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Learn ' Management of Life’, on the Eve of Krishna Janmashtami

As the Shri Krishna Janmashtami approaches now it’s time again to renew our bond with the Lord as to get blessing and peace of mind. The festiva

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As the Shri Krishna Janmashtami approaches now it’s time again to renew our bond with the Lord as to get blessing and peace of mind. The festival is celebrated in different parts of the world in different hues but the messages Krishna delivered to Arjuna before the start of the Kurukshetra battle in Bhagawat Gita is Universal and Eternal.

What Krishna told to Arjuna are all about life, success, failure, truth and above all ' Management of Life’, which is still working in every human’s life after five thousand years of its deliverance.

Let's see find out few points on the ways of living that are mentioned in the Gita on life and its management.

Be Calm and Peaceful The Gita teaches us to always be calm in life. Anger and its management is necessary to attain peace along with success. Anger causes misunderstandings and chaos in inner soul. So, one must try to remain as calm as possible under every situation in life.

Avoid the Extremes: One must always follow to avoid the extremities in life. Too much of everything is bad and therefore, one should follow the path of mediocrity to stay happy and at peace.

Be Responsible: The Gita clearly teaches us to be responsible and alert towards our action. Several shlokas advise us to keep on doing whatever work we are doing and not to deviate from work. Our work and duty describe us as our true self. Hence, one must be wise and sincere towards his/her work. Running away from one's duty refrains from success and achievements in life.

No to Too Many Desires: Human mind is filled with innumerable desires. So, staying away from desires and emotions might be helpful in leading you towards life's success. Our mind always desires for happiness in its various forms, and once it is not achieved, we as humans fill ourselves with anger, jealousy or hatred. These negative feelings often cause a state of failure in mind.

Abstain from Fear and Doubt: Managing life is important in order to stay calm and happy. Krishna teaches Arjuna never to fear death or other causes of depression. Death is not the end of life, it is a transition from one soul to another. Without fear, life would be so beautiful and serene one cannot even imagine! Also, one must never doubt on oneself and its origin. Faith is must to attain success throughout life.

Be Selfless Wherever you turn your head, you'll find selfishness hovering around you. Today, people are more focused for their own gains. In the Gita, Krishna teaches Arjuna to be selfless and carry his life forward. This would eventually cause you immense happiness and satisfaction to one's soul.

Nothing is Forever: Detached with attached and attached with detached – is the essence of life what Gita teaches. This is one of the important teachings in the Gita that explains nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary and for a specific time period. Therefore, to stay happy and calm, one must not get attached to the worldly possessions and materialistic world.

Whatever Happens Is For Good: One must always remember that whatever happens in life is always for the good. It teaches to be sincere, true and adamant towards life. One should not worry for something which might lead to stress. Everything happens for a reason and for the benefit of the soul.

Out of the 700 Shlokas these are the few gist. But on this Janmashtami, you can promise yourself to read the Bhagwat Gita at least once as to understand the above teachings of Krishna that is ' Management of Life’.

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