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Delhi School for Transnational Affairs Inaugurated by DU

  • Delhi University inaugurated Delhi School of Transnational Affairs on 17 January 2018.

  • The institution has been established in collaboration with External Publicity and Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs.

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Delhi School of Transnational Affairs was inaugurated by the Delhi University on 17 January 2018. The institution aims to promote quality in transnational, comparative and inter-disciplinary research.

External Publicity and Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs has collaborated with Delhi University to set up this institution.

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As said by the officials of the university, Delhi School of Transnational Affairs is conceived as a virtual and global platform for cutting-edge debates on a number of academic issues related to transnational significance.

Indian diplomat and author, Gopalaswami Parthasarathy, also known as G. Parthasarathy, started the function with his lecture on India's foreign policy and approval of India’s detachment in the disputes in West Asia along with a comprehensive overview.

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Delhi School of Transnational Affairs desires to bridge the obstructions between thinkers, scholars and experts around the globe to come under one shed and share ideas and thoughts on a similar platform. Political Science, Social Science, Economics and Security, are subjects that will be taken care of in Delhi School of Transnational Affairs.

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