WBCHSE HS Preparation Tips 2024 - Check WB 12th Subject Wise Preparation Strategy

Deepansh Sharma

Updated On: March 15, 2024 08:13 pm IST

With just 5 months remaining for the West Bengal 12th Board Exams 2024, students might be wondering how to prepare for the final exams and score good marks. To cater to their needs, we have presented the WBCHSE Class 12 Preparation Tips. Read the article to learn more.
WBCHSE Preparation Tips

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WB 12th Preparation Tips 2024: The West Bengal Board, specifically known as the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) will conduct the WB 12th Examination between February 16 and February 29, 2024 . WB 12th Date Sheet 2024 was released on the official website of the state board. As the WB 12th exam dates 2024 have already been released, students will now be seriously looking forward to speeding up their preparations for the board exams. Some of the students might be under pressure and worrying about how to prepare for the WB 12th Board exams 2024. The students need not worry about the preparation plan as we will be providing a credible solution to your problems and help you by designing a perfect study plan for WB 12th Board exams .

Check the article discussed below to learn more about the WB 12th Preparation Tips 2024 .

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West Bengal Madhyamik Class 10th Grading System 2024
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WB Class 12 Science Toppers 2024
WB Class 12 Arts Toppers 2024
WB Class 12 Commerce Toppers 2024

How to Prepare for WB 12th Board Exam 2024?

In the section provided below, we have highlighted the tips and tricks that should be followed by the students to ace the WB 12th Board exams 2024 :

WB 12th Preparation Tips - 1

Firstly, the students should completely understand the WB 12th Syllabus 2023-24 . The syllabus for all the streams i.e Science, Arts and Commerce has been provided on the official website. The subject wise syllabus Pdfs can be downloaded by the students by clicking on the direct links provided on the download section of the website. Check the syllabus and note down the topics that carry more weightage. There has also been a reduction of 30% made in the syllabus of every subject. The topics that have been deducted are separately mentioned in the Pdfs of the WB 12th Syllabus 2023-24 . By going through the syllabus, not only, the students will get to know about the important topics that need to be studied, they will also be able to exclude the less important sections as per the syllabus and consequently pay more attention to the topics which carry a good weightage in terms of exams' perspective.

WB 12th Preparation Tips - 2

WB 12th Exam Pattern 2023-24 is the second most important thing that a student needs to understand after the syllabus. The examination pattern for WB 12th Exam 2024 has been changed tremendously with respect to last year. The most commendable change is the abrogation of the two term exam pattern and the reintroduction of the single term exam pattern. Apart from this, the WBCHSE has also addressed a number of changes in the WB 12th exam pattern 2024 . This includes the changes in the structure of the question paper, addressal of the competency based questions, more multiple choice questions and so on. The exam pattern also helps in understanding the West Bengal HS 12th Grading System . Therefore, the exam pattern gives a good understanding of the structure of the question paper and it will certainly help the students to prepare effectively for the WB 12th exams 2024.

WB 12th Preparation Tips - 3

Students shall get a good idea about how to prepare for the boards, after a proper study of syllabus and exam pattern is done. Since WB 12th educational base is divided into three streams i.e Science, Commerece and Arts, the preparation strategy for each stream is designed differently so s to meet the demands of the the integral subjects. comprises three streamTaking into account the number of subjects one needs to cover for WB 12th Exams, the next step is to create a feasible time table, which is to be followed regularly. Design a time table considering the importance of the subjects and their syllabus. For eg. Mathematics should be studied regularly for 1-2 hours. Science also needs the same amount of time. English and Hindi can be covered on alternate days. Studying History, Polity, Economics and Geography one day each will do fine. All in all, a feasible time table looking at your own schedule is important. Exclude the hours spent in schools and tuitions. This timetable should strictly be based on the efforts one is making to study on his/ her own.

WB 12th Preparation Tips - 4

When the exams are close, students prefer to study from the excerpt of the books i.e from the notes. Therefore, it is advisable that the students prepare their own notes while studying as of now. Going through the books during the exam time gets heavy. The notes are always preferable before the exams. Students can make a separate copy for each subject and write the important expressions, formulas, derivations, definitions, etc. in those notebooks. During the exam time, it will be easy for the students to revise the topics by going through these self written notes instead of learning from the books again.

WB 12th Preparation Tips - 5

To get more idea about the types of questions asked in the board examinations, students can download the WB 12th Previous year Question Papers , which are provided on the official website.Solving the previous year question papers can be really beneficial as it will let you understand the concepts which have been asked regularly in the board exams. Moreover, it will also help to figure out the topics which are important with respect to the exams' perspective.

