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7 Getaways To Visit Near Pune

Travelling is not only a part of life or fun, but also it is a bag which is filled with experiences and memories once it is completed. College student

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Travelling is not only a part of life or fun, but also it is a bag which is filled with experiences and memories once it is completed. College students must make travel a part of their lives to cherish and make it memorable forever down the line. During college days, students are paid a certain amount of money from their parents, so it is always advisable to use that money wisely in order to sustain especially in today's world where things have become way too expensive.

Though, one can save a bit amount and once in a month can visit some place for entertainment or learning an experience. If you are studying in Pune or nearby, there are a few lovely places which can be traversed with fun.

1. Mumbai Capital of Maharashtra, Mumbai welcomes everyone with its culture and warmth. Amazing places of historical and science interest, this city is also known as the 'city that never sleeps'. Fun at the marine drive with friends, or enjoying the adventure thrill at Essel World, shopping at the Fashion street and strolling on Juhu or Chowpati beach leaves you enthralled with peace altogether.

2. Goa Staying in Pune and not visiting Goa would be like being a Bengali and not have tasted fish! Goa is only a few kilometers on road from Pune. View from Pune to Goa is splendid and exciting. Cherish this till you are in Pune. Does Goa need any description?

3. Lonavla-Khandala These are located at proximity to Pune on the Mumbai-Pune expressway. These two destination spots are mostly preferred by tourists of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh because of the distance and the climate. These are the hill stations at the Western Ghats that leave you serene and peaceful at anytime of the day.

4. Hyderabad If you have got an opportunity to stay in Pune, it is suggestible to make a short trip to Hyberabad once. Savoring Hyderabadi Biryani and shopping for lac bangles should not be missed. Hyderabad is way much closer to Pune as well.

5. Lavasa is the only first private planned city in India. One can easily visit this place for experiencing serenity and divine bliss of nature. Adventure sports, hiking, camping or trekking can be done on its hills.

6. Panchgani This is an attractive hill station which is located amidst the hills of Sahyadri range. There are farms located nearby firom where one can purchase jams and squash at reasonable rates. One can spend the day on trekking and visiting the nearby Rajapuri caves.

7. Alibaug If you want to enjoy a beach holiday, you can visit Alibaug. You can visit forts, dive and take a dip in to the sea water and entertain yourself. It is one of the most visited travel destinations in Maharashtra.

So, what are you waiting for? Plan out a short trip along with your friends and visit any of these places this coming long weekend!

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