
SCC bangalore Campus Facilities - Hostel Fees, Infrastructure, Address

LocationBengaluru (Karnataka)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 00:22AM IST

SCC Campus

(St. Claret College) the students are endowed with all convenient amenities that make their life 'go easy' in college hours, alongside make learning more interesting. Some of the facilities include well ventilated classrooms, recreational areas, hostel facility for boys and girls, indoor and outdoor games, stocked library, seamless internet/wifi connectivity, medical facilities etc.

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SCC Hostel & Fees Structure

St. Monica Study House, under the management of the Augustinian Missionary Sisters, close to St. Claret College, provides hostel facility for girl students. Those (boys and girls), who wish to stay in paid guests’ facilities and in other hostels run by external agencies, the college provides the contact information.

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Students Activities & Clubs

Entrepreneurship Club -

The Business Club of SCC provides the Claretines a comprehensive understanding of the cultural, financial, national and international economic issues that affect business activities. The club regularly organizes programmes like extension lectures, seminars and industrial interactive sessions to cater to the industrial demands

Mission of Business Club

The mission of Business Club at St. Claret College is to provide an informal platform for commerce students to interact and to equip themselves with skills and competence required for their careers.

The following are some of the leading activities of the Business Club

  • Debate
  • Business Quiz
  • Presentation Skills- Competitions
  • Role Play
  • Stress Interview
  • New Business Idea Generation (Competition)
  • Profile Presentation
  • Guest Lectures on relevant topics
  • Organizing Annual Business Fest- Crescensia
  • Team Building Exercise
  • Group Discussion
  • Product Dumb Charades
  • Product Launch Enactments
  • Treasure Hunts
  • Ad Presentations
  • Industrial Interaction

Management Club -

The Management Club of SCC aims at going beyond the classroom learning, promoting the creative and inventive thinking in students. The club organises events covering every functional area of management such as Invited Lecturers, Group Discussions, Role Plays, Debates, Quizzes and other Management Competitions both at inter and intra-collegiate levels. These activities encourage students not only to learn to manage things on their own but also supplement their professional development in understanding the subjects involved with better clarity.


To be an effective resource for students, to help them build successful careers and become great business leaders.


The Management Club at SCC strives to enhance the development of professional skills among students, while at the same time promoting program identity. The club is a resource for students and acts as a liaison between faculty and students.

Events of Management Club in every academic year:

  • Organizing Anveshan- Inter-collegiate Management Fest
  • Poster Making
  • Debate
  • Product Launch
  • Mock Press
  • Mock Stock
  • Ad Campaign
  • Documentary
  • Business Quiz
  • Crisis Management
  • Best Manager
  • Guest Lecture
  • Group Presentations

Technical club -

To keep pace with the rapid changes in the information sector, IT Club plays an important role. One of the main reasons for establishing an IT Club is for exchanging of ideas and news relating to Information Technology. The Club frequently organizes programmes like guest lectures, software company visits, seminars, workshops, fests etc. It promotes and facilitates the effective integration of technology into the basic mission of the college through planning, programming, training, consulting and other support activities.

Major Activities of IT Club:

  • Logo Making Competitions
  • IT quiz
  • Best IT Manager Competitions
  • Software Product Launch
  • Debugging Competitions
  • Coding Competitions
  • Paper Presentation
  • Video Making
  • Guest Lectures
  • Software Company Visits
  • Seminars and Workshops
  • Organizing Inter-Collegiate IT Fest- TECHNOVATION
  • • Outreach Activities: Literacy Program for Children in Jalahalli Government School

Cultural Club -

The Cultural and Arts Club fosters creative and artistic talents in the Claretines. The club takes care of the organization of the annual intra-collegiate cultural and arts competitions “EUPHORIA” and the inter-collegiate cultural fest “MAYURIKA”. The competitions during “Recipro,” the ethnic fest is also taken care of by the Cultural and Arts Club. The club encourages the students to explore and exhibit their best intellectual capabilities and aesthetics. The club also takes initiative in training students in various forms of dance, dramatics and other cultural events. It also prepares students for participation in the outside events.

