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IGNOU Passing Marks 2024 for UG, PG and Diploma Courses

IGNOU passing marks 2024 shall vary course-wise and for assignments, theory and practicals. Find out all about IGNOU passing marks for UG, PG and Diploma courses here.

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IGNOU Passing Marks 2024: To successfully complete a course and get a degree from IGNOU, scoringpassing marks is mandatory. The same varies from one course to another. Thus, students must understand the IGNOU qualifying marks and the evaluation process for UG, PG, Diploma, and other courses. It must also be noted that students must achieve passing marks in all components of assessment during each term of their course, which includes theory, practicals, and assignments. Let us explore more about IGNOU passing marks 2024 and the importance of meeting these requirements.

IGNOU Passing Marks 2024: UG, PG, Diploma Courses

The passing marks for Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) courses vary depending on the program and the level of study. Continue reading to find IGNOU Passing marks and the evaluation process for different courses:

IGNOU Passing Marks for Undergraduate Courses

According to the curriculum, students must score at least 35 marks out of 100 in each theory paper and at least 50 out of 100 marks in each practical paper to pass the course. Additionally, students must score at least 50% of the total marks for the course to pass overall. The passing marks for undergraduate courses at IGNOU are as follows:

Undergraduate Courses

Passing Marks in Theory

Passing Marks in Assignment

BA, BCom, BSc, and BTS

35% (35 out of 100, 18 out of 50)



40% (40 out of 100, 20 out of 50)



C Grade (50 to 59 marks)

D Grade (40% to 49%)

IGNOU Passing Marks 2024 for Postgraduate Courses

Students must score at least 40 marks out of 100 in each theory paper and at least 50 marks out of 100 in each practical paper in order to pass the course. Additionally, students must score at least 50% of the total marks for the course in order to pass overall. The passing marks for postgraduate courses at IGNOU are as follows:

Postgraduate Courses

Passing Marks in Theory

Passing Marks in Assignment


40 out of 100 and 20 out of 50



C Grade (50 to 59%)

D Grade (40 to 49%)


C Grade (50 to 59%)

D Grade (40 to 49%)

IGNOU Passing Marks 2024 for Diploma Courses

The marks for passing the IGNOU Diploma course are 40% for each subject chosen by the student at the time of admission. This means that each student must obtain a minimum of 40 marks out of 100 in both assignments and theoretical exams. In the diploma courses, tasks marked by the lecturer are carried out every semester, which have a weightage of 30% of the entire course.

Also Read:Last Minute Preparation Tips for IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam

IGNOU Passing Marks 2024 for Assignments  

IGNOU assignments contain a total of 30% of the total percentage for the entire year. Candidates enrolled in IGNOU for certificate and diploma programs must obtain the minimum qualifying mark that is set by the IGNOU officials to achieve passing marks for every course. Students must score at least 35 marks out of 100 in each assignment for undergraduate courses. For students who are enrolled in Master's courses, the minimum passing marks are 40 out of 100. Students must also know that with the theory marks at IGNOU, they must also get passing marks in Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) for getting passing marks.

What is the Passing Marks in IGNOU Out of 25, 35, 50, 70, 75 & 100?

Since students have to participate in different types of assessment while pursuing their course at IGNOU, they ust be aware of the passing marks for each type of examination and maximum marks. Take a look at the table below to know the passing marks out of different maximum marks:

Total Marks for Assessment

Minimum Passing Marks (After Rounding-off)

Total Marks of 25


Total Marks of 35


Total Marks of 50


Total Marks of 70


Total Marks of 75


Total Marks of 100


IGNOU Grading System 2024

Students enrolled in IGNOU are required to obtain a D grade in midterms, Final, and Placement Examinations which is the minimum qualifying standard for each course. However, the student's overall average must be a grade of "C" or higher, which will guarantee their passing the semester and final semester. The table below shows the IGNOU grading system 2024:


Marks (Out of 100)


80 and more


60 to 79


50 to 59


40 to 49


35 to 39


Below 35

How to Get Passing Marks in IGNOU?

Below are the steps that students can follow to get passing marks in all the courses offered by IGNOU.

