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Shortcut Tricks to Score 99 Percentile in CAT 2023

Learn the shortcut tricks to Score 99 Percentile in CAT 2023! Enhance your chances of cracking the CAT with top ranks by following the top tricks suggested by toppers from this article, and confirm your seat in IIM.


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CAT 2023 Shortcut Tricks for 99 Percentile: Embarking on the path to top management schools requires aspirants to ace the CAT 2023 exam. The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a premier national-level examination conducted by the IIMs rotationally to help students enroll in 2-year MBA programs. Well, the road to India’s top IIMs is no cakewalk as qualifying for the CAT requires dedication, strategic planning, and effective time management. 

For students aspiring to enhance their chances of securing a seat among India’s list of top MBA Colleges like the IIMs IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Ahmedabad, and IIM Lucknow among others, 99 percentile in CAT is necessary. Qualifying this popular management entrance requires aspirants to master their skills in the four major genres including arithmetic, language, aptitude, and logical reasoning. If you are curious to discover the top CAT shortcut tricks to score 99 percentile, keep reading. Find the CAT 2023 question paper, answer key and the CAT 2023 slot-wise analysis below:

CAT 2023 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme & Syllabus

As mentioned above, the CAT is a highly competitive and challenging exam that can be qualified with the right kind of strategies and tricks, the first step towards achieving the 99 percentile goal is undoubtedly familiarizing the exam pattern. The entrance will be conducted in online mode for 120 minutes. Examinees will be tested on certain skills, including decision-making, problem-solving, and comprehension. The question paper is segregated into three core sections and students need to answer around 66 questions. However, it should be noted that the number of questions is constantly updated by the IIM administering the exam, each year. 

Let’s gain a detailed insight into CAT’s exam pattern from the table below:



CAT exam mode


Section wise duration

  • Quantitative Ability (QA): 40 minutes
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation(LRDI): 40 minutes
  • Verbal ability and reading comprehension (VARC): 40 minutes

Total Questions


No. of questions in the CAT 

  • Quantitative Ability: 22
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation: 20
  • Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension: 24 



Marking criteria

  • Correct answer: 3 marks
  • Incorrect answer: -1 mark


Well, aspirants need to complete all the questions given in a particular section within 40 minutes and then only move ahead with the next section. CAT won’t allow you to keep on shifting the sections as per convenience. 

CAT 2023 Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants should have completed their graduation in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks. For reserved categories, the cutoff is 45%.
  • Students enrolled in the final year of their graduation or even those waiting for their results can also apply
  • Those securing professional diplomas or certifications like CA, CS, or ICWA are eligible for the CAT

CAT Syllabus 2023

A popular CAT shortcut trick for the 99 percentile is acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the CAT syllabus 2023 and important and repetitive topics. Though IIMs don’t follow any strict curriculum for the exam, students need to work on the three core sections based on the type of questions asked in previous years. For your assistance, we have provided weight-wise topics for each of the three sections.


Important Topics

Quantitative Aptitude

  • Arithmetic: function, profit & loss, ratio, speed distance, time and work, simple & compound interest, mixture and solutions, clock, calendar, and miscellaneous
  • Geometry: Line, quadrilaterals, mensuration, perpendicular lines, triangle, polygons, coordinate geometry and equations
  • Algebra: Functions, equations, absolute value, polynomials, inequalities, and graph 

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning 

  • Matrix
  • Set theory
  • Venn diagrams
  • Coding-decoding
  • Arrangement

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

  • Reading comprehension
  • Odd sentence
  • Para jumble

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CAT 2023 Shortcut Tricks for 99 Percentile: Section-wise

While achieving a whopping 99 percentile in CAT may seem difficult, however, with the right kind of tactics can definitely prove to be successful. If you are currently struggling to devise a CAT shortcut trick for the 99 percentile, you can begin by analyzing your weaknesses and strengths concerning any topic. It will help you make an effort in the right direction. Well, for enhancing overall performance, each of the three sections requires equal attention so we have a detailed preparation hack to score more than 80 in each section.

CAT 2023 QA Shortcut Tricks for 99 Percentile

  • A major part of the QA section in CAT emphasizes Algebra and Geometry. Hence, aspirants wishing to fulfill their dream of scoring 99 percentile need to pay attention to square numbers, functions, and fundamentals of algebra. 
  • The best way to open avenues for better performance is memorizing the square roots and tables so that equations can be solved in a short span. It is vital to spend at least 3 to 4 hours daily in solving questions in this section. 
  • As quantitative ability is a challenging yet scoring section, students must try aiming for 36 marks out of 66. 
  • If we analyze CAT's previous year's question papers, we may observe that about 16 to 17 questions were asked from Algebra and Geometry alone which indicates the significance of these chapters in securing high marks. 
  • Aspirants must attempt the CAT 2023 mock test by Allen Academy, Akash, and Vedantu to increase their accuracy and efficiency. 