The following are the leading activities of the Cultural and Arts Club in a given academic year:

  • Euphoria- Annual intra-collegiate arts and cultural competitions
  • Competitions during “Recipro” the Ethnic Fest
  • Mayurika- Annual inter-collegiate fest
  • Training and Preparations for all Cultural events, inter and intra-collegiate.
  • Preparing the Claretine Ramp Walk Team

Literary Club -

The Literary Club’s objective is to develop and hone the literary skills of the students. The Club encourages the Claretines to develop a taste for literature and also work towards improving their spoken and written language. It is involved in a variety of activities aimed at building up the confidence and grooming the talents of students in facing various interpersonal activities and competitions. The Club has initiated competitions in extempore, essay writing, creative writing, poetry writing, debate, elocution, skit, quiz and reading to enhance the speech and oratorical skills of students.

The following are some of the important activities of the Literary Club:

  • Debate
  • Business Quiz
  • Presentation Skills- Competitions
  • Role Play
  • Stress Interview
  • New Business Idea Generation (Competition)
  • Profile Presentation
  • Guest Lectures on relevant topics
  • Organizing Annual Business Fest- Crescensia
  • Team Building Exercise
  • Group Discussion
  • Product Dumb Charades
  • Product Launch Enactments
  • Treasure Hunts
  • Ad Presentations
  • Industrial Interaction

Social Club -

The primary purpose of The Humanities Club is to provide a platform for students who are either pursuing or are interested in the humanities. The Club encourages the students to be actively involved in activities related to literature, Psychology and Journalism.

The following are the various activities that figure in the annual plan of Humanities Club:

  • Regular Publication of Wall Journal- The Lantern
  • Guest Lectures
  • Workshops
  • Photography exhibition and competitions
  • Exhibitions on Literature themes/ authors
  • Visit to TV Channels/ Newspaper offices
  • Visit to Mental Health and Rehabilitation Centers
  • Presentations and Debates
  • Essay/Creative Writing/ Short Story writing competitions
  • Involvement in Humanitarian Activities
  • Movie screening and Movie review
  • Short Movie/ Video Competitions

Nature Club -

Environmental Club of SCC is committed to promoting environmentally conscious actions on campus and in the neighbourhood and to increase awareness of environmental issues on large and small scales. The Club helps to bring more awareness to environmental concerns. Classes on environmental issues are also organised by the club.

The following are the leading initiatives of the Environmental Club:

  • Sapling planting
  • Talks and guest lectures on environment related issues
  • Nature Photography Exhibition
  • Video Shows to generate environmental awareness
  • Quiz competitions
  • Maintenance of Plastic Free Zones in the campus
  • Census and identification of tree species and labelling of them in the campus
  • Student presentation on man-made disasters

NSS Club -

National Service Scheme (NSS)

Popularly known as NSS, National Service Scheme was launched in Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Centenary year, 1969. Aimed at developing student’s personality through community service, NSS, is a voluntary organization of young people in Colleges and Universities working for a campus-community linkage.

The basic principle of the NSS programme is that it is organized by the students themselves, and both students and teachers through their combined participation in community service, get a sense of involvement in the tasks of nation building.


The National Service Scheme has a vision of mobilizing available resources to enable targeted young people, to become more educated and better prepared for national issues requiring urgent attention, through national service activities in deprived areas, within reasonable congenial conditions.


National Service is committed to deploying young graduates and diplomats of tertiary institutions on national service countrywide to supplement manpower shortfall and to provide re-orientation and entrepreneurial skills for post-national service employment, through community development programmes.

Objectives of NSS:

  • Understand the community in which they work
  • To provide trained manpower to supplement and improve existing level of manpower mainly in the public sector.
  • Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving.
  • Environment Enrichment and Conservation.
  • Health, Family Welfare and Nutrition Programmes aimed at creating awareness for improvement of the status of women.
  • Programmes for working during emergencies.
  • Develop among themselves sense of social and civic responsibility
  • Practice national integration and social harmony To provide personnel for rural development and community action
  • Introduction to a vigorous work culture
  • Additional life skills
  • An awareness of national and social problems requiring attention


The NSS symbol is based on the giant "Rath Wheel" of the world famous Konark Sun Temple of Orissa. The wheel portrays the cycle of creation, preservation and release and signifies the movement in life across time and space. The wheel signifies the progressive cycle of life. It also stands for dynamism and progressive outlook of youth. The symbol thus stands for continuity as well as change and implies the continuous striving of NSS for social change.


