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5 Mistakes MBA Students Must Avoid

In this competitive world, it is important to excel in every field and leave minimum scope for shortcomings. Here, we have listed some of the biggest mistakes MBA students must avoid in order to excel professionally. Check out the top 5 mistakes made by MBA students which must be avoided.

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Business professionals across sectors are given responsibilities that not only deal with monetary resources but also other essential domains such as human resources, leadership qualities etc. It cannot be denied that working your way up the ladder to make a mark is not an easy task. The journey begins at the first step itself - choosing the right MBA course for yourself. Since so many students apply for MBA courses every year and there is stiff competition in today's world, it is important that the scope for mistakes is least. Often, it is observed that many MBA students make mistakes which they regret later. We have tried to list down the top 5 mistakes made by MBA students which must be avoided. Since the admission season for management courses is around the corner, we want you to understand the circumstances of each of the common mistakes of MBA students so that you do not fall prey to it.

Biggest Mistakes MBA Students Should Avoid:

What you do during your MBA studies defines your career graph. Mistakes committed at the study stages can have repercussions in the later stages of life as well. Go through the below-mentioned 5 biggest mistakes made by MBA students which you must avoid if you plan to take up the same path in your professional career.

1. Not Choosing the Right College and Stream

The most common mistake of an MBA student is that he/she opts for the incorrect course and college in anticipation of not losing a year. By this, we mean that students tend to randomly choose a college without going in its depth. This usually happens when students take decisions under peer pressure, what their friends say and what most of them opt for. Choosing the right MBA college as per his/her requirement while keeping their long-term goals in mind is a very important factor. Further, opting for the right MBA specialization is equally important and that should also correspond with the college you choose. For instance, if you are planning to make a career in the field of Human Resource Management, your top pick could be XLRI Jamshedpur and on the other hand, if you plan to go for a career in International Business, the target could be IIFT. These are just examples that we suggest for you. You can go through the list of top MBA HR colleges, top MBA Marketing colleges, top MBA Finance colleges, top MBA Logistics and Supply Chain colleges etc. here on CollegeDekho.

2. Not Focusing on Studies from the Start

It is often heard that MBA students just sit back and relax after they get into the desired MBA college, but that is not how it should be. Just getting admission in an MBA college in India does not mean that you will be placed in companies no matter what. One must work hard throughout the academic tenure, gain knowledge of the field, work on assignments and projects so that you can stand out of the lot. It is a big mistake to not focus on studies from the very beginning. MBA students must be up-to-date with the study curriculum and other aspects of the course they are studying. One must also figure out his or her interest areas well in time so that they can opt for elective MBA courses accordingly. As you move ahead in the course, you may not get enough time to explore fields of study and would rather have to shift your focus to assignments and exams etc. Ensure that your focus is clear and you have a clear picture of the years of the study duration.

3. Taking Studies, Practicals and Exams Lightly

Every MBA program has one thing in common and that is business practicals, it helps the students to come one step closer to the business world. So once a student gets settled in their desired stream, the next important aspect of the program is to actively participate in the projects and practicals. Most often students do not give enough time and value to practicals thinking that MBA program depends more on theory and less on practicals and that is where they make the mistake. Both aspects of the MBA course are equally important and can provide you exposure to real-world situations that you will face as soon as you step out in the industry. Additionally, take your exams seriously as they will play a significant role in the placement process when companies come to hire you for different roles and business industries.

4. Missing Out on Networking

When you enrol for an MBA programme, you meet a pool of people who come from different backgrounds, cultures and have varied work experiences. MBA course curriculum for many top MBA colleges in India is designed in such a way that you can get ample opportunities to interact with your peers and develop good interpersonal relationships. Moreover, while in the internship period, you will be able to meet leaders and team workers who may have a better intellectual understanding of their work as well as a great business acumen. The networking you do during your MBA course can benefit you in the long run as you go high up the ladder. It is hence advisable that you don't miss out on it.

5. Not Improving Your Communication and Language Skills

Good communication and language skills can help an MBA student, particularly in two areas. Firstly, most MBA colleges conduct a Group Discussion and Personal Interview round to finalize admission offers. Hence, it is important that you perform well in these rounds in order to secure a seat at an MBA college. For you to be able to conquer this, your communication and language skills should be good enough to come across as confident and clear in your thoughts in front of the jury. Secondly, when you sit for placements, your communication skills are considered as a very important factor as that forms the base for a fruitful career as an MBA professional across sectors and industries.

Apart from these, an MBA student must also ensure that he or she is seeking admission in a UGC and AICTE recognized MBA college in India and if applying for MBA abroad, the respective accreditations must be taken into account. Investing your energy in gaining work experience before commencing formal MBA education can also turn out to be beneficial for you. This could be in the form of full-time work or internships that can provide you with exposure to the world of business management.

We hope that the above points will help you in your professional pursuits as an MBA degree holder.

Popular MBA / PGDM Colleges in India

Given below are some of the most popular colleges for MBA in India.

(Approx. in Rs. lakhs)
Chandigarh University

MBA in Business Analytics


MBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management etc.

3.20 - 4.50
Lovely Professional University (LPU), Jalandhar

MBA Cost Management and Financial Analysis

MBA in Supply Chain & Logistics

MBA in International Business etc.

5.8 - 8.00
Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi


Executive MBA

0.20 - 1.00
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Mumbai

MBA in Entrepreneurship & Family Business

MBA in Capital Markets

MBA in Pharmaceutical Management etc.

10.50 - 17.50
Jagran Lakecity University (JLU), Bhopal

MBA in Banking & Finance

MBA in Internet Marketing

MBA in Hospitality & Tourism etc.

Coimbatore Marine College (CMC), Coimbatore

MBA in Aviation Management

MBA in Logistics and Shipping

1.80 - 3.94
SP Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai

PGDM Marketing

PGDM Finance

PGDM Information Management etc.

KIIT School of Management (KSOM), Bhubaneswar


Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), Delhi

MBA in International Business

Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon



21.34 - 25.00

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