Check KIET Group of Institutions cutoff for various B.Tech courses as per the different categories of students for the year 2023.
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 185945 | 214809 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 247230 | 587283 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 165661 | 172963 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 274954 | 485572 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 68447 | 83189 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 238995 | 651383 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 198901 | 305971 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 38474 | 89748 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 132328 | 146755 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 222224 | 236808 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 311120 | 804177 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 135116 | 156833 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 213507 | 249314 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 91635 | 106345 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 69733 | 133511 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 133918 | 157645 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 168261 | 197462 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 203955 | 210205 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 52944 | 89664 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 30798 | 63043 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 174819 | 196421 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 309915 | 309915 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 173362 | 182415 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 104331 | 110339 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 91223 | 104213 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(PH) | Both Male and Female Seats | 438029 | 438029 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 90901 | 133453 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 192011 | 213245 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 141392 | 180335 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 249059 | 254489 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 165988 | 175270 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) (FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 84345 | 94402 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 119002 | 146713 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 169181 | 172592 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 123663 | 161614 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 204996 | 211329 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 157748 | 201422 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 120766 | 133947 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 67070 | 89288 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 24319 | 120586 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 254343 | 254343 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 177734 | 202866 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 226341 | 226341 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 163047 | 178182 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 134504 | 168096 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 479323 | 778149 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 265308 | 265308 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 344767 | 565373 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 113320 | 146840 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 149399 | 171829 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 150834 | 163503 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 107588 | 119260 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 168771 | 243487 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 151905 | 178985 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 133583 | 151046 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 134598 | 146863 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 104984 | 123795 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 161151 | 161151 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(FF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 360064 | 686265 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 408940 | 758644 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 209044 | 218044 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 182758 | 197285 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 151650 | 169953 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 180684 | 207615 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 345450 | 439844 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 362200 | 574985 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 67716 | 85744 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 131005 | 165547 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 298149 | 298149 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 248754 | 261440 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 207654 | 241886 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 215999 | 233009 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 203997 | 211968 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 229055 | 243563 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 204236 | 211632 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 173777 | 199223 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 682185 | 682185 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 298905 | 530094 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) (FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 92162 | 97245 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 69276 | 91635 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 169181 | 172963 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 126655 | 132089 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 114641 | 135116 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 123714 | 127651 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 113313 | 121409 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 150834 | 150834 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 97303 | 115154 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 93208 | 107365 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 518542 | 518542 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 224379 | 357388 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 63557 | 63557 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 66162 | 140428 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 315694 | 315694 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 197822 | 259099 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 203561 | 228520 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 215266 | 222460 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 178611 | 201183 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 214650 | 217277 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 168771 | 180335 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 146381 | 175088 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 370796 | 804177 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 394168 | 951525 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 80314 | 92271 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 96973 | 142785 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 256412 | 282330 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 208724 | 218044 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 175318 | 204291 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 417114 | 417114 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 214809 | 214809 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 177861 | 190575 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 179211 | 222498 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 150968 | 191724 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 151650 | 172980 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 651708 | 651708 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 493857 | 1047608 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 90868 | 92973 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 85628 | 125065 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 191402 | 192011 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 143205 | 165521 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 182758 | 193409 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 142541 | 156009 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 163198 | 174819 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 130850 | 150797 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 128837 | 141328 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 552496 | 552496 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 59354 | 59354 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 97256 | 97256 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 95652 | 95652 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 73932 | 89400 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 265811 | 265811 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 186662 | 367851 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 65081 | 65081 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 111281 | 138489 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 191402 | 191402 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 180520 | 229581 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 223456 | 223456 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 180347 | 203997 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 143105 | 143105 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 140697 | 179754 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 600491 | 600491 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 516144 | 991144 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 92924 | 92924 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 108224 | 143239 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 180360 | 211098 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 215266 | 215266 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 183593 | 191933 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 189988 | 189988 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 150759 | 176650 