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The Best Part of College Life – Hostel

Dormitories and hostels are the best part of education. They are the places where we get to experience self-dependence and a tinge of control over our

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Dormitories and hostels are the best part of education. They are the places where we get to experience self-dependence and a tinge of control over our lives. Roommates become family, wardens become guardians and hostel becomes a home away from home.

If you have spent your college days in a hostel then you definitely know the advantages of hostel life but if you are just applying to colleges then make sure that you get admission as a boarder. College life is all about having the best academic experience with a great hostel life. Staying with peers makes you a better person, an experienced person, capable of handling and managing your life better. So go ahead and make it the best time of your life.

If there was a time when boarding school was your world; when the mess was your refuge in hunger and when the meaning of get-together was having snacks with friends in the common room then you have had a great time in boarding school. Let’s make you nostalgic with CollegeDekho’s list of 10 things you’ll know if you have studied in a Boarding School.

First Days are the Worst

You’ll never forget the first day you walked into the hostel and all your inmates stared at you like you had grown three heads. That was probably the longest night for you have had in your education years.

Signing out before leaving the Campus

It was annoying signing your name in the attendance register each time you leave. The warden made sure that you remember to sign by taking fine each time you didn’t sign.

There was a treasure below your Pillow

You would keep your essentials below the pillow. Even though it was just the image of your favourite cricket player or a few candies or a few coins; that treasure made you feel like the richest person in the world.

There is a secret passage from where you sneaked out of the hostel

You and your friends knew how to sneak out of the school without being noticed. That secret passage that seniors told you about helped you to discover the town like no fellow student had.

Morning sports is the worst time of the Day

The morning bell is everyone’s enemy. You hated waking up early each day just to exercise. Well, most of the times you were dozing off on the field!

Atleast one building on the School premises is deemed haunted

You still remember the stories your senior use to tell about that building in the school that was haunted. It was the legacy of the school even though there was nothing haunted about that building.

Sunday afternoons are the best

Everyone use to wait for Sundays desperately because Sunday afternoon was movie time. No matter which part of the school you were in or how sleepy you were, you ever never missed the movie.

Forming a queue for using the Bathroom

Standing outside the bathrooms in a queue was your idea of a normal morning. It was easier in the winters because avoiding a bath for a day or two was not abnormal.

Group studies during Exams

There was no point in studying alone. There was always a group that knew the important topics and had the best notes. Studying with them was much easier and productive.

Happiness of getting desert with Dinner

No matter how bad the dinner was, if there is desert then your eyes lit up with happiness.

Here ends our list of things you will remember if you have studied in a boarding school. For all those of you who are applying for admission process of various colleges, make sure that you pick the college with the best hostel facility because that is going to be your home for the rest of your graduation.

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