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8 Advantages of Studying in Delhi University

Delhi University is one of the largest and oldest universities in India. Studying from the varsity has numerous advantages that attract lakhs of candidates every year. Elaborated here are 8 reasons explaining the merits of pursuing education from DU.

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Delhi University being one of the largest and oldest universities in India receives close to 4-5 lakh applications for admissions every year. Students from different fields including ArtsScience, and Commerce seek admission in thetop colleges of DU for the various academic perks that the university offers. From this academic year, the DU has adopted Common University Entrance Test (CUET) to provide admission into some of the programmes offered by the university. Students willing to pursue education from the university need to fill out the application form of DU before the deadline ends. 

There are various advantages of choosing DU for undergraduate education. With the vast pool of students coming to study from across India, Delhi University not only offers quality education to the students but also provides maximum exposure for personality development. Following are some of the advantages of studying at Delhi University.

8 Advantages of Studying at Delhi University

Described below are 8 advantages of pursuing courses from DU. Go through them to discover the reasons behind the immense popularity of one of the oldest universities in India.

1. Quality Education at Affordable Fees

The Delhi University charges very levelled fees that students from every background can afford. You can expect your undergraduate (UG) course tuition fee to cost from Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 50,000 depending on the programme and the college you choose. The fee charged for any course is not hard on the pocket of the student which is the major advantage of studying from DU.

2. State-of-the-art Facilities

Colleges affiliated to DU offer various facilities on campus including libraries, canteens, hostels, sports facility, Wi-Fi connectivity and much more. The campus of DU is not only warm and inviting but also is equipped with all the necessary amenities. Students enrolled in either of the DU colleges can benefit from these facilities without paying any membership charge. 

3. Limited Attendance Restriction

Many of the colleges in DU do not have any criteria for minimum attendance or have only 60% or at the max 75% attendance requirement to allow students to pursue different tasks along with education. You can choose to take up a part-time job or an extracurricular activity along with your UG programme and gain work experience.

4. Internship Opportunities

Delhi University offers the students the time and opportunities to participate in paid internships in order to broaden their industrial experience. Being in the heart of the Indian capital, DU Students can get internships offers from some of the most popular firms in their fields. Such opportunities lend exposure and also provide an insight into the professional world. Internships granted by DU have the ability to equip students with the right skills for the right time!

5. Cultural Societies

As a DU student, you can also pursue your interests apart from education by enrolling for different societies formed by the colleges of the university. DU offers various platforms to showcase your extra talents including dance, drama, music, photography, arts, culture and poetry etc. The university not only encourages academic exposure but also focuses on the development of interpersonal skills of the students.

Also Read: Delhi University Courses: Stream-wise List of DU UG Courses

6. Most Experienced Faculty for Guidance

DU employs only the best teaching staff with highly qualified candidates coming from across India to teach at different DU colleges. DU students get the best education and guidance from skilled teachers and PhD scholars. Education can not be traded for anything in the world! Delhi university ensures to provide the best resources so as to offer excellent quality education to the students.

7. Placement Cell

Another advantage of being in the capital city is close interaction with some of the best organizations in India. DU provides lucrative placements through the established placement cells at its different colleges. Packages offered at the university can vary from Rs. 3 lakh to Rs. 12 lakh per annum depending on the course and college.

8. Cultural Festivals

DU is also popular amongst students for its amazing cultural festivals organized by different colleges. Students from across the country participate in these festivals for a diverse co-curricular experience. The cultural fests of DU not only provides students with an opportunity to display their skills but also acts as a refreshing break from the monotonous academic schedule.

Indulge in the list of college fests of Delhi University that you cannot miss!

Also Read:Top 25 DU Colleges: NIRF Ranking 2022 & Popular Courses Offered

DU is one of the best universities in India to pursue UG education. With more than 77 colleges affiliated to it, the university offers over 60,000 seats in different programmes. 

Getting admission in the Delhi University is a matter of pride as it is one of the oldest and most reputed universities in India. However, due to fixed seats or high cut-off, not every student makes it to the merit list of DU colleges. In such a case, you can always go through the list of top private colleges in India offering high-quality education and circle out your topmost choices! Also, feel free to reach out to usby dialling 1800-572-9877 (toll-free number) or fill the CAF (Common Admission Form) to get admission assistance from the experts of CollegeDekho.

Stay tuned for more updates on DU!

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