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 651383 | 1067322 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 96973 | 122528 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 149738 | 205689 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 135822 | 160748 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 132605 | 132605 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 143414 | 143414 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 122869 | 122869 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 122775 | 124480 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 758644 | 758644 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 274954 | 644020 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 75479 | 75479 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 137474 | 168534 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 261659 | 273099 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 219828 | 258971 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 188528 | 188528 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 219597 | 231182 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 179295 | 217446 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 579086 | 864824 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 121182 | 135477 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 111179 | 111179 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 95652 | 97256 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 311120 | 311120 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 373770 | 379008 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 140697 | 140992 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 357274 | 357274 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 229939 | 238030 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 204024 | 206379 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 180142 | 180755 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 145807 | 146134 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 211797 | 220500 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 193204 | 196431 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 205441 | 205441 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 150759 | 150759 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 176911 | 179023 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 122869 | 126106 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 167423 | 168795 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 201818 | 201818 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 153708 | 157538 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 132605 | 132605 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 134972 | 143414 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 653767 | 653767 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 85628 | 85628 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 259872 | 265777 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 226858 | 226858 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 232231 | 240315 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 217526 | 226210 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 805758 | 805758 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 494317 | 952326 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 494222 | 564904 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 433712 | 539728 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 222035 | 324201 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 150372 | 191459 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 471619 | 715406 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 328518 | 453679 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129683 | 458964 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 679130 | 881899 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 459398 | 1099873 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 181366 | 240566 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129683 | 458964 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 679130 | 881899 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 459398 | 1099873 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 181366 | 240566 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 464554 | 605229 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 818495 | 818495 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 616720 | 621212 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 203257 | 203257 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 288434 | 474855 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 384983 | 451042 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 234497 | 275202 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 227097 | 283705 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 357274 | 542411 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 289264 | 321301 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 80666 | 130834 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 350447 | 976608 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 288182 | 367129 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 94938 | 226239 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 154313 | 262036 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 480183 | 588548 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 331699 | 512992 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 555098 | 587657 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 340337 | 444922 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 609311 | 609311 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 280676 | 335993 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 268131 | 327632 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 689522 | 689522 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 107802 | 132217 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 154313 | 262036 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 480183 | 588548 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 331699 | 512992 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 555098 | 587657 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 340337 | 444922 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 609311 | 609311 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 280676 | 335993 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 268131 | 327632 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 689522 | 689522 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 107802 | 132217 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 269786 | 274309 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 529210 | 529210 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 706178 | 817633 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 627454 | 627454 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 556611 | 600969 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 336492 | 337697 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 438482 | 467253 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 153368 | 153368 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 63557 | 80563 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 93268 | 128590 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 131500 | 162599 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 385286 | 976549 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 346182 | 590826 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129164 | 152448 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 179701 | 230898 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 167722 | 170535 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 304758 | 304758 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 153393 | 167081 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 186105 | 205441 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 242841 | 242909 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 153509 | 191417 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 102034 | 137135 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 195133 | 252493 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 167628 | 199290 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 463797 | 463797 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 191211 | 201818 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 167820 | 181838 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 206541 | 206541 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 168966 | 179701 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 146422 | 163398 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 401700 | 865505 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 81103 | 93670 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 123598 | 131273 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 254223 | 254223 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 168819 | 202571 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 169751 | 190016 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 137945 | 167628 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 506191 | 702930 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 137646 | 137646 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 265984 | 265984 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 205661 | 206844 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 215999 | 215999 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 191096 | 194023 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 222498 | 222498 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 168271 | 170679 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 482310 | 749849 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 818137 | 818137 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 243831 | 471505 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 498304 | 679130 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 220526 | 220526 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 848864 | 848864 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 114520 | 454444 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 496701 | 818137 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 311391 | 311391 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 496701 | 498304 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 530458 | 530458 |
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)