Wine Tasting Career: Scope, Courses, Eligibility, Colleges, Salary

Abhinav Chamoli

Updated On: May 14, 2024 03:59 pm IST

Wine Tasting is an excellent choice of career that mixes fun with professional growth and good earnings. Check all of the information you need to start a career as a Wine Taster in India.

Wine Tasting Career

Wine Tasting Career: Are you passionate about wine? Picture turning the same passion for wine into a rewarding career! A career in wine tasting opens doors to a fascinating world of flavours, cultures, and experiences. So, if you want to go on a journey to discover the nuances of different wine varieties, regions, and winemaking techniques as a wine taster, then this is the right career option. From assessing wines for quality, aroma, taste, and appearance the wine tasters work closely with winemakers, sommeliers, and wine enthusiasts, sharing their knowledge and insights. A wine-tasting career or becoming a Sommelier is also a blend of art and science, requiring an eye for detail, and continuous learning to prosper. So, whether you have a dream of working in vineyards, wineries, or prestigious restaurants, a career in wine tasting is here to offer endless opportunities for growth and enrichment. Dive with us to uncover the secrets of this exciting profession!

What is Wine Tasting?

Wine Tasting is the art of tasting various kinds of wines and being able to tell the difference between them. A Wine Taster looks for differences in the various factors associated with a wine such as its colour, shade, smell, acidity, sweetness etc. A professional Wine Taster is able to gather information about a particular wine simply from its colour, smell and taste by following the 5 S's of Wine Tasting, which are:

  1. See
  2. Swirl
  3. Sniff
  4. Sip
  5. Savour

Wine Tasters are well-versed in the procedure to be followed for Wine Tasting and have trained their senses to discern subtle differences between different Wine flavours and textures.

Eligibility for Wine Tasting Courses

Students interested in wine-tasting courses in India must check out the eligibility for the same. Check out the basic requirements below:

  • Students must have passed their class 12th securing a minimum of 45% score.
  • As the wine-tasting profession comprises bartending, students must have reached the legal drinking age as prescribed by the state or government.
  • Students with a hotel management degree are said to have more advantage in gaining a wine tasting certificate in India.

Wine Tasting as a Career

Wine Tasting is an interesting career choice that lies far away from the usual streams such as Arts, Science, Management, Engineering, Commerce etc. It is a career that relies more on training the senses than pre-acquired knowledge or scientific acumen and hence is perfect for any person who seeks an alternative career choice.

Wine Tasting, however, cannot be said to be a career for everybody. Professionals who have been able to succeed and make a name for themselves in Wine Tasting are all passionate individuals who have respect and intrigue for this beverage. Many people consider wine tasting to be an art form, which can take years to perfect. Starting off in the field, though, is relatively easier.

Skills Required for Wine Tasting

Unlike many other courses and professions where formal education is of paramount importance, Wine Tasting is a field where passion drives growth and practical experience is the key. Leading Wine Tasters suggest that to succeed in this field, one should have a liking for the beverage.

Given below are the skills required to succeed in the field of Wine Tasting.

  • One should be passionate about wine and there should be an underlying love for the beverage. It is very difficult to grow and sharpen your skills in this field without having the said quality.
  • Wine Tasters have to rely on their memory to identify different fragrances and flavours. There are many different varieties of wines which may be inherent to particular regions and a Wine Taster must have a good memory for such information.
  • Keen sense of taste and smell are essential qualities for a Wine Taster.
  • A professional in this field should ideally have good written and verbal communication skills. This is because Wine Tasters should be able to explain the wine to an audience who may not have much knowledge of the field.
  • Since wine is a beverage that is paired with different food items, Wine Tasters should also have good culinary knowledge.

Wine Tasting Courses

Wine-tasting courses in India are under the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET). WSET is a globally authorised body for imparting wine-tasting education. There are multiple wine-tasting institutes offering courses in this domain approved by the WSET. These courses include levels 1, 2 and 3. Check out more about these courses below in the pointers:

  • Wine-tasting courses are offered in India as certificate and diploma-level courses.
  • These courses range between two weeks to a year or six months of Diploma in Wine Studies.
  • The foundation certificate program syllabus in India comprises basic wine types, wine storage, food and wine pairing and wine serving.
  • Students in these courses are also taught to analyse the origin of wine through their senses.
  • In this foundation course itself, students are required to taste around 10-12 wines across the world through the Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) program.
  • The Level 1 course is for a six-hour duration delivered in one or two days.
  • The Level 2 course is delivered in three to five days and is for 16 hours duration.
  • Candidates are taught to evaluate the wine based on colour, intensity, clarity, acidity, flavour, age, tannin content and others.
  • Currently, the Level 1, 2 and 3 WSET wine courses are available in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Tulleho, an authorised WSET program provider offers these courses in India.
  • IWBS also provides wine courses but at Levels 1 and 2.
  • Some students have a specialisation in wine tasting with a hotel administration background.