The NSS Symbol is embossed on the badge. The eight bars in the wheel represent the 24 hours of a day. The red colour indicates that the volunteer is full of young blood that is lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit. The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.

Regular Activities of NSS at SCC

  • World forest day celebrations
  • Women’s day celebrations
  • Cultural programme (street plays)
  • Personality development programme for NSS students
  • Environmental Awareness rally
  • Republic day celebrations
  • Health awareness programme and Yoga Classes
  • Special camp for 7 days at an outside location
  • Free health check-up in the college
  • Kannada Rajyothsava celebrations
  • Gandhi Jayanthi celebrations
  • Visit to old age homes/orphanages
  • NSS foundation day celebrations
  • Teachers’ day celebrations
  • Free education for children of the neighbourhood in the college campus
  • Collecting clothes and stationary items to distribute to poor and destitute
  • Blood donation camp in the college
  • HIV/AIDS awareness programme
  • Independence Day celebrations
  • Campus cleaning drive
  • NSS unit inauguration
  • Enrolment and Registration of students with the NSS

Women Empowerment Club -

SCC has a Women's Club to build sensitivity to women's issues. The Club conducts programme for female students and for women in the neighborhood on themes such as women's rights, discrimination, and empowerment. It also deals with women's grievances, promotes Gender equality and respect for women, empowerment of women and promotes women entrepreneurships. The Women's Club, at its own level organizes special workshops for girl students on health and other women related issues. The annual International Women's Day Celebrations are organized by the Club.

Activities of Women’s Club

  • Competitions like: poster making, essay writing, poetry, speech and debate
  • Training students in Street plays, mimes and skit on gender equality
  • Promoting women entrepreneurships
  • Deals with grievances from female students on gender issues
  • Conducting Seminars and Workshops on gender issues
  • Organizing awareness programmes on women empowerment
  • Celebration of International Women’s Day
  • Organizing Awareness Rallies on women empowerment

Sports Club -

The Sports Club is established to develop athleticism, to keep students healthy in body and in mind. The Club provides coaching in athletics and games for committed performers. The Sports Club takes up the responsibility of organizing the intra-collegiate events like Athenia (intra-collegiate athletics and games) and Waterloo (games competitions between faculty and students). Organizing Inter-collegiate athletics meet and tournaments are also the responsibilities of the Sports Club. Regular coaching is provided athletics, football, basketball, Cricket and Volleyball. The College has a full-time Physical Education Instructor who takes care of the activities of the Sports Club. The Claretines have won sporting accolades at the inter-collegiate, university and inter-university levels.

Major Events

  • Regular Coaching in Games and Athletics
  • Inter-collegiate Tournaments
  • Inter-collegiate Athletics Meet
  • Waterloo- Annual games competitions between faculty and students
  • Athenia- Annual Intra-collegiate Athletics and Games Competitions for the students
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SCC bangalore Reviews

St. Claret College, Bangalore
By Nandini.N | B.A in English Literature | 2019
April 21, 2024 05:35:32

Infrastructure: The College's Infrastructure is impressive too. The classrooms are state-of-art and feature technological innovation so that the learning process becomes interactive and will more effective.

Hostel: The College has a safe and secure hostel facilities. The dorms are carefully kept clean, in fact they are very comfortable for living. The hostel crew is always helpful and makes certain the residents get all the necessary facilities to have a pleasant time there.




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Good Infrastructure in the campus
By Kavya Shree K | Bachelor of Commerce | 2024
April 21, 2024 01:06:32

Infrastructure: My college offers a well-rounded experience. Classrooms are well-maintained and stocked with supplies, there's plenty of parking for everyone, and the college prioritizes eco-friendly practices. To top it off, you can unwind with various indoor games available.

