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Stereotype of Students Meet In Every Indian Campus

With the saga of the cut-off list is almost over, the students are ready to be a part of several Universities and Colleges associated with it. Th

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<p>With the saga of the cut-off list is almost over, the students are ready to be a part of several Universities and Colleges associated with it. The excitement of entering into a completely new world and making new friends will also bring some learning experience.
Well, College is the best time of your life, and you have no idea &hellip; do you? Let me help. Here are the kind of people you&rsquo;ll meet in college which you can even identify after leaving the college.

The front benchers:

The front benchers still think they are in school. They never doze off during lectures and the boring lectures are interesting to these guys. They generally show up to class 5 minutes early. They often read the textbook before class and answer all the questions.

The enthusiasts:

They are always ready to everything that happen in your campus. They are most curious for extracurricular activities and organise the college excursion. They are like moving walky-talky and basically the energizer bunny of the class.

The guy with proxy:

These are known as late-latifs. Never attend a class on time and ask their friends to give proxy&rsquo;s for them. They are fun-loving and kinda unable to finish their work on time.

The firm follower of Bhai:

Whether or not, they could fight but the higher pitch voice of calling people outside freaks other out. They are always ready to pick a fight and beat others down. They befriend with people like them only.

Baby Couple:
The couple who thinks of themselves a replica of Lela and Majnu and always stays together. They walk together, they talk together and they call each other &lsquo;Baby&rsquo;, &lsquo;Sweetu&rsquo; and &lsquo;Honey&rsquo;. They keep on irritating the class without bothering.

The Rapper:

They are more party people. Every single day is Saturday to them and every night is a party. They prefer to sing honey Singh's song and behave like Eminem.

Self-declared Ministers:

Politics is their way of life. They are always fighting for students&rsquo; rights and equality. They actually have connections with ministers and officials. They&rsquo;re the ones who bring in the chief guests for college functions. And they have lofty ambitions of running the Government one day.


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