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UGC Informs Universities to Include Gandhian Literature in Libraries

UGC has directed universities and colleges to include books on Gandhian literature in their libraries. The main aim to include Gandhian Literature in university libraries is to reproduce actual works of Mahatma Gandhi.

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The University Grants Commission (UGC) has directed universities and colleges across the country to include books on Gandhian Literature in their libraries. Gandhian works should be given equal importance in libraries of colleges and universities across the country, and there is a large treasure of Gandhian literature published by several publications.

Apart from books on Gandhian literature, UGC has asked the universities to include books that highlight India’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, biographies of national leaders, India’s flora and fauna, history, art and culture of India. The UGC has sent a catalogue of books on Mahatma Gandhi to universities. The universities can include these books in their libraries, and varsities can acquire these books at an affordable price.

Also Read: UGC Opens Online Applications for MANF Scheme

As per UGC, varsities should include Collective Works of Mahatma Gandhi (C.W.M.C), which is a 100-volume series comprising of 500 pages each. These collective works include writings of Mahatma Gandhi, telegrams, interviews, letters and speeches. These works must be compiled in a chronological order from 1884-1948.

According to UGC, the main aim to include Gandhian Literature in university libraries is to reproduce actual works of Mahatma Gandhi. Apart from C.W.M.C, universities can also include eight-volume biography on Mahatma Gandhi written by DG Tendulkar.

Also Read: Conduct Exam on Women’s Rights: UGC to Colleges

The inclusion of Gandhian Literature in the libraries of universities and colleges is highly significant, as students need to know about the life of Mahatma Gandhi and his active role in the Indian freedom movement. Gandhian literature teaches several principles like peace, non-violence, truthfulness, trusteeship etc.

For the latest UGC news and updates, stay tuned to CollegeDekho.

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