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CMAT Logical Reasoning Practice Questions 2024

Preparing for CMAT 2024? Strengthen your logical reasoning skills with CMAT logical reasoning practice questions 2024 and make the most of your preparation.

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CMAT Logical Reasoning Practice Questions 2024: Preparing for the CMAT exam? Strengthening your logical reasoning skills is crucial for success. To excel in CMAT, regular practice is key. Use CMAT questions and mock tests to familiarize yourself with the exam format and assess your understanding. These resources help cover all question types comprehensively. Fortunately, Collegedekho offers CMAT sample questions and solutions to aid your preparation.

The logical reasoning section consists of 25 MCQs, with each correct attempt earning +4 marks and each incorrect attempt incurring a -1 mark penalty. Expect a moderate difficulty level in the logical reasoning section. Aim for around 22 correct attempts out of 25 to ensure a strong performance. Take a look at a some CMAT Logical Reasoning practice questions based on CMAT previous year question papers helping you refine your problem-solving skills and boost confidence for the CMAT 2024 exam.

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CMAT Logical Reasoning Practice Questions 2024

To aid candidates in enhancing their preparation for the CMAT Logical Reasoning sections, we have assembled a collection of practice questions accompanied by their respective answers. Candidates can leverage these questions to solidify their comprehension and cross-check their solutions with the provided answers for each question listed below:

1. Among the individuals seated in a row—A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H—whose positions are not necessarily sequential, the following conditions apply: E is adjacent to C, there are two persons seated between A and E, C occupies the fourth position from one end, only one person sits between H and C, D sits second from the left end, and there are five individuals seated between D and B. Additionally, G and F are seated next to each other. Which of the subsequent arrangements is accurate?

(a) G, D, A, F, C, E, H, B
(b) A, D, C, E, H, F, G, B
(c) A, D, H, E, C, G, F, B
(d) A, D, G, H, F, C, E, B

Answer: (c) A, D, H, E, C, G, F, B

2. Mohan, Ram, Joy, Vijay, Rohit, and Deepak, six boys whose weights were recorded, are subjected to the following conditions: I. Mohan outweighs Rohit and Deepak. II. Ram outweighs Vijay. III. Vijay outweighs Mohan. IV. Joy outweighs Deepak but not Vijay. Who possesses the least weight?

(a) Deepak
(b) Joy
(c) Rohit
(d) Rohit or Deepak

Answer: (d) Rohit or Deepak

3. Initially facing East, a boy begins walking to the left of his starting point, covering 10m, then turns left again and walks 5m. Subsequently, he turns right and walks 2m. What is the shortest distance between the starting point and his current location, and in what direction is he facing?

(a) 13m, West
(b) 12m, North
(c) 12m, West
(d) 13m, North

Answer: (d) 13m, North

4. If 272 corresponds to 16, the analogous relationship between 132 and which number is as follows:

(a) 9
(b) 11
(c) 13
(d) 7

Answer: (b) 11: (16)2 + 16 = 272, (11)2 + 11 + 132

5. Conclude the given series: 12, 6, 6, 9, ?, 45, 135

(a) 27
(b) 18
(c) 9
(d) 36

Answer: (b) 18

6. P is the husband of R's only sister. R has two children. Q is married to J. S is J's brother-in-law. T is Q's aunt. What is the relationship between R's wife and S's son?
(a) Spouse
(b) Grandmother
(c) Grandfather
(d) Nephew

Answer: (b) Grandmother

7. Identify the pair with a similar relationship to "Cycle : Two wheels":

(a) Crane: One wheel
(b) Bulldozer: Two wheels
(c) Moped: Two wheels
(d) Sedan: Six wheels

Answer: (c) Moped: Two wheels

8. Given the coding scheme where ‘>’ denotes ‘+’, ‘<’ denotes ‘÷’, ‘^’ denotes ‘–’, and ‘:’ denotes ‘x’, what is the outcome of 56 < 14 ^ 1 : 144 > 231?

(a) 91
(b) 663
(c) 371
(d) 112

Answer: (a) 91

9. Determine the odd one out:

(a) Solar energy
(b) Wind energy
(c) Natural gas energy
(d) Nuclear energy

Answer: (c) Natural gas energy

10. Extend the series: BDC, CHE, FKH, IOL, ?

(a) OYB
(b) LTC
(c) LUZ
(d) RWH

Answer: (d) RWH

11. In a school with 500 students, 160 take swimming classes, while 280 take martial arts. If 50 students take both swimming and martial arts, how many students take neither?

