CSIR NET 2025 exam syllabus is divided into three parts - Part A, B and C. The syllabus of CSIR NET for all three parts is mentioned below.
CSIR UGC NET 2025 Exam Syllabus - Part A
Though the candidates can download the detailed CSIR NET syllabus 2025 from the official website of CSIR NET 2025 exam, but a glimpse of the syllabus and important topics for different parts are mentioned below for their reference. To prepare for the exam, candidates should review the topics covered in their respective CSIR NET subjects. We have provided the complete CSIR UGC NET Syllabus 2025 for all of the subjects prescribed by the CSIR. Candidates should review the CