How to Crack General Aptitude of CSIR NET Exam?

Shuchi Bagchi

Updated On: January 20, 2025 08:25 PM | CSIR UGC NET

Are you preparing for the CSIR NET Exam? Check out How to Crack General Aptitude of CSIR NET Exam. Created by experts, it covers the syllabus, tips, strategies section wise, important topics, study material & books, etc.

CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024

How to Crack General Aptitude of CSIR NET Exam: Using CSIR NET Previous Year Question Papers to practise is one of the best strategies to improve your preparation. You can clearly see from these papers what kinds of questions will be asked on the test and how challenging it will be. Students are advised to prepare the General Aptitude part alongside their respective disciplines. There are no specific preparation days necessary for this. You must read each topic from the top CSIR NET General Aptitude books. You can also refer to the experts' CSIR NET Part A preparation recommendations.

Latest : The authority has posted the CSIR NET 2024 Certificate for the June session on its official website,

CSIR NET exam is a highly competitive exam and the candidates are often confused on how to crack the exam. The CSIR NET Exam consists of three sections- A, B and C. Each section needs to be prepared with a focus and strategy. Along with completing the syllabus, revision and solving the previous year's question papers plays an important role in preparation for the exam. The General Aptitude part of CSIR NET 2024 exam has substantial weightage in terms of number of questions asked and overall preparation. Therefore, the candidates should focus on CSIR NET General Aptitude study plan 2024 well. CSIR NET Exam 2024 for December session will be held from February 16 to February 28, 2025. As the exam is approaching, candidates must focus on the tips to crack CSIR NET General Aptitude 2024.

CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024 is extremely beneficial if properly prepared, as many applicants who have previously passed the exam with an effective preparation strategy have stated. Every year, a large number of applicants sit for the CSIR NET exam, but only a small percentage are selected for the merit list. Tips on how to pass the CSIR NET General Aptitude exam are provided in the article below to help you plan an effective strategy.

Also Read : CSIR NET Syllabus 2024(Part A, B, C): Subject Wise PDF Download

CSIR NET 2024 Preparation Tips

The most important factor of CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024 is constant revision. Make sure to examine all you have learned repeatedly in revision. Candidates should place more focus and importance on qualitative than quantitative preparation. As each individual will have a different method of preparation strategies while taking the exam, based on the araes of individual weakness, the candidates must follow the specific strategy. Candidates may follow the given guidelines for CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024:

  • Prepare Topic-wise : As you prepare for the CSIR NET exam, you must make sure to have access to the necessary reading material, books and available materials. The syllabus should then be broken down into various parts to ensure that each part is covered thoroughly so that the candidates can understand the concept with clarity. Moreover, the candidate may ensure that they don't forget anything important for the exam by sticking to the CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024 around the topics according to the syllabus.
  • Time Allotment : The subjects covered by the CSIR NET syllabus are not all simple in nature to understand at the first go. Giving the subjects you struggle with more or are weak at maximum time is an integral part of CSIR NET Preparation. By doing this, the candidate will be able to prepare for all the topics while focusing more on the ones that needs more time and consistency.
  • Solve Mock Exams/Papers : Even when you have already finished solving the question papers from previous years as a part of CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024, you should also take the CSIR NET mock test. This method allows the candidate to increase the speed and helps in becoming efficiently familiar with the format of the question pattern and also face the real exam type situation accordingly.

Tips on How to Crack General Aptitude of CSIR NET Exam

As General Aptitude plays a crucial role in qualifying the CSIR NET exam, a good preparation strategy and mindset will help the candidate to prepare well for Part A (General Aptitude) of CSIR NET Exam. The candidates can check the CSIR NET General Aptitude study plan 2024 from below:

  • Before analyzing each issue and problems, make a list of the most important ones that you're weak at. Divide the topics into three categories respectively: Strong, Moderate and Weak. The questions you feel confident about answering must fall under the 'strong section' category because they don't require much practice and are less time consuming. The questions/topics in the ‘Weak category’ need extra attention and consistency, while topics falling in the ‘Moderate category’ need a smaller portion of time for practice and revision.
  • It should be noticed that solving Part A Section should not take more than 30 minutes. Basically, Long questions based on mathematical equations and formulas will be given in this portion. As there will be a maximum of 15 attempts, so not taking an additional time to solve this section will be an effective strategy.
  • Make small and handy handwritten notes to review ideas in the last few days remaining before the exam and prepare a handy list of basic key formulas for easy revision.
  • The candidates should follow CSIR NET 2024 Online Test Instructions to avoid exam time hassle.

CSIR NET 2024 Preparation Tips for General Aptitude (Part-A)

The General Aptitude (Part A) section carries a total of 30 marks. If the candidates attempt all the 15 questions that are compulsory and answers them correctly, then they will be able to achieve 30 marks from this section itself. But practically and logically, it is not possible to answer all the questions correctly by any applicant. So let’s consider that only 20 marks can be scored in this section which means the candidate has to answer at least 10 questions correctly. So, the targeted score for General Aptitude PART-A should range from 17-20 marks. In order to achieve this score, the candidates are required to prepare in a dedicated manner.

Some useful CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024 for Part-A are mentioned below:

  • Initially, the candidate should read the question clearly and try to understand the meaning of the question as what has been asked. Don’t try to interpret it wrong, otherwise you can misdirect the answer.
  • Also, the candidate should prepare his/her mind to face any twist and turn regarding the question paper that can be resolved while solving the questions, especially the difficult ones.
  • Additionally, the candidate solve the short time taking questions first and opt for lengthy questions later if they have enough time remaining to solve them after completion of the paper.
  • Try to use short tricks and formulas or equations you’ve learnt during preparation to solve questions related to Maths instead of using the long methods which can be time consuming at a time.
  • Solving Logical Reasoning questions can be easy and faster if the candidates attempts the question with attentive presence of mind. Do not assume information that is not mentioned. This point can be made used especially while solving logical reasoning and data analysis questions.
  • The candidates can take help from the Diagrams or Graphs to solve the General Aptitude (Part-A) questions. This is the easiest and fastest way to attempt questions in minimum time duration.
  • Try not to waste your time in guessing the answer. Mark the answer only when you know about it or are sure about it. As per the latest notification, there will be deduction of 0.5 Marks for each wrong answer. Therefore, try not to attempt questions that are not known.
Also Read: CSIR NET 2024 Preparation Tips: Know How to Prepare, Tips, Important Chapters, Subject-wise Weightage, & Best Books

Important Topics for General Aptitude (Part-A)

Important topics for CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024 are given below:

1. Numerical Ability

2. Logical Reasoning and Mental Ability

3. General Science

4. Research Aptitude

5. Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis

Best Books For CSIR NET General Aptitude

Let us now discuss the importance of the CSIR NET Part-A books, so that it becomes easier for the candidates to choose the books. List of Best Books for CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024 are given in the table below:

Book Name


CSIR- NET General Aptitude

Christi Varghese  and Jesse P Francis

General Aptitude Comprehensive Theory and Practice

Kailash Choudhary

CSIR UGC NET General Aptitude Theory and Practice

Ram Mohan Pandey

The article above mentions the ways to crack General Aptitude of CSIR NET exam, preparation plan, importance of best books for CSIR NET Exam.

Also Read: CSIR NET Previous Year Question Papers PDF Download with Solution

For more information on CSIR NET General Aptitude Study Plan 2024, follow CollegeDekho !

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How much weight does general aptitude have on the CSIR NET?

General aptitude and subject-based questions make up the two sections of the CSIR NET syllabus. General aptitude topics and weighting in Part A: Numbers (10%), distance (10%), probability (10%), geometry (25%), and logical reasoning (25%).

Is general aptitude the same for all subjects on the CSIR NET?

It is held for five disciplines: Chemical Science, Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Mathematics, as well as a General Aptitude portion shared by all courses.

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