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Analysing IGNOU Toppers Marks Percentage

Curious about knowing the IGNOU toppers marks percentage for the June 2023 session? This article will provide valuable insights into the marking structure and assist you in establishing realistic academic goals.

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Analysing IGNOU Toppers Marks Percentage: Are you appearing for the IGNOU's term-end exam? You might be researching the previous session’s pass percentage or the list of toppers for the previous session to gain some clarity. Well, analysis of qualifying or highest cutoff is vital to set goals in the upcoming exam. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) being the pioneer in the distance learning mode of education conducts term-end exams twice a year i.e. June and December. As per rules enforced by the varsity, students need to score around 35 marks out of 100 marks in both theory and practical papers to be considered passed. Read this article to gather adequate information about the IGNOU cutoff, grading system, and IGNOU topper's marks percentage.

Also Read: 

Analysis of IGNOU Toppers Marks for June 2023

An insight while analysing IGNOU toppers marks percentage can prove helpful for the students to set their academic goals. The result can be certainly a reflection of the varsity’s educational standards, resource availability, or facilities like labs or libraries. After analysis of the previous year's results, it has been noticed that the percentages of toppers vary from region to region. As per the June 2023 IGNOU term-end exam, the northeastern region performed well with a pass percentage of around 78% followed by the southern and western regions. 

IGNOU Region-wise Pass Percentage 2023

 Let's explore region-wise IGNOU pass percentage from the table below to get a fair idea about students' performances.


Pass percentage

North-eastern Region


Southern Region 


Western Region


Eastern Region


Northern Region


How to Calculate IGNOU Percentage?

Students need to grasp the method of calculating their IGNOU percentage. This understanding is key in determining whether they have achieved the required marks to pass or excel in the semester. Calculating the IGNOU percentage involves a simple formula: add up the total marks obtained in all subjects, then divide this total by the maximum marks possible, and multiply the result by 100. This percentage not only indicates their academic standing but also helps them assess if they've met the passing criteria or achieved outstanding performance aligned with their goBelowbelow is a table representing how to calculate the IGNOU percentage: 


Obtained Marks

Theory (70%)

Assignment (30%)






















Engineering Drawing






Shop Class






Total Marks 


Percentage (%)


IGNOU Grade System for Percentage

Students will receive letter grades, indicating that their marks will be converted into percentages and then further translated into letter grades. The table provided below allows students to easily determine the specific grade category and will help them to know if they fall into the category of IGNOU toppers percentage list based on their performance.



Qualitative level

Point Grade


80% and Above




60% to 79.9%

Very Good



50% to 59.9%




40% to 49.9%




Below 40%



How to Become an IGNOU Topper?

Wondering how to become an IGNOU topper? To pave the way to success in the term-end exam, it is important to work hard and prepare well. Here are some tips you can use for achieving equal or more than last year’s IGNOU toppers percentage.

  • Students need to study regularly and effectively. IGNOU courses are self-paced, but it is important to chalk out a proper study plan to achieve good results.
  • Use the study materials provided by IGNOU. The study materials provided by IGNOU are comprehensive and well-written. They cover all the topics that are included in the examinations.
  • IGNOU Study Centres offer tutorials and workshops for students. These sessions provide students with an opportunity to learn from experienced faculty members and interact with other students.
  • Solving previous years' question papers can assist the students aiming to top the exam. It will help in understanding the exam pattern and the type of questions that are asked.
  • Students should be confident and appear for the examinations with a positive attitude.
  • It is recommended not to memorize facts and figures. Make sure you understand the subject’s concepts and principles carefully.
  • It is vital to write clearly, and concisely, and make well-structured answers to enhance chances of scoring high in IGNOU exams.
  • The student should prioritize their physical and mental well-being by eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.  

Challenges Faced by IGNOU Toppers and Students During Exams

There are various challenges faced by students during their exams including:

  • Firstly, IGNOU courses are self-paced. This is challenging, especially for students who are not used to self-directed learning.
  • IGNOU students do not have the opportunity to interact with faculty members regularly. This can make it difficult for students to get help with their studies and to clarify any doubts they may have.
  • The large volume of study material provided by IGNOU, sometimes, becomes overwhelming for students, especially those who are working full-time or have other commitments.
  • IGNOU examinations are conducted at various examination centres located all over India. Students may have to travel long distances to reach their examination center. This can be inconvenient and expensive for students.
  • IGNOU examinations are typically conducted twice a year, in June and December. This can also be challenging for students who are working full-time or have other commitments.
  • IGNOU examinations are typically in the form of written examinations. This can be challenging for students who are not used to writing long answers.

You might have got a fair idea about the marks you should aim for in the upcoming term-end exams to achieve the IGNOU topper marks percentage. 

For any enquires regarding colleges, courses, or IGNOU assignments, feel free to reach our educational counsellors at 1800-572-9877

Written By: Deepit Mathur

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What is the first class mark in IGNOU?

At IGNOU, they employ a grading system instead of assigning specific marks for classifications. Achieving a First Class at IGNOU involves securing 60% or more in your overall score, which includes both assignments and exams. This accomplishment corresponds to a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 and above on their 4-point scale. It's important to note that certain programs may have elevated thresholds for distinctions or other honors. Understanding this grading system is essential for navigating your academic performance at IGNOU.

Is 35 out of 100 passing marks in IGNOU?

Yes, in IGNOU's Bachelor's programs, the minimum passing marks for both theory and practical papers stand at 35 out of 100. Meanwhile, for Master's programs, the passing mark requirement is slightly higher, set at 40 out of 100. It's crucial to note that assignments play a substantial role, contributing 30% to the overall score for Bachelor's programs and 40% for Master's programs. Achieving passing marks in assignments is equally important alongside exams to successfully complete the courses.

Does IGNOU give gold medals to their toppers?

Yes, IGNOU acknowledges and rewards program toppers with Gold Medals based on specific criteria. To qualify, students must attain the highest marks, complete the program within the minimum duration, achieve a first division, and avoid repeating courses or facing charges related to unfair means. For additional information, you can refer to IGNOU's official website or stay updated through their official announcements regarding the convocation ceremony.

What factors contribute to students becoming toppers in IGNOU?

Balancing work, studies, and personal life demands excellent time management. It's vital to stick to a well-organized study plan and consistently review materials. Effective study strategies, such as recognizing personal learning styles and using techniques like active recall and spaced repetition, contribute to success. Utilizing IGNOU materials, study guides, and online resources, including forums and alumni tips, maximizes learning potential. Seeking support through collaboration with peers, joining study groups, and seeking guidance from faculty can prove highly beneficial. In essence, mastering time management, maintaining discipline, employing effective study strategies, utilizing resources wisely, and seeking support are key elements in navigating the challenges of juggling multiple responsibilities.

What were the overall trends in IGNOU 2023 topper marks across different programs?

Unfortunately, the official list of IGNOU 2023 toppers and their detailed marks haven't been made public. The June 2023 exam results have been announced recently, and the re-evaluation process is still underway. Typically, the official topper list becomes available after the results are finalized and re-evaluations conclude. Consequently, at this point, it's not feasible to analyze the overall trends in topper marks across various programs for IGNOU 2023.

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