complete breakdown of law and order.’ And shared his experience from war and violence-torn areas of India like Kashmir, Parts of North East India, Bastar and Dantewada etc. Honest opinion and bitter truth of war were on the agenda.

After High-Tea, Ms. Margie Sastry, Director of Bhartiya Natya Sanskriti Sansthan and who previously held the responsibilities of Associate Editor and Script writer at “The Amara Chitra Katha Studio” and explained the evolution of the comics which at one point of time ruled the minds of children of the school going age. Ms. Sastry started with the domain of microbiology and then ventured into the field of Medical Journalism taking a stride in the domain of children novels later. She was also associated with TIO (Times of India) creating feature pages like Wee Wonder and The Woman Within.

Ms. Shefali Bhushan, a writer, and director talked about the story behind her directorial debut ‘JUGNI’ a musical film where all of the characters are associated with music in some or the other way. She also talked about her journey from a mass communication student to writer to director and added that it’s not an easy task to debut as a director with non-famous actors and theater artist in today’s film industry and also showed some snippets of her movie ‘JUGNI’

At the end, Mr. Divya Prakash Dubey, Affectionately dubbed as the Chetan Bhagat of Hindi literature, forces attendees to burst out of laughter with his witty talks on day to day nonsense of a school child. An engineer and an MBA, a voracious reader of Hindi and English literature, he already has a few poem, short story books and screenplays to his credit. He debuted into the arena of writing with his novel ‘Terms and Conditions Apply!’

And at last POTPOURRI CLUB Coordinator Mr. Manjeet Rathore thanks to Director of IIM-U, all stalwarts, and attainders, club members gave the memento to the speakers and finally LIVE PUPPET – The society of dramatics, IIM-U released the tailor of their upcoming drama named ‘AGANTUK’.

Source – Jay Kumar Savita, City Journalist, Udaipur,

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