WB 12th Preparation Tips - 6

To help the students in understanding the latest exam pattern, WBCHSE provides the facility of WB 12th Model Papers 2023-24 , which can be downloaded by the students from the official website.  West Bengal 12th Model papers can be downloaded in a Pdf format.

WB 12th Model Papers serve as a blueprint of the board exams and are completely based on the latest exam pattern. By solving the model papers, students can evaluate their preparations. The analysis of model papers will eventually help them to work on their weak areas and further strengthen their strong concepts.

WB 12th Preparation Tips - 7

Something that is strongly recommended is that try to complete the syllabus from the books. Since the arrival of covid - 19 brought a revoluion in the field of digital learning where the students prefered to use the online sources of education. Most of the students opted to cover their syllabus via youtube videos and other digital resources. But the students need to read the chapters from the NCERTs as it helps to build the interpretation skills and will help them to write the answers well. This is another fact that for the last two years,as the WB 12th exams were held on MCQ based pattern, students might have been focusing more on the objectivity of the questions rather than their comprehension. So, reading the NCERTs and practicing the answer writing is a must for the students.

WB 12th Preparation Tips - 8

Amidst the studies, students should not compromise with their health. Sometimes the students overdo with their preparations by studying long during the night time. This disturbs their sleep cycle and ultimately results in undermining their health. Not only this will impact the preparations of that student but also their mental state. It is advised that students must take proper rest and stay fit along with their WB 12th exam preparation. It is suggested that the students should also engage themselves in some physical activity like sports or running as it helps to relax their brain and at the same time, improve their motor skills.

WB 12th Preparation Tips for Science Stream

Science is a typical subject. The syllabus for Science stream is lengthy. Students need to pay more attention while preparing for physics and chemistry subjects. The students must follow the below-mentioned WB 12th Preparation Tips 2024 for Science:

  • As per the latest exam pattern, application-based questions will be asked the most in the exams.
  • In Physics, the numerical for the electricity and magnetism sections are to be practiced regularly.
  • In Chemistry, the organic part comprises the major portion. Try to complete it on priority.
  • For the students who have opted for biology, learning the concepts along with the diagrams is a must.
  • Students can also refer to the videos on YouTube to learn the complicated concepts.

WB 12th Preparation Tips for Arts Stream

Arts Stream is considered to be interesting by most of the students. It generally requires reading and proper understanding of the chapters to cover the syllabus for history, geography and Political Science. Some important WB 12th Preparation Tips 2024 for Arts stream are as follows:

  • Try to understand the syllabus and focus more on the important sections.
  • In history, try to read the chapters and underline the names of the important personalities and their contributions during their reign.
  • In Geography, the map is to be done very carefully. Also try to focus more on the Indian Climate section as it carries the maximum weightage.
  • For the polity, reading the textbooks will do the work. Try to note down the important things in a separate copy.
  • While answering the questions in the exams, try to include and highlight the important facts like dates and events.

WB 12th Subject-wise Preparation Tips 2024

For an effective and smooth preparation, having some preparation tips is always a good idea. Finding the right tips can be a hassle but with the suggested preparation tips, students can surely have a smooth exam preparation. Here are some helpful hints and techniques to make the process easier for students and ensure thorough and effective preparation. Students can prepare for exams by using these tips whenever it is convenient for them. To learn more about the WB Board Class 12 preparation tips, continue reading.

West Bengal Class 12 Physics Preparation Tips

  • Electrostatics and Optics are quite lengthy chapters. Hence you must devote sufficient time to revise these chapters thoroughly.
  • A few arbitrary questions based on Cyclotron, Van-de Graff, and other like devices might be present. Practice these kinds of questions, then.
  • Pay attention to the smaller chapters, such as Alternating Current.
  • While solving numerical-type problems, ensure that you are putting correct values and that the calculations are correct and well-described.
  • The class 12th Physics paper will also include some derivations. You can not attempt derivations if you don’t recall the formula at the examination seat. Hence, it is crucial to revise them properly before the final exam.
  • Focus more on diagrams like Potentiometer, Cyclotron, Transformer, AC generator, Meter bridge, and Galvanometer.

West Bengal Class 12 Chemistry Preparation Tips

  • Organic Chemistry carries significant weight in the exam. Emphasise mechanisms and practice conversion-based questions regularly to enhance mastery.
  • Solve sample papers to familiarize yourself with the format of the examination. Determine common patterns in the questions and points of emphasis.
  • Consistent practice improves self-assurance and time-management abilities. Arrange regular revision sessions to help you recall the concepts. Make a point of regularly going over important equations, formulas, and reactions.
  • In chemistry, one must solve numerical problems. Set aside time to work on numerical problems and calculations. Acquaint yourself with the use of formulas in various situations.
  • Memorise essential details about the periodic table, including trends in atomic properties. Understand the periodicity of elements and their implications in reactions.

