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DIY Budget Hacks to Celebrate Diwali on Campus

A chunk of students pursuing their career and education goals who are not able to go home or native town because of various reasons. Don't worry, brings you these ideas that can light up your Diwali, quite literally!

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Diwali is that time of the year when one wants to spend time with family and friends and at the same time go traditional all the way! It is a festival that is celebrated, as we all know, to mark the victory of good over evil. Lord Rama defeated the demon Ravana and returned to his birthplace on this day. He was welcomed to Ayodhya, his birthplace, with celebrations all around, sweets, the lighting of diyas etc. Since decades, Diwali is celebrated with all the enthusiasm and energy year after year.

On the other hand, there is a chunk of students pursuing their career and education goals who are not able to go home or native town because of various reasons. These could be non-availability of reasonable tickets, exams scheduled the week after, work submissions, assignments etc. But don't worry, you need not get sad! There are plenty ways that can help you not feel alone or left out this Diwali.

Taking some time off and indulging in a celebration mode on Diwali is important! brings you these ideas that can light up your Diwali, quite literally! And notably, these are completely budget-friendly and can be implemented by you with ease.

1. Light up diyas instead of candles!

Instead of wasting electricity to light up your room, you could do something unique this time. Get some diyas made of clay from the market, decorate them with some colors and paints, use some oil or candle wax to light them up. Definitely a good alternative to buying a pack of candles that are more expensive! And not to forget, with this you will also help someone else celebrate Diwali - the potters!

2. Chalk out a Rangoli - organic style!

One of the traditions is to make a rangoli every Diwali! Instead of buying chemical based colors for making the rangoli, you could use some budget-friendly flower petals, flour, turmeric, rice and other such things available handy to create something extraordinary and beautiful! You could even organize a room-wise rangoli competition and later ask faculty members to pick the winner!

3. Light it up (in budget) !

You may have some spare glass bottles lying in your hostel. You could use them in a very creative way. Let us tell you how! Paint the bottle, use paper cut outs, etc. to decorate the bottle and in the end put some ferry lights and put them on the window pane. And to make it more interesting, you could put in some messages in these fairy-lit bottles and even gift it to your peers and teachers! Or you can also use this budget decor item to light up your hostel mate's room to give the best Diwali surprise ever!

4. Drape a dupatta or saree to decorate your room!

Another option is to drape colourful dupattas and sarees in different ways to connect different corners of the room and the ceiling in the centre - with the fan. Also you could use these on windows and doors, behind your bed and put strings of flowers in between! Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

5. Organise a dandiya/dance night!

So your college didn't approve the budget for the DJ? No worries. How about pulling off a Dandiya night with your friends? Just compile a few Gujarati and bollywood tracks and make everyone groove on your playlist on the day. All you need to do is to rent a few dandiya sticks and put together bright and jazzy traditional attires. Invite all the faculty members and other students to participate and dance the night away!

6. Budget-friendly gifting ideas!

Gifting need not be expensive every time. Paint some diyas, get some stationery items such as notebooks, colours, and pens, make candles on your own using some wax etc. and gift them to your friends, teachers and helpers on the day. And if you're good at preparing sweets, you could cook/prepare that too and gift it further!

We hope these ideas can be of some help to brighten up your day to the fullest!

CollegeDekho wishes you all a very HAPPY DIWALI!

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