(a) 90
(b) 70
(c) 110
(d) 150

Answer: (c) 110

12. Within a family comprising I, J, K, L, Q, M, N, O, and P, J is K's son, who is L's mother. L is N's mother-in-law, who is P's brother. J is O's maternal uncle. I is the son of K's daughter-in-law. M is I's paternal grandfather. How is I related to O?

(a) Nephew
(b) Brother
(c) Cousin
(d) Uncle

Answer: (c) Cousin

13. Around a circular table sit six students—A, B, C, D, E, and F—facing the center. A is positioned third to the left of F. B sits immediately to the right of E, which is second to the left of F. C and D are adjacent. Who sits fourth to the right of C?

(a) A
(b) F
(c) D
(d) E

Answer: (b) F

14. Sumit embarks on a journey towards the market, walking various distances in different directions. Starting from a point, he first walks 10m, then turns left and walks 12m, followed by subsequent turns and walks. Ultimately, he reaches the market situated northeast from the starting point. In what direction was Sumit facing when he commenced his journey?

(a) North
(b) West
(c) East
(d) South

Answer: (a) North

15. Extend the series: D E A N, F F B P, H H D R, ?

(a)J J F O
(b) J I B R
(c) J H C O
(d) J I B O

Answer: (a)J J F O

In conclusion, mastering logical reasoning is essential for excelling in the CMAT exam. Through consistent practice with sample questions and mock tests, candidates can strengthen their problem-solving skills and build confidence. With each correct attempt earning valuable marks, and each incorrect one incurring a penalty, it's crucial to aim for accuracy while maintaining a good pace. As you prepare for CMAT 2024, remember to focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly and honing your test-taking strategies. 

Related Links:

We hope the above set of CMAT Logical Reasoning practice questions help enhance your preparation and provide insights about the kind of questions to expect in the CMAT logical reasoning section. For any further queries, feel free to call us at 1800-572-9877, or post your questions in Collegedekho QnA section.

Best of luck in your exam preparation journey!

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What is the scoring pattern for the CMAT logical reasoning section?

In the CMAT logical reasoning section, each correct attempt earns you +4 marks, while each incorrect attempt incurs a penalty of -1 mark. It's important to strike a balance between attempting questions accurately and managing negative marking.

How should I utilize CMAT sample questions and mock tests for preparation?

You can utilize CMAT sample questions and mock tests for preparation with regular practice of CMAT sample questions and mock tests are essential to familiarize yourself with the exam format, assess your understanding, and refine your problem-solving skills. Make sure to time yourself while attempting mock tests to improve your speed and accuracy.

What is considered a good attempt in the CMAT logical reasoning section?

Aim for around 22 correct attempts out of the 25 questions in the CMAT logical reasoning section to ensure a strong performance. However, the number of good attempts may vary depending on individual strengths and weaknesses.

How difficult is the logical reasoning section in the CMAT exam?

The logical reasoning section of the CMAT exam typically presents a moderate difficulty level. However, with regular practice and strategic preparation, candidates can effectively tackle the questions in this section.

When should I start practicing CMAT logical reasoning questions?

You can start practicing CMAT logical reasoning questions at any stage of your exam preparation. Whether you're revisiting the syllabus or beginning your preparation, regular practice with sample questions and mock tests can significantly enhance your performance in the CMAT exam.

What is the concept of logical reasoning in CMAT?

Logical reasoning in CMAT evaluates a candidate's ability to understand and logically process concepts and problems expressed in words. It assesses the candidate's capacity to extract meaning, information, and implications from textual data, making it a crucial component of the exam.

How to master logical reasoning in CMAT?

To excel in logical reasoning, you must identify the conclusions drawn within an argument. Look for cues indicating the conclusion's location within the prompt, and analyze the argument carefully to draw accurate conclusions.

How can I effectively prepare for logical reasoning in CMAT?

To effectively prepare for logical reasoning in CMAT, you can follow the tips listed below:

  • Exam Pattern Analysis: Understanding the most recent exam pattern will guide your preparation strategy.
  • Time Management: Efficient time management is crucial for completing the Logical Reasoning section within the allotted time.
  • Sample Papers: Practice with a variety of sample papers to familiarize yourself with different question types and improve your problem-solving skills.

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