West Bengal Class 12 Biology Preparation Tips 2024

  • Biology cannot be covered well in a short time hence students need to keep revising and practicing the topics. Since it has a heavy course, multiple readings are suggested.
  • Study biology theory thoroughly because it will serve as the foundation for your experiments. Diagrams are the key to achieving high biology scores. Practice tidy, clearly labeled diagrams to ace the biology section of the 2024 WB HS Board Exam.
  • To make things easier, topics like genetics and biotechnology need to be thoroughly grasped. Since they are connected, they ought to be prepared at the same time.
  • The longest and most comprehensive chapters—those on reproduction, environment, and human welfare—contain numerous in-depth subtopics that need to be prepared prior.

West Bengal Class 12 Preparation Tips for English & Hindi

English and Hindi are the common subjects for all the streams. Infact, most of the students choose bengali over hindi. These tips are applicable to them as well:

  • Grammar section is important and needs to be covered by the books as prescribed by the board.
  • For the essay and letter writing part, try to practice the topics asked in previous years. Try to focus more on the grammar section as the marks in the descriptive writing are awarded proportional to the grammar part.
  • Students must learn the proper format of writing the letter.
  • In the literature section, try to learn the exact lines of the plays and poems. Mentioning the same lines will result in good marks.
  • Try to practice the previous year comprehension to perform well in the passage writing part.

WB 12th Preparation Tips for Mathematics

Mathematics, being considered as one of the most challenging aspects, requires strenuous efforts to cover it up. Some of the important WB 12th Preparation Tips 2024 for Mathematics are provided below:

  • Check the syllabus and mark the topics which have been excluded out.
  • Students are advised to solve the examples which are provided in between the chapters.
  • It is advised that the students go along with the syllabus as being done in their respective schools as this will serve the dual purpose i.e. help them to revise the topics at home that are being taught in the schools.
  • Students are advised to write down the important formula for each chapter in a separate notebook.
  • The questions which a student finds difficult to solve should be marked with a highlighter. These highlighted questions should be given the most attention while doing revision.
  • Also check the CBSE 10th Mathematics Previous Year Question Papers to find out what type of questions are asked in the actual board exams. .

Last Minute Preparation tips to crack WB Class 12 Board Exams 2024

  • Find a peaceful study space: Finding a quiet study space is the first thing to do when the exam is almost here to maintain focus. On the study table, only place textbooks, essential reference materials, and study notes. Remain focused and avoid studying multiple texts at once.
  • The secret is revision: Students sometimes make the mistake of waiting until the last minute to revise. The secret to doing particularly well on the exam is revision. After you've read the chapter, topic, and concept as many times as possible and feel comfortable doing so, make a note of the key points in a notebook. Make sure to review those crucial aspects throughout the last round of preparation.
  • Practice sample papers and check errors: The Class 12 sample papers are available on the official website. Solve the official sample question papers within the stipulated time. Check the weak areas, see where you are lacking, and improvise.
  • Examine the marking scheme and paper pattern: It's critical to comprehend the exam pattern and marking scheme. It varies depending on the subject. The sample papers that the board has issued can be used to deduce the format of the question papers. Examine the types of questions that will be asked, then adjust your preparation accordingly.
  • Stay calm and don't over-study before the exam: Keep calm and compose a day before the examination. Just concentrate on the topics you have already studied; don't try to cover everything on the last day. Get enough rest, avoid social media, and avoid comparing your level of preparedness to that of your friends.
You can carry stationery, sanitiser, admit card, transparent water bottle in the exam hall. It is mandatory to attempt all the questions, however, the internal choice may be given in some of the questions. For more information regarding WB HS Exams 2024 keep visiting this page!


What is the percentage of 1st division in West Bengal HS Exam 2024?

Students who will score between 69 to 60 marks, will be awarded the 1st division in the West Bengal HS Exam 2024.

How can I begin with the WBCHSE HS exam preparation?

You can begin with the WBCHSE HS preparation by going through the syllabus, exam pattern and marks distribution of each subject. 

What are the important exam tips that I must follow while preparing for the WBCHSE examination?

First and foremost you should have a clear understanding of the concepts, definitions, formulas, and other important information of the subjects. Then complete the syllabus on time and practice sample question papers.

What is the best time to prepare for the WBCHSE class 12 exam 2024?

It is advisable for all the students to start their preparation for the class 12th exam from the beginning of the academic session. This will allow them ample time to revise their subjects.


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