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5 Smart Ways to Boost Your Concentration Power

Increase your concentration power and retention abilities for a better life with these simple tips!!

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How many times have you sat down to complete some important pending tasks, only to learn that your mind is wandering in some other direction? So you end up wasting your time, staring at the screen, unable to focus and are totally frustrated. Yeah! You are not the only one, we all are in this together.

According to a research conducted by the University of California, it was found that a regular human is bombarded with 34gb of information every day, twice as much as 30 years ago! Constant interruptions - courtesy mobile phones, colleagues, endless social media platforms, event updates etc. have decreased our concentration power to such low levels that it often turns counterproductive leaving you exhausted and frustrated.

Also Read:9 Time Management Hacks to Add More Hours in Your Day

Lack of concentration is an issue reported by people of all ages. From school children to college students, working employees to home-makers, losing focus from work makes it hard for people to accomplish their daily goals and targets.

Following tips by will not only help you increase your concentration power and retention abilities but also help you live a satisfied life.

  • No to Multitasking:

The very basis of concentrating is when you take off your mind of many things and put it on one thing. Learn to prioritize errands in a particular order, according to the importance of each task. Do the most important tasks first and leave the lesser important tasks for later.

Make sure you are not multi-tasking as this will only lead to a state of continuous partial attention, which will result in achieving less and committing more mistakes.

  • Eliminate Distractions:

Shut away your phone, close your e-mail, log out from your twitter account and say bye to facebook friends. If you want to concentrate on one thing, you will need to eliminate as many distractions as possible.

Personal advice: If it's the noise around you which is distracting you, try listening to some calming music on youtube. (You can thank me later!)

Also Read:Easy Hacks to Instantly Make You the Master of Time

  • Promise yourself a treat:

Isn’t it motivating when you have little-little self-rewards for random tasks? Go ahead! Give yourself some challenges and enjoy the victory. For instance, take yourself out for a 15-minute treat after focussing intensively for 45 minutes.

  • Break time - every time:

You cannot master the art of focusing without taking a few breaks in between! While switching between tasks in your hectic and tiring schedule, remember to take breaks. Allot the number of hours for your tasks and take a break of at least 10-15 minutes before focussing again.

Also Read: 10 Productive Ways to Spend Time in College

  • Declutter your mind with Meditation:

With our mind trying to grasp tonnes of information at once, we need to declutter the extra and excess ones out. Research shows that meditating at least 10 minutes a day not only helps in increasing your concentration power but also reduces stress and keeps you calm and vibrant.

With rapid growth and industrialization, technology is taking over the world. Endless social media platforms and websites make everything available on a click of a button. However, our brain is finding it hard to keep up with this fast track. With the never ending desire to be on top, we want to know it all and grasp every bit of information within our reach. During this process, we often shut away from the important things and focus on the irrelevant ones. With an improved concentration power, one can accomplish their daily goals and targets effectively and efficiently.

All the best!

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