Time Management Tips for MAH B.Ed CET 2025 Preparation


Updated On: January 17, 2025 05:48 PM | MAH B.Ed CET

The MAH B.Ed CET 2025 exam will be conducted on March 24, 25 and 26, 2025 and aspiring candidates need to understand time management. If you are looking for some effective time management tips for MAH B.Ed CET 2054 to improve your performance, check out this article.

Time Management Tips for MAH B.Ed CET Preparation

MAH B.Ed CET 2025 dates have been released by the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra. Candidates can choose to take the MAH B.Ed CET 2025 exam in either English or Marathi on March 24, 25 and 26, 2025. As the entrance exam approaches, candidates should initiate their preparation by focusing on effective time management. Successful candidates in this exam gain eligibility for admission to the Bachelor of Education or B.Ed course in various Government, Government-Aided, University-Managed, and Private colleges in Maharashtra.

Although the exam is primarily for Maharashtra candidates, those outside the state can also participate by meeting the eligibility criteria. Given the significant number of students appearing for the MAH B.Ed CET each year, mastering time management is crucial for success. The article below provides valuable tips for managing time during the exam, especially in dealing with the three sections: Teaching Aptitude, General Knowledge, and Mental Ability, comprising a total of 100 questions to be completed in 1.5 hours. Each question holds one mark, and there is no penalty for incorrect or unanswered questions.

Explore further to discover useful time management strategies for MAH B.Ed CET 2025.

MAH B.Ed CET 2025 Exam Pattern

To start with the time management tips, candidates should focus on the MAH B.Ed CET 2025 exam pattern . As exam experts say, candidates who know the latest exam pattern will have an idea of the topics that are important for the exam and the time that can be allotted for each section. Candidates can choose to complete the entrance exam in either English or Marathi language. There will be 3 sections in the exam and questions will all be in multiple-choice (MCQ-based) format. The detailed exam pattern is given below:

Section Name

Total Number of Questions

Marks Carried by Each Question

Total Marks

Teacher Aptitude




General Knowledge




Mental Ability




Grand Total


Also Read: MAH B.Ed CET General Knowledge Syllabus 2025

To take admission to the English medium B.Ed colleges, aspirants have to appear and clear the English Language Content Test (ELCT). The exam pattern for the ELCT test is as follows:

Name of the Topic

Total No. of Questions

Marks Per Question

Total Marks

Reading Comprehension












Sentence Formation








Verbal Idioms & Proverbs




Figures of Speech





50 Questions

50 Marks

Also Read: How to Prepare for MAH B.Ed CET 2025 in 2 Months?

Time Management Tips for MAH B.Ed CET 2025

The MAH B.Ed CET 2025 exam comprises three sections: Mental Ability, Teaching Aptitude, and General Knowledge, to be completed within 1.5 hours or 90 minutes. Effective time management is crucial, with no sectional time limits specified.

  • Begin by tackling easy questions first, progressing to moderate or challenging ones.
  • Allocate one minute per question, and if stuck, move on to the next without hesitation.
  • Those well-versed in current news and general knowledge will find the GK section more accessible.
  • Finish the exam early to allow ample time for revising answers and attempting previously unanswered questions.
  • Given the absence of negative marking, focus on providing correct answers rather than underestimating the exam.

Subject-Wise Time Management Tips for MAH B.Ed CET 2025

Time management tips for each section are very crucial to complete the examination on time by following them. Check out the below-given subject-wise time management tips for MAH B.Ed CET 2025 preparation :

MAH B.Ed CET 2025 General Knowledge

  • The General Awareness section of MAH B.Ed CET consists of 30 questions which are of one mark each.
  • Candidates should allot 20 minutes of time to complete this section as the General Awareness section can be answered within a short period.
  • In the Current Affairs and General Knowledge section, questions will be given from History, Geography and Science.
  • Questions are also asked on local, national and international events along with Science and Technology, Political Science, Literature, History, Geography, Civics, etc.
  • Start by answering the questions that are based on events and then move forward with the other questions. This way, you will save time and can dedicate that extra time to some other section or for revision.
  • To prepare for the Current Affairs section, make a habit of reading newspapers and watching the news daily.
  • The questions from this section are usually memory-based and candidates have to focus on time management skills.
  • Quickly answer this question and use the remaining time to answer the other two sections.

