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Keeping Up with Trends Becomes Challenge, Varsities Strengthen Ties With Industry

The Universities are seeking tie-ups and collaborations with the Industry to keep the pace with the rapidly changing software and IT sector of the country and the world. Inception of AI, ML, Blockchain paves a new path for emerging tech courses.

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Day by day it is becoming tough to keep up with the fast changing trends of software engineering fields. With the inception of new fields like Blockchain, Big Data, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) etc, the institutes, as well as students, are finding it hard to keep themselves updated with the highly unstable trends.

This trait has been pushing the graduating engineers with outdated knowledge which eventually pushed them towards unemployability. The graduates had to take up several certificate courses after the completion of their 4 years engineering course to make them eligible for being employed by enhancing their skills.

But the ray of hope comes as the universities across the country are deciding to keep up with the changing course and render updated knowledge in the college itself. To address the issue, more and more universities are collaborating with the industries to streamline the software engineering courses by incorporating the new age topics such as AI, ML, Blockchain, Big Data etc. The industry collaboration of the universities is also expected to give students a detailed outlook of the current traits and skills required in the modern industrial scenario.

The universities are rolling out courses in both Bachelors (B.Tech/B.E.) and Masters (M.Tech/M.E.) level courses in Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Big Data etc. The Indian Institute of Technology - IIT Hyderabad has set it up to offer a full-time AI course in B.Tech level which is set to start from July of the current academic year 2019-20 with a student intake capacity of 20.

For 2018-19 academic year, the institutes like Sri Ramaswamy Memorial Institute of Science and Technology (SRM) and University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) have also started delivering courses on the emerging technologies. The UPES Institute offers courses and specialisations in DevOps, Big Data AI and Machine Learning. The SRM institute offers specialisations in Cyber Security, Internet of Things, AI and Cloud Computing.

The graduates who have done their B.Tech and gave the specialisation a miss can avail the studies in this specialisation in their Post Graduating M.Tech courses. For instance, The Great Lakes Institute of Management in Gurgaon has started to deliver the courses on A.I. and M.L. post-graduate specialisation last year, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) also offers M.Tech course in computer engineering with specialisation of AI, ML, Cyber Security, Business Analytics and forensics. The Symbiosis International University in Pune, Aegis school of business in Mumbai, and Chandigarh University offer courses on these emerging technologies as well.

The professor and head of the computer science and engineering dept. at SRM University, Dr B Amutha, said while addressing the trait that in modern days, the computer engineering is not limited in coding but serves a greater purpose to establish a link between humans and computing machines. He added that the institute wants to build a suitable environment to make students industry eligible.

The Dean of School of Computer Science in UPES, Dr. Manish Prateek said that the needed skill set for future IT sector is already set by the industry. UPES has also started a programme in Computer Science and Business Systems collaborating with the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). The IIT Hyderabad is in talks to collaborate with the global IT giants like Microsoft, NVidea and Intel for Industry ie ups. Already the global tech stalwart IBM has collaborated with more than 50 universities and institutes in India to set up labs and develop infrastructure to conduct emerging engineering/technology courses.

Also Read:After IIT-H, B.Tech course on Artificial Intelligence Launched in Raisoni College, Nagpur

Dr Bappaditya Mukhopadhyay who is a professor at the Great Lakes Institute, Gurgaon has expressed his views that the only theoretical knowledge will get outdated and the students who are future professionals must thrive on the ground of creativity, sustainability and innovation in the coming days.

Also Read:AICTE will not approve new technology institutes if they don’t offer emerging courses such as AI & ML

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