Hostel: Though the hostel does a daily clean from 11am to 2pm, the owners are understanding and will allow access if you ask. It's the perfect window to explore with your newfound hostel crew! Hostel life has been a significant growth experience for me.




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St. Claret College, Bangalore
By Ruban R | Bachelor of Commerce | 2018
April 21, 2024 12:07:50

Infrastructure: This college have a very nice infrastructure as it is divided into different blocks and have good classrooms, libraries ,workshop ,labs, large auditorium etc.

Hostel: The college hostel is very nice all the facilities are available here like internet connectivity ,services like laundry, etc. the hostel do have a safe and secure environment.




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St. Claret College, Bangalore
By Lavanya G | Bachelor of Computer Application | 2019
April 21, 2024 01:13:25

Infrastructure: Libraries and study spaces are good for now, but housing can either be decent or very disappointing. The inventory of rooms in many dorms has been perhaps available since the 1960s, and parking would not be an option unless you lived in the university or off-campus.

Hostel: New housing would not probably worth it, unless you pay top dollar for it, so it's safe to say that you will be provided with the most basic types of dorms and limited additional features for that reason.




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St. Claret College, Bangalore
By Vikas | Bachelor of Computer Application | 2019
April 20, 2024 02:26:32

Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the college is very impressive. There is a well maintained library with a lot of books from various fields. A well space cafeteria with a good seating capacity is there. Celebrities are well with the latest machinery and take provide us a hand on experience on them. The classrooms are big and eqipped with the latest technology

Hostel: The hostel accommodation of the college is very good, the rooms are big and are provided with all the basic amenities of a student like study tables bed chairs and adequate stirage spaces. The mess food is hygienic and healthy. Overall environment of the hostel is safe and secure.




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St. Claret College, Bangalore
By Asha A | Bachelor of Business Administration | 2021
April 18, 2024 12:48:58

Infrastructure: This structure is large and has an exquisite interior. It contains vegetation. This college has an excellent security system as well. Additionally, this college keeps itself clean.

Hostel: This hostel has quite lovely rooms. Here, establishing friends is simple. Students can prepare their own meals in a separate kitchen. Mess cuisine isn't the best.




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Infrastructure of St. Claret College, Bangalore
By Gowtham Y V | BCA in Data Science (Analytics) | 2021
April 17, 2024 11:12:58

Infrastructure: This college's infrastructure is kept up nicely, and it offers you excellent classrooms, well-equipped computer labs, and an auditorium. This offers you a pleasant setting as well.

Hostel: In addition to having excellent internet access and a clean, safe atmosphere, this college's residence hall offers its guests wholesome meals. It's good ovreall




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As for my review it was good and I have fun in it.
By Bhoomika.N | Bachelor of Business Administration | 2018
April 16, 2024 10:08:40

Hostel: The hostel is absolutely superb ,the staff are friendly , helpfull and full of local knowledge and go to the extra mile .the faculty are cleaned daily . And the food in the hostel is of good quality and one Sunday they provide special menu for students .


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St. Claret college - Bengaluru
By Chethan R. | B.Com Travel & Tourism | 2018
April 15, 2024 05:45:06

Infrastructure: The infrastructural facilities of the college includes the well maintained hostels , the beautiful aesthetics of the campus , canteen and academical buildings.

Hostel: Hostels are very well maintained and hygienic. They are fully furnished and proper sanitation and food is provided. Enviornment is secured and friendly .




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Saint Claret collegeBengaluru
By Sheryl ceclia Aden | Bachelor of Business Administration | 2019
April 12, 2024 11:01:18

Infrastructure: In price very good as they have good rooms and Auditorium and also they have good projectors and could screens in the rooms which is very good for the students

Hostel: The hostel facilities very good as they have proper launder system with proper drainage and they also have good space in the rooms it is very good for the students




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SCC bangalore QnA

What are the various facilities available on campus at SCC , Bangalore ?

SCC , Bangalore offers various facilities to its students including Math Lab, Boys Hostel, Canteen, Computer Lab, Library and more.
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