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IT Companies May Cold-Shoulder B.Tech-Only Techies in Future: Mohandas Pai

  • Future engineering aspirants must have an M.Tech degree and exceptional coding skills if they wish to secure a job in IT sector. 
  • Most of the IT companies in India may not offer higher salaries to fresh engineering graduates. 

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Future youngsters who possess only B.Tech degree might face hardship in finding a job in IT sector. Mr. Mohandas Pai, a famous industry veteran revealed that most of the companies in future would prefer to recruit postgraduates with specialised expertise. He further revealed that B.Tech degree is not sufficient to secure a job in coming years, and one must have an M.Tech degree and specialisation. Mr. Mohandas Pai is a former HR Head & Ex-Chief Financial Officer of Infosys. Currently, he is the Chairman of Manipal Global Education Services.

Advising the students, Mr. Pai mentioned that students pursuing technical education in various colleges must do a M.Tech and specialise in a particular field. The students must also learn coding independently by taking extra classes. Most of the companies in future will hire students based on their coding skills and knowledge. He further added that these companies would not waste their time in training the candidates for six months and pay them during the training period. Most probably, companies will hire only the graduates with exceptional coding skills.

He indicated that students must have M.Tech degree, coding skills and expertise in subject to secure a job in future. Speaking about the minimal salary packages offered by various IT companies, Mr. Pai termed it as a great tragedy. The IT industry is not growing at a fast pace, and the consequence is minimal salary packages.

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Mr. Pai pointed that there is no proper balance between supply and demand. The country is producing numerous software engineers every year, and the employment opportunities have not been increasing rapidly. Simply, the supply of human resource is more, and the employment opportunities are less.

He revealed that the increase in global spending in IT sector was 3-4% earlier. Now, the global spending on IT sector is expected to grow only 2 percent this year. The current scenario of global spending is having a negative impact on the increasing employment opportunities. This year, IT industry might hire around 1.5 lakh to 1.6 lakh people, he added.

Mr. Pai also pointed that it is not possible for the economy of any country to absorb one million engineers every year. Big economies like China cannot absorb overflow of engineering graduates.

Citing the reports regarding the salary packages, Mr. Pai revealed that the salary package for fresh graduates was around Rs. 2.25 lakh per annum two decades ago. However, the salary package offered to fresh graduates now has been increased to Rs. 3.5 lakh per annum. The inflation-adjusted perspective has led to the decline in real wages, he explained.

Mr. Pai explained that renowned IT companies in India have jointly decided not to offer higher salaries to fresh engineering graduates due to an oversupply of software engineers at the entry level. He also pointed that these companies have taken the situation as an advantage, and started to offer minimal salary packages.

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Mr. Pai is also a member of the Board of Directors of National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. He did not agree with the reports that indicated widespread job losses in the slowdown-hit IT industry. He claimed that the reports have just exaggerated the situation. There is no crisis in the IT industry. He thrashed the reports claiming job losses in the IT industry. He clarified that only 1-2 percent of non-performers are asked to leave the company.

Mr. Pai also pointed that there have not been any extraordinary happenings about the job losses. He criticised the people who are trying to form unions in IT industry. These people often create hype or fear among the other employees, he explained. He advised the employees not to follow such kind of persons.

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