  • Understand the Course: Make sure you understand the key concepts and theories covered in the course. Students can get knowledge by reading the course materials carefully, attending coaching classes, and discussing the course material with their faculty and classmates.
  • Study Regularly:  Don't wait until the last minute to start studying. Set aside time each week to study for your IGNOU courses.
  • Utilize IGNOU’s Study Center: The IGNOU study centers have resources that can help you learn the material and prepare for your exams. 
  • Practice Regularly: The best way to pass exams is to practice questions regularly. Students can do this by solving previous year's question papers, working on sample assignments, and taking practice tests.
  • Complete Your Assignments:  IGNOU assignments are an important part of the assessment process. By completing your assignments on time, you will be able to get feedback from your faculty and make sure to track and give your best in assignments to pass the course.
  • Have a Good Study Group: Studying with other students can help you to stay motivated and to learn from each other.
  • Online Study Material: There are several online resources available to IGNOU students, such as discussion forums, e-books, and video lectures. These resources can be very helpful for studying and preparing for exams.

Related Articles:

Stay tuned to get more information about IGNOU passing marks and related topics. In case a student have any doubts, they can write to us on the CollegeDekho QnA Portal or dial the helpline number 1800-572-9877 where our counselors and experts will provide them with the best solutions to their problems.

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How can I calculate my IGNOU final marks?

To calculate the IGNOU final marks students must add the total weighted marks for all subjects. Further, students can calculate the IGNOU final percentage by dividing the total weighted marks by the maximum possible marks (the total weighted marks of all subjects) and multiplying by 100.

How can I download the IGNOU marksheet?

Students can download the IGNOU marksheet by following the steps below:

  • Students must visit the official website - ignou.ac.in
  • On the official website they must click on ‘Results’ which can found under Students Support or on the homepage
  • Students must locate the section for marksheet download
  • Subsequently, students must download the required marksheet by provided their Program Name and Enrollment Number

Is it difficult to score the IGNOU passing marks?

No, it is not difficult to score the IGNOU passing marks if a student has prepared well for their assessment. IGNOU exams focus more on conceptual understanding and application ability than on memorization. Candidates typically must score 60-65% to pass their exams.

How is the IGNOU passing marks calculated?

The IGNOU passing marks is calculated by combining the marks of all the types of assessment a student has appeared for during the entire semester. The overall passing marks is calculated using 70% of the total marks obtained in theory papers and 30% of the marks in assignments.

What is the IGNOU passing marks out of 100?

The IGNOU passing marks out of 100 is 35. Students must make sure they check the IGNOU passing marks for their course as it may higher than 35 or lower depending on the total marks of the assessment.

How can I check the Pass or Fail status at IGNOU?

Students who wish to check their Pass or Fail status at IGNOU must follow the steps below:

  • Visit the official website - ignou.ac.in
  • Click on the link named ‘Results’
  • Click on the link named ‘Grade Card’ on the left side.
  • On the next page enter the required credentials like Program Name and Enrollment Number
  • The Grade Card will be displayed on the screen. Download the same for future reference.

What is the IGNOU passing marks for undergraduate courses?

The IGNOU passing marks for undergraduate courses is different for different types of courses. The passing marks for BA, BCom, BSc, and BTS is 35% for both theory and assignments. For BCA the passing marks is 40% for both theory and assignments. For BBA the passing marks is 50 to 59 in theory and 40%-49% in assignments.

What is the IGNOU passing marks?

The IGNOU passing marks is the minimum score that students must achieve in their exams or other types of assessments during the course they are pusring at IGNOU. The passing marks of IGNOU vary from course to course as every course has different passing marks.

What is the passing marks for IGNOU’s master’s courses?

The minimum pass mark for Masters courses at IGNOU is 40 out of 100. Therefore it means to clear the course the student has to score at least 40% or above marks to pass. The passing marks for MBA and MARD theory papers are 50 to 59%.

Which grade will be provided to students scoring 35% or less in their IGNOU exam?

The grade that will be provided to students scoring 35% or less in their IGNOU exam is E. The grade E means he/she has failed in the subject. Students must score above 35% to pass the assessment.

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