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8 Food That College Students Must Avoid For Good Health

Your health depends on the food you consume. So, whatever food you have, you must relish it for its taste, grandeur and benefits. Every food has it

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Your health depends on the food you consume. So, whatever food you have, you must relish it for its taste, grandeur and benefits.

Every food has its own taste and benefit but some dishes contain either excess of a quality or too less of it. Then arises the problem of selection of food to maintain good health along with a filled apetite. College life is something where you indulge yourself in a different lifestyle which also includes food and lack of exercises.

Let's go through those food that college students must avoid to stay healthy.

1. Junk food: It is impossible top avoid fast food especially when you stay away from home. But avoiding junk items help you life healthy and fit keeping away diseases. Even if you have to opt for a junk dish, you must choose them wisely. Its calories and fats should not harm you at all.

2. Coffee/ Alcohol: Every student makes it a habit to consume coffee or tea for late night studies. Similarly college students opt for alcohol as their favorite drinks during parties. So, limiting these to maximum would keep you healthy and strong.

3. Excess of Sugar: Excessive intake of sugar or sucralose might cause diabetes or other health related issues. Therefore, you must be aware of the amount of sugar you consume.

4. Stale/Raw food: Every food package has its own expiry date which must be seen before using. Stale fruits, expired packaged food items or stale bread must be avoided as far as possible. Similarly raw food like raw vegetables or raw noodles should be avoided as they might cause harm to your body.

5. Fried Food: Excess of fried food should be avoided in order to stay healthy and fit. Students often linger around fried food stalls as they seem to be yummier but are harmful if consumed in excess.

6. Roadside Stall food: It is okay to have every dish from the popular vendors of your city. But, students must be cautious enough to eat only the food which are hygienic and safe to consume. Every roadside vendor must not sell fresh or clean food.

7. Frozen or Packaged Food: Frozen food items must be avoided to a large extent possible as they contain preservatives and harmful chemicals for the body. So opting for fresh food is the best. Frozen meat, sausages, pork, cold storage fruits among others must be avoided to stay fit.

8. Snacks: College students often binge into regular snacks in between studies, lectures or watching movies. Be it biscuits, mixtures, namkeen or toffees, snacks should be consumed only to a limited need. Munching snacks causes your teeth to decay fast and also affects your liver and stomach to function well.

Hope, these food would be consumed to its minimum from now onwards. Happy Eating!

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