MAH B.Ed CET 2025 Teaching Aptitude

  • The Teaching Aptitude section focuses on the candidate’s ability to become a teacher.
  • To solve this section, candidates should dedicate 25 minutes to answer the questions. The questions are not tough but candidates have to focus on answering accurately.
  • The questions given from the Teaching Aptitude section are related to building communication and having knowledge of education developments. Candidates must learn about changes in Education and Society, leadership qualities, Communication and Professional Commitment, etc.
  • This section will have 30 questions and candidates should focus on answering the questions that they are confident about.

MAH B.Ed CET 2025 Mental Ability

  • The Mental Ability section consists of 40 questions and questions can be a little tricky sometimes.
  • You have to invest at least 30 minutes to solve this particular section.
  • This section evaluates the reasoning ability and the thinking ability of aspirants.
  • From this section, questions are asked about Series, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Relationships, Analogies, Classification and Dice Problems. There are some other topics that are either in nonverbal or verbal form.
  • This section is crucial and contains the maximum number of questions, so dedicating more time to this section will help candidates secure a good score.

MAH B.Ed English Language Content Test (ELCT) 2025

  • Candidates who want to join the English Medium B.Ed Colleges have to take the ELCT examination.
  • The ELCT exam completely focuses on the candidate's command on the English language.
  • 50 questions are asked from the MAH B.Ed CET ELCT part.
  • The topics from which questions are asked in the ELCT section are Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary Focus, Grammar Focus, Sentence Formation, Phonetics, Verbal Idioms and Proverbs, and Figures of Speech.

How to Prepare for MAH B.Ed CET 2025 in a Month

As the exam is fast approaching, the CollegeDekho team has curated a one-month preparation strategy for MAH B.Ed CET 2025. Check the week-wise preparation plan for MAH B.Ed CET:

1st Week

  • Try learning 40 - 50 new words per day in the first week and revise the words you have previously learned simultaneously.
  • Every day, focus on watching the news channel and reading the newspaper.
  • Your test-taking skills will improve if you daily practice previous question papers or mock examinations.

2nd Week

  • Make a list of mistakes that you are doing from the practice exams and mock tests and focus on improving those areas.
  • Dedicate more time to areas that require improvement.
  • By practising a few MAH B.Ed CET previous years' question papers , you will get an idea of how to tackle the questions in the exam.
  • Stay updated with all the latest events and do learn new words.
  • Revise the important questions from the syllabus and remember that revision is the key to success.

3rd Week

  • In the 3rd week, focus more on practice tests, previous year's exam papers and mock tests.
  • Candidates should try to improve their performance by identifying and correcting common mistakes or blunders that they are making.
  • Review the notes more often and don’t forget to continue regular revision.

4th Week

  • Memorize important concepts as much as possible.
  • Keep up with recent events by reading the newspaper or listening to the news channels every day.
  • Solve the previous years' exam papers.

MAH B.Ed CET 2025 Exam Day Tips

Recognizing the importance of time management in any entrance test, utilize your time wisely for effective studying. Consistent daily efforts will bring you closer to achieving success in cracking the MAH B.Ed CET . On the exam day, consider these crucial tips for MAH B.Ed CET 2025:

  • Aim to arrive at the MAH B.Ed CET test centre 30 minutes to 1 hour before the exam commencement.
  • Ensure you carry essential documents, including the MAH B.Ed CET 2025 Admit Card and valid identity proof, which must be presented at the exam centres.
  • Refrain from learning new topics on the exam day.
  • Check your admit card for the reporting time, allowing you to reach the exam centre punctually.
  • Before diving into the MAH B.Ed CET question paper, carefully review the provided guidelines.
  • If you encounter difficulty with a question, move on promptly; you can return to it later if time permits.
  • Focus on your MAH B.Ed CET preparation during this period, dedicating sufficient time daily.

If you have any queries, please feel free to ask our experts on the QnA Zone . For help with admission to B.Ed colleges in India, fill out the Common Application Form (CAF) or discuss it with our counsellor on our helpline number 18005729877.

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How should candidates prepare themselves in the last two weeks before the exam?

The last 2 weeks should be completely dedicated to revising the previously learned material. Focus more on practice tests, previous year's exam papers and mock tests. Aspirants should try to improve their performance by identifying and correcting common mistakes or blunders that they are making. Try memorizing important concepts as much as possible and stay updated with recent events by reading the newspaper or listening to the news channels every day.


How much time should be invested in the Mental Ability section in MAH B.Ed CET 2025?