However, it is not mandatory that a student needs to go through the wine-tasting course approved by WSET.

Among different wine-tasting courses across the globe, France is said to be the leading country in wine-tasting education offering the best educational system. It is also home to some of the top wine-tasting schools including Le Cordon Bleu in Paris and University du Vin de Suze la Rousse in the Rhone Valley. Apart from France, the wine-tasting courses are also provided by the Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers in Toronto and the Culinary Institute of America.

Wine Tasting Institutes in India

Wine Tasting is a course that currently does not have a large footprint in India. Although India has the availability of numerous good Wine Tasting institutes, they are not very common. Given below is the list of some of the best institutes for Wine Tasting in India.

Institute Location
Indian Wine Academy Delhi
Institute for Wine and Beverage Studies (IWBS) Delhi
Tullheeo Wine Academy Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi
Wine Academy of India (WAI) Chennai
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) Manipal

Average Fee for Wine Tasting Courses in India

The wine tasting course fee in India is different in the various institutes. Typically, an institute will charge around Rs. 50k - 70k per month for a wine tasting course. Some wine tasting institutes might also specify fees on a per-day basis.

The fees for online wine tasting courses, however, can be much less as compared to offline classroom courses.

Career Scope for Wine Tasting

With the enhancement in the tourism sector of India, the demand for wine tasting career has also seen a jump from the low level to the utmost high growth. Some might think that wine tasters are limited to wine bars but this restriction is too short. Check out the job choices for wine tasters below:

Hospitality Establishments

Wine Breweries

Spirit Companies

Wine Importers

F&B  Business

Wine Bars

Cruise Ships

Theme Parks


In-flight Amenities

The wine industry is expanding with the love of wine and breweries of wine. This association is made more intact with Sommeliers and Wine Tasters.

Wine tasters are also hired in wine breweries to help them develop new wine flavours. They also check if the existing wine flavours are according to the benchmark standard of quality and taste. Each wine batch is tasted by a wine taster professional before the same is bottled and shipped to the market for consumption.

Check out the career choices for a wine taster in India below:

  • Sommelier : Sommelier is someone with experience in wine tasting. They are employed at restaurants, clubs and hotels. They curate the wine lists, recommend wine pairings with dishes and leave their customers with a memorable wine experience.
  • Wine Consultant : The role of wine consultants revolves around advising the wineries or wine-making companies on blending, marketing strategies and production techniques.
  • Wine Critic : Wine critics write articles, reviews, and columns for publication. They also have to taste and evaluate the wine as per the current developments.
  • Wine Writer/Journalist : These writers write about winemaking, production, tasting and food pairings.
  • Wine Educator : Educators of wine share their knowledge and passion for wine through seminars, tasting sessions, or teaching in an academic setting.

Salary for Wine Tasters in India

Given below are the salary details for Wine Tasters or Sommeliers in India:

  • On average, the starting salary of a Wine Taster in India can range from INR 10,000- 20,000 per month.
  • Professionals with experience in this field can earn salaries exceeding INR 50,000 per month.
  • The salary for Wine Tasters who work abroad or have work experience with foreign clientele can be much higher ranging from INR 1 - 1.5 lakh per month.

Industry Trends and Global Wine Market

As the wine industry is growing, the demand for professionals in this field has also increased. With the enhanced wine regions, the rise of boutique wineries, and sustainable practices the wine industry is also at the forefront providing ample career opportunities.

With the aroma, flavour, and cultural richness of wine, a career in this industry is wholesome for those with a passion for wine. Wine tasting career unveils the joy of sharing passion, exploring this field and educating individuals in this domain.

Check our other related articles to explore other higher education courses in India.

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Is wine tasting a good career?

Yes, wine tasting is a good career for the ones interested in tasting wine. Wine tasting has gained recognition in recent years for the love of wine. These tasters not only taste wine but also are involved in vineyard management, winemaking process and more.

How to become a wine taster?

To become a wine taster, students don’t need to have a formal degree in the field. Instead, they can go for certificate courses offered by authorised wine-tasting institutes to learn the wine-tasting methods and concepts.

What a wine taster is called?

A wine taster is also called a ‘Sommelier’ who is someone with the skills and knowledge of wine. They have formal training in wine tasting. More details about the wine taster can be found above in this article.

Is there a wine taster course in India?

Yes, wine taster courses can be pursued in India at certificate and diploma levels. Currently, the ones interested in opting for the wine-tasting course can pursue Levels 1, 2 and 3 available in Delhi, Bangalore and Delhi. These levels of courses are offered by Tulleeho which is an authorised WSET programme provider in India.

What is a wine taster's salary in India?

A wine taster’s salary in India is between INR 10,000-20,000. However, with experience wine tasters can expect INR 50,000 salary. Check out the salary structure before applying.


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