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OBC Caste List in Bihar

The OBC caste list in Bihar incorporates two major groups — Extremely Backward Classes and the Other Backward Classes —- constituting 63% of the state's total population. Continue reading to explore the OBC caste list in Bihar.

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OBC Caste List in Bihar: In line with the Indian Constitution, Other Backward Classes or OBCs are classified as socially and educationally backward classes (SEBC), and the government of India is tasked with ensuring their advancement in these areas. As an example, OBCs are entitled to 27% reservations in higher education and public sector jobs. As you may know, Bihar is one of the largest Indian states in terms of area and population. It has around 13 crore population in total with 200 castes residing.

About 33 castes in Bihar are classified as OBC 1, or Other Backward Classes. On the other hand, nearly 113 castes come under the Economically Backward Class or Extremely Backward Class or OBC 2. Following the Other Backward Classes, who make up 27.13% of the population, the Extremely Backward Classes make up the largest social category in Bihar, with 36% of the overall population. With a combined population of little over 13.07 crore, the two groups make up 63% of the state's entire population. In this article, we will discuss the OBC caste list in Bihar along with other benefits for OBC communities.

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OBC Caste List in Bihar: Updates and Changes

Based on the Bihar Caste Survey Report, the Bihar government has decided to raise the job reservation for marginalised people from 50% to 65%. With this rise and an additional 10% quota for economically disadvantaged groups, Bihar's overall quota now stands at 75%. Based on the population share of each category, the new quota allocation is as follows: 20% goes to Scheduled Castes, 2% to Scheduled Tribes, and 43% goes to backward and extremely backward classes. The caste-based headcount supports this government action, which it is taking in an attempt to stave off legal challenges.

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OBC Caste List in Bihar: Updated List

As discussed, the OBCs have witnessed social and economic mobility. The following table represents a comprehensive OBC caste list in Bihar.





Kasab (Kasai) (Muslim)

Kewat, Keot


Kaivartta/ Kaibartta






Kumarbagh Pahadia


Kurmi (Mahto) (in Chhotanagpur Division only)



Kamar (Lohar, Karmkar, Visvakarma)

Kushwaha (Koeri)


Kosta, Koshta



Khatwa, Khatwe, Khadwar (only in the districts of Sivan & Rohtas)

Khetauri, Khatauri


Godi (Chhava)


Gandarbh or Gandharb

Gangai (Ganesh)

Gangota, Gangoth

Gorh, Gonrh (only in the districts of Saran & Rohtas)





Chik (Muslim)




Chandrabanshi (Kahar)

Churihar (Muslim)


Jogi (Jugi)


Dafali (Muslim)


Tanti (Tatwa), Tati, Tatin




Tamoli, Tamboli





Dhobi (Muslim)

Dhunia (Muslim)





Nat (Muslim)

Nunia, Nonia



Nalband (Muslim)

Pamaria (Muslim)

Prajapati (Kumhar)






Pal (Bherihar-Gaderi)







Barhai (Viswakarma)


Importance of the OBC Caste List

In Bihar, according to a government poll, the majority of people live as EBCs, with 112 castes, accounting for 36.01% of the total population. The next largest group of people are OBCs, with 29 castes and a 27.12% share. Out of all the OBC castes, the Yadavs hold the largest percentage at 14.26%. The percentage of people who belong to Scheduled Castes is 19.65%, whilst the percentage of people who are not reserved is 15.52% of the total population.

OBCs, as opposed to even the higher castes, have the most rapid intergenerational mobility, based on a recent International Monetary Fund analysis. In contrast to the Dalits, they became landlords and landowners. As a result of the Mandal Commission's implementation in 1990, they were able to access formal economic possibilities, higher education, entry into the formal sector, etc.

Criteria for Inclusion in the OBC List

Before the Mandal Commission report's proposal of implementing a reservation policy in government positions and educational institutions, there was a significant discrepancy between different castes and groups designated as Other Backward Class. A portion of Other Backward Castes held a significant amount of land and hired Scheduled Castes (SC) as agricultural labourers, even though the majority of this group was exceedingly backward. Due to their substantial land holdings, the Kurmis, Yadavs, and Koeris — referred to as "upper-OBC" — were prosperous in several North Indian states. After India gained its freedom, the Zamindari system was abolished, which gave many of the people living in these villages the title of landlords.

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Benefits for OBC Communities

Considering the OBC caste list in Bihar comprised both Muslims and Hindus, the movement was commonly called a "secular upsurge" or the "second democratic upsurge". They were considered by some academics to be "bullock capitalists" because they were landowners but also socially regressive. Because of this, they were able to undermine the viability of left-wing class politics in India and enhance the centrist nature of Indian politics. Furthermore, because of their low caste status, they rejected the majoritarian confessional politics of the Right. Numerous initiatives and strategies are being carried out by the federal and state governments to improve the status of OBCs. The OBC caste list in Bihar benefits from several factors, including:

  • There is a 27% reservation quota for seats at government institutes like the IIMs and IITs, as well as posts like IPS, IAS, and so forth.

  • The maximum age limit for many exams, including the UPSC Civil Services Exam, has changed. On the other hand, there are fewer limitations on the number of test administrations. For cut-off marks, there is a leniency.

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Crosschecking whether your class belongs to the OBC caste list in Bihar is essential to reap the complete benefits of beneficiaries offered by the government of India. Since the state administration has also accepted a 10% quota for the economically disadvantaged segment groups, as declared by the Centre, the overall quota for the OBC caste list in Bihar would now be 75%.

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Is the EBC and the OBC caste list in Bihar the same?

No, the EBC and the OBC caste list in Bihar are not the same. The term "Economically Backward Classes" (EBC) refers to a grouping of individuals whose household income is less than INR 8 LPA. However, the OBC, ST, or SC schedules of scheduled castes do not apply to this group of people.

Has the Indian government made any recent additions to the OBC caste list in Bihar?

No, the Indian government has not made any recent additions to the OBC caste list in Bihar. As of 2024, a total of 133 OBC caste/community people reside in Bihar. Every year, the Bihar government carries out a caste census to introduce new schemes for the benefit of people.

What is the importance of the OBC caste list in Bihar?

The importance of the OBC caste list in Bihar is for people to understand their collective population and the rights offered by the Indian government. With this, they can take advantage of the educational schemes and other beneficiaries.

What is the OBC population of Bihar?

The OBC population of Bihar is 63% overall. Following the Other Backward Classes, who make up 27.13% of the population, the Extremely Backward Classes make up the largest social category in Bihar, with 36% of the overall population.

Which caste comes under OBC in Bihar?

The OBC caste list in Bihar includes Chayeen, Chapota, Pandi, Pinganiya, Pradhan, Pahira, Abdal, Amaat, Kadar, Kaura, Korku, Kaivartta/ Kaibartta, Kalandar, Kawar, Kochh, Kumarbagh, Pahadia, Kurmi, Kagzi, Kanu, and more.

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