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Education in India vs Foreign Education

The approach to higher education in India vs education abroad is fundamentally different. The differentiating characteristics include education system, approach, research in education, curriculum etc.

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Education is organic, it keeps growing and evolves with time and the human mind. This is the major reason why education provided in different nations of the world is different. The principles on which education systems are formed are different for every nation. However, the aim is similar, i.e. to instil creativity within the human mind.

Every education system has its pros and cons, in simple words - advantages and disadvantages. As a developing nation, the Indian education system has been developed on the pillars that support thorough theoretical knowledge and prepare the students for some of the toughest competitive exams in the world. Whereas education systems of other developed nations are more flexible allowing students to pursue varied career opportunities other than the mainstream options.

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India being a developing nation lacks funds and hence there is a need to gather funds and use them to enhance the education system. Beginning with more research-oriented education, there are a lot of things that we need to achieve, such as flexibility, updating the curriculum, global knowledge, etc.

It is essential to understand the difference between Indian and foreign education especially if you are aspiring to study abroad. Here is a comparison between Indian education and foreign education (on the basis of education provided in nations like the US, UK, Germany, etc.) to guide you:

Indian Education System

Foreign Education System

Option to Switch

Students cannot switch their major subjects in the middle of courses. For e.g. If you are a Physics major student then you can’t opt for varied subjects like Languages or Economics in the middle of your course.

Most of the universities in European colleges and US-based colleges allow students the options to switch subjects and don’t limit them to just one subject.

Approach towards Education

The curriculum in Indian educational institutes focus more on theoretical education and rely on the research that has been conducted in the past.

The curriculum of foreign universities follow a more practical approach in education and encourage fresh research other than what has already been discovered.

Research Initiatives

Despite the continuous help offered by the government, there are limited research funds, therefore, research initiatives are also less.

Research in foreign universities is funded by some of the biggest organizations of the world, such as Google, Microsoft. Hence research initiatives offered there are better.


Modifications based on the latest and approved research studies are implemented quite late in the curriculum of Indian universities.

Universities in the US and some other developed countries update their curriculum every few years, hence offering more advanced education.


India has not yet been able to internationalize education in order to attract students from various countries to choose courses offered by Indian Universities.

Foreign Universities have a mixed group of students coming from various countries. Therefore a student gets better exposure.

Course Options

Indian universities and colleges provide limited courses to choose from to the students.

International universities provide multiple courses and specialisations to students.
Job Opportunities

The job opportunities provided by Indian Universities are limited to top educational institutes.

International Universities provide excellent job opportunities for students.
FundsPursuing education form India is affordable.

Pursuing education form Foreign country is always expensive as the cost of living, food, travel, etc get added to the overall expenditure.

Return of Investment (ROI)

ROI of Indian Universities is conditional and depends upon the college you are going to join.

ROI of foreign universities is good. The cost of studying might be expensive but study aborad gives a kick start to one’s career.

Scholarships Indian Universities have limited scholarships.

Foreign Universities provide numerous scholarships to international students. Apart from that, students can also take part in work-study programmes.

Also Read:Semester vs Annual Exam System

India offers its students a wide range of courses & specialization to choose from. Besides the core fields, ie., engineering, MBBS & management colleges, there are excellent options in Aviation, Microbiology, B. Sc Food Science, Geology, Anesthesiology, Nautical Science, Design (footwear design) & Agriculture colleges in India. Every system of education is structurally different and has something different and unique to offer. So pick the option that helps you progress and lets you develop your skills.

Top Colleges and Universities Globally

One of the more important decisions to make while choosing your future career path is deciding the university or college that you wish to enrol in, to pursue a course of your choice. Given below are a few of the colleges and universities for higher education in different countries across the globe.

Name of College


University of Illinois

Illinois, Chicago

Birbeck University of London

London, England

Dublin City University

Dublin, Ireland

Berlin School of Business

Berlin, Germany

Vinnitsa National Medical University

Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Kazakh National Medical University

Almaty, Kazakhstan

University of Central Florida

Orlando, Florida

Coventry University

Coventry, England

Maynooth University

Maynooth, England

Arden University

Coventry, England

Asian Medical Institute

Kant, Kyrgystan

AMA University of Medicine

Manila, Philipines

The common trend, amongst students who wish to study abroad, is a choice from amongst Engineering, Management, Medicine, Law & Hotel Management. However, colleges and universities across the globe offer a range of courses and programmes at different levels.

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