The Mental Ability section in MAH B.Ed CET 2025 consists of 40 questions and questions are usually a moderate level. At least 30 minutes to solve this particular section as this section assesses the reasoning ability of the aspirants. The thinking capacity of the candidates is determined by this section. This section is extremely important and contains the maximum number of questions, so dedicating more time to this section will help candidates secure a good score. In the Mental Ability section, important topics are Series, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Relationships, Analogies, Classification and Dice Problems. There are some other topics that are either in nonverbal or verbal form.


Is it important for the candidates to take breaks during MAH B.Ed CET 2025 preparation?

Yes, taking breaks between study hours is very important so that candidates can rejuvenate. A candidate must take at least 30 minutes of rest after studying for the MAH B.Ed CET 2025 exam for 1 or 2 hours. It not only settles the mind but also improves concentration. Students can watch TV, listen to music or paint and dance as taking breaks in between exam preparation will refresh the minds of the students.


How can I start preparing for MAH B.Ed CET?

Before beginning preparations for the MAH B.Ed CET, candidates should adequately familiarise themselves with the test structure and syllabus. The syllabus will help candidates focus on the most crucial areas while preventing them from losing time on irrelevant subjects. To know the full syllabus candidates can check the CollegeDekho page. 


How should candidates manage stress during their MAH B.Ed CET 2025 preparation?

To manage stress during the MAH B.Ed CET 2025 preparation, candidates have to prepare themselves in a way that they can manage their time. With a proper preparation plan, it is easy to crack the exam. Do not indulge yourself in social media during your preparation period. Take a break for 2-3 months and then you can again use social media. Take breaks in between your preparation schedule. Doing some physical exercise every day such as meditation and yoga will help to reduce stress. Do not panic as the exam is fast approaching but think about how you can crack the exam with flying colours. 


What are some of the exam day tips for MAH B.Ed CET 2025?

All the candidates are advised to reach the MAH B.Ed CET 2025 test centre at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before the exam begins. Carry the important documents such as your MAH B.Ed CET admit card and your photo ID proof. Students are advised to check their reporting time on the admit card beforehand so that they can reach the exam centre within the stipulated time. Before you start answering the questions, read through the guidelines carefully. 



How should candidates manage time for the MAH B.Ed CET ELCT examination?

ELCT stands for English Language Content Test and candidates who want to take admission to the English medium B.Ed colleges in the state of Maharashtra have to appear for the exam. The topics from which questions are asked in the exam are Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Formation, Phonetics, Verbal Idioms & Proverbs and Figures of Speech. A total of 50 questions are asked from this particular section and each question carries one mark. To manage time for this section, candidates have to be quick with the answers. The topics are all from English Grammar and a thorough understanding of basic grammar will help to answer the questions. 


What is the MAH B.Ed CET 2025 exam pattern?

MAH B.Ed CET 2025 will be conducted for 1 hour and 30 minutes in computer-based online mode. Candidates can answer the question paper in either English or Marathi. The questions will be all objective type. There are 3 sections in the exam, Teaching Aptitude, General Knowledge, and Mental Ability. The total number of questions asked from the Teaching Aptitude and General Knowledge sections is 30 each. 



Which are the best books for MAH B.Ed CET 2025 preparation?

To prepare for MAH B.Ed CET 2025, the best books that you should follow are General Knowledge 2023 by Arihant Pandey, Sports General Knowledge by Harshit Patel, The Indian Constitution by M. Laxmikanth, Logical Reasoning by Arun Sharma, Analytical Reasoning by M. K. Pandey, Teacher’s Attitude and Aptitude Test by Dr K. C. Vashistha, Teaching Aptitude by R. P. H Editorial, etc.

How should candidates manage their time during MAH B.Ed CET 2025 preparation?

To prepare for MAH B.Ed CET 2025, time management is very important that candidates should consider. While solving the question paper, focus on answering the easy questions first and then you can answer the questions that are moderate to tough. Each question should get 1 minute time, but if fail to answer the question in a minute, you should move on to the next question. Complete the exam while keeping enough time in your hand so that at the end of the exam, you can come back and revise your answers. There is no negative marking in the exam but you should answer only those questions that you are confident about.

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Dear student,

The B.Ed fee at Laxmipati Group of Institutions, Bhopal, is Rs. 66,000 for two years. There might be additional fees for other aspects such as examination forms, security, hostel fees, etc.

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