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Shortcut Tricks for CAT Quant 2023

Excel in the CAT Quantitative Aptitude section with shortcut tricks for CAT Quant 2023. Learn time-saving methods for divisibility, percentages, time and work, profit and loss, and more. These tricks can help you save time, boost accuracy, and ace the CAT exam.

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Shortcut Tricks for CAT Quant 2023: In the CAT exam, the Quantitative Ability (QA) section holds significant importance and is known for its scoring potential. Students who excel in QA often leverage their skills in this section to compensate for weaker performance in the other sections, namely VARC and DILR. The CAT exam consists of three sections, and the Quantitative Aptitude part typically includes 22 questions each year. This section assesses candidates' numerical and problem-solving skills, with most questions being based on fundamental math concepts taught in middle school.

Candidates are allotted 40 minutes to tackle these 22 questions, leaving them with slightly less than 2 minutes per question. Thus, it becomes crucial to familiarize yourself with key Quantitative Aptitude shortcut techniques to efficiently and effectively handle numerical questions with ease and speed. This article delves into the Dos and Don'ts specific to the Quantitative Ability section of CAT, offering valuable tips and tricks that can greatly enhance your performance in this quantitative aptitude segment. The focus here is on sharing strategies and shortcuts for CAT Quant 2023 in the upcoming CAT Exam.

Important Topics for CAT 2023 Quantitative Aptitude

In the CAT 2023 paper, you can anticipate 26 questions in the quantitative section, which will encompass both Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and TITA (Type in the Answer) questions. According to the CAT Quant Syllabus, below are the key topics you should focus on for this section, along with their expected number of questions and difficulty levels.

TopicExpected No. of QuestionsExpected Difficulty Level
Algebra10-14 QuestionsModerate
Arithmetic6-8 QuestionsModerate
Number System2-4 QuestionsModerate
Modern Math1-3 QuestionsEasy
Geometry & Mensuration3-6 QuestionsModerately Difficult

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Shortcuts for CAT Quant 2023

Preparing for the CAT Quantitative Aptitude section requires a combination of conceptual understanding and time-saving shortcuts. Here are some shortcut tricks that may help you in the CAT Quant 2023:

  1. Divisibility Rules: Learn the divisibility rules for numbers like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. These rules can help you quickly determine whether a number is divisible by another.
  2. Squaring Numbers Ending in 5: For numbers ending in 5, squaring is easy. Just take the non-5 part, multiply it by the next number, and append 25. For example, 25^2 is (2 * 3) with 25 at the end, i.e., 625.
  3. Cubing Numbers: Learn the cube values of numbers from 1 to 15. This can save time in calculations involving cubes.
  4. Percentage Change: When you have to find a percentage change, remember the formula:

Percentage Change = New Value - Old Value/Old Value  ×100

  1. Multiplying Numbers Close to 100: If you need to multiply numbers close to 100, it may be quicker to use the difference method. For example, to multiply 97 by 104, subtract the difference from one of the numbers (e.g., 3 from 97) and add it to the other (e.g., 4 to 104).
  2. Finding Square Roots: Learn the methods for finding square roots quickly, especially for perfect squares. For example, the square root of 144 is 12.
  3. Ratio and Proportion: Understand how to use the ratio and proportion concept for solving problems. This is a fundamental concept in many quantitative aptitude questions.
  4. Profit and Loss: Understand the basic formulas related to profit and loss, such as profit percentage, loss percentage, cost price, and selling price.
  5. Time and Distance: Learn the shortcut methods for time and distance problems, such as relative speed and the concept of average speed.
  6. Sum of Natural Numbers: The sum of the first 'n' natural numbers is given by n(n+1)/2. This formula can be handy in certain types of problems.
  7. Area and Perimeter Formulas: Memorize basic formulas for the area and perimeter of common geometric shapes like squares, rectangles, circles, etc.
  8. Practice Mental Calculation: Practice mental calculation regularly to improve your speed and accuracy in solving problems without using a calculator.

Other Important Shortcuts for CAT Quant 2023

CAT Quant is all about speed and accuracy. Here are some more quick shortcut tricks for CAT Quant 2023:

Divisibility Rules

  • If the last digit is even.
  • If the sum of digits is divisible by 3.
  • If the last two digits form a multiple of 4.
  • If the last digit is 0 or 5.
  • If it's divisible by both 2 and 3.
  • If the sum of digits is divisible by 9.

Percentage Increase/Decrease

  • To find a percentage increase, multiply by (1 + r/100).
  • To find a percentage decrease, multiply by (1 - r/100).

Time and Work

  • If A can do a piece of work in x days, then A's one day's work = 1/x.
  • If A is twice as efficient as B, their ratio of work rates is 2:1.

Profit and Loss

  • Profit % = (Profit / Cost Price) * 100.
  • Loss % = (Loss / Cost Price) * 100.

Ratio and Proportion

  • If A:B = C:D, then (A+B) : (A-B) = C:D.

Speed, Time, and Distance

  • Speed = Distance / Time.
  • Relative speed = Sum of speeds if they move in the same direction the difference of speeds if they move in opposite directions.

Quadratic Equations

  • For any quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0, the sum of roots = -b/a, and the product of roots = c/a.

Why are Shortcut Tricks for CAT Quant 2023 important?

Some might wonder why CAT Quant shortcuts are crucial. Here's why shortcut tricks for CAT 2023 Quant are important:

  • Shortcut tricks in CAT Quant 2023 can be crucial because they help you save time and solve problems more efficiently.
  • Shortcut tricks, which may be used for a variety of issues, are adaptable. With that flexibility, you have the ability to address a range of types of questions with confidence and ease.
  • The Quantitative Aptitude section carries a significant weightage in the CAT exam. It's important that you score well in this area if you want to get the highest overall percentile. Shortcut tricks can help you maximize your score in this section.
  • CAT is renowned for its time constraints. It is essential that we have the ability to solve problems quickly and accurately. The shortcuts will help you to deal with a problem more effectively, saving time on your exam.
  • Shortcut tricks aren't just about speed; they also contribute to accuracy. These tricks can help to reduce errors in calculation and improve the chances of selecting an appropriate answer if they are used correctly.

The Quantitative Ability (QA) section in the CAT exam is an important section that can significantly impact your overall performance. As students often use their strength in QA to compensate for weaker sections, the importance of excelling in this segment cannot be overstated. Given the weightage of the Quantitative Aptitude section in the CAT exam and the time constraints, these shortcuts offer a competitive edge. They contribute not only to speed but also to accuracy, reducing calculation errors and enhancing your chances of selecting the correct answer when applied correctly.

It's important to remember that these shortcuts are tools that work best when grounded in a solid understanding of the basics. Keep in mind that shortcuts are your allies, helping you navigate the path to CAT success with skill and precision. Therefore, practice remains the key to mastering these techniques.

Related Links:

We hope the above article was helpful in providing guidance for QA preparation. For any further queries, you can drop your questions in our Collegedekho QnA section or call our toll-free number 1800-572-9877.

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