CAT 2023 DILR Shortcut Tricks for 99 Percentile

  • Aspirants can secure a 99 percentile in CAT 2023 by aiming for 32 marks out of 60 in the DILR section. 
  • According to the toppers, the best strategy to score the highest marks in this section is focusing more on interpreting the data than calculation. 
  • It is better to search for maximum and minimum or similar parameters. 
  • The DILR questions require strong interpretative prowess to get an underlying meaning of a question. 
  • When solving logical problems, it is vital to approach a question by eliminating the impossibilities of approaching the solution to a truck with the presence of mind and logical prowess.

CAT 2023 VARC Shortcut Tricks for 99 Percentile

  • Analysis of the CAT question papers reveals that around 70 percent of the questions are from reading comprehension. To prepare well, candidates need to grow their reading habits and try reading news articles, and small excerpts to enhance reading speed. 
  • Students can also practice the passages from the CAT previous year's questions to generate a fair idea about the level of questions. 
  • For the verbal ability part, try learning new words, synonyms, antonyms, word substitution, and para jumble among others. It is vital to gain a comprehensive understanding of grammatical concepts as mugging up won't fetch you the 99 percentile. 

Also Read:

CAT 2023 Shortcut Tricks for 99 Percentile: Reference Books 

The goal of achieving a 99 percentile in CAT requires candidates to choose the right resources. As the IIMs do not flow a proper curriculum structure when setting CAT papers it is vital to practice the three important sections including VARC, DILR, and QA from some of the best books for CAT 2023 exam published specifically keeping the level of questions of CAT in mind.




How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma

Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by NIshit K Sinha

Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha


Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT by Nishit K Sinha

How to Prepare for Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning by Arun Sharma


A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma

Trishna’s Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

We hope that CAT aspirants have derived advantages from the CAT shortcut tricks for achieving a 99 percentile recommended in this article. Alongside implementing these preparation techniques, CAT aspirants should prioritize their physical and mental well-being by ensuring sufficient rest at regular intervals.

For any queries regarding the CAT exam, syllabus, or related facts, get in touch with our team of educational counselors at 1800-572-9877. 

If you want to gather information about the CAT exam, percentile, and any preparation hacks, check the related articles.

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Can I score 99 percentile in CAT on the first attempt?

Yes, you can score 99 percentile in the CAT if you follow the right study plan and determination. To achieve around the 99 percentile, candidates need to secure 45 to 50% in any two sections and try scoring 55 to 60 percent in the remaining sections. Some of the tips include

  • Prioritize time for each of the CAT sections equally
  • Chalk out a study plan
  • Assess your strengths and weaknesses by solving previous year's papers
  • Try choosing the right kind of resources

How, to score 99 percentile in CAT Quant?

Candidates can score 99 percentile in CAT Quant by focusing more on enhancing calculating accuracy. It is vital to aim to attempt successfully 12 to 15 questions. Attempting mock test religiously is perhaps the method adopted by the toppers; the more you practice, the higher the chances of scoring well. Try paying attention to chapters like algebra and geometry as these topics carry maximum weightage in Quant.


How to score 99 percentile in CAT DILR?

Candidates wishing to score 99 percentile in CAT DILR need to thoroughly go through the questions from the previous year's papers to generate an idea regarding the type, level, and pattern of questions. Practice is the key to scoring well in this section; candidates must attempt mock tests to enhance problem-solving efficiency.


How to score 99 percentile in CAT VARC?

To score 99 percentile in CAT VARC, candidates need to pay more attention to reading comprehension as it carries maximum weightage. A sound knowledge of grammatical concepts is an advantage in securing maximum marks in this section. If you are aiming for the 99 percentile then try to answer at least 12 to 15 questions correctly.


Which are the topics that carry high weightage in CAT?

The topics that carry high weightage in CAT can be divided section-wise. Each of the three sections in CAT has a few topics that carry maximum weightage thereby allowing candidates to enhance their chances of scoring 99 percentile. These sections include:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Venn diagrams
  • Coding-decoding
  • Matrix 

What is an 80-80 method in CAT?

One of the best CAT shortcut tricks for the 99 percentile is following the 80-80 rule. In the 80-80 method in CAT, candidates need to attempt 80 percent of the total questions given in each section and they must ensure that those attempted questions should be 80% accurate. 


How many marks equal the 99 percentile in CAT?

155-160 marks in CAT equals 99 percentile in CAT. However, the same differs every year. MBA aspirants can fulfill their dream of joining the best B-school only with a score of 99 percentile. Percentiles are basically normalization marks given by the IIMs to eliminate any prejudices. 


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