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AP EAMCET Online Certificate Verification 2023: Instructions, Steps to Edit Details

The counselling process will begin soon, so, candidates are advised to note the details on editing and the AP EAMCET Online Certificate Verification 2023 process to be carried out before the web options. 

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AP EAMCET Online Certificate Verification 2023: The AP EAMCET Counselling 2023 Dates will be released soon, and all eligible candidates are advised to be prepared to register and fill out their web options. However, to fill out the web options, candidates shall ensure that their documents are verified online. The AP EAMCET follows an online certification verification process, where the documents are verified online by the officials directly after uploading them to the profile. All candidates shall undergo the AP EAMCET Online Certificate Verification 2023 process before filling out the web options. 

AP EAMCET Online Certificate Verification 2023: Instructions

Here are some of the points to be noted by the candidates regarding the AP EAMCET Online Certificate Verification 2023 process: 
AP EAMCET Online Certificate Verification 2023 StatusDetails 
Status 1: If the Document is Verified At the time of registration for the AP EAMCET 2023 exam, candidates have uploaded their documents online, which have been verified by the authorities. While registering for the counselling process, such candidates need not verify their documents again, and simply register and directly access the web options. The documents will be auto-verified by the authorities. 
Status 2: If the Document is verified, but requires Editing/Changes If the document submitted by the candidate at the time of registration for the entrance exam is required to change or edit, candidates shall re-upload the documents online while registering for the AP EAMCET Counselling 2023. The documents will be verified by the officials online, and then candidates will be eligible to access the web options. 
Status 3: If the Documents are not verified In case the document is not auto-verified at the time of registration for the entrance exam, such candidates shall upload their documents to the registration portal for the counselling process and wait for verification. After registration, candidates shall check the status of their profile. Only after successful verification of the documents, candidates shall exercise the web options. 
Note: In any of these cases, candidates need not go to the helpline centres. And in case of any queries or problems regarding the document verification process, candidates shall go to the helpline centres. 
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AP EAMCET Online Certificate Verification 2023: Steps to Edit Details 

If any of the uploaded documents require editing or changes, the same will be notified in the candidates' profile. So, here are the steps to follow to check and edit the details: 
  • On the homepage of the official website, after the registration candidates shall click on the link, "Verification Status". 
  • Candidates shall enter their hall ticket number and date of birth, and click on the "Show" tab. 
  • Candidates whose documents are verified will be notified as "Candidate is eligible for exercising options" and whose documents are not verified will be displayed as, "Candidate is not eligible or certificate verification is in progress". 
  • If the document is not verified, candidates shall upload the documents to their profile again, and wait for the Helpline Centre officials to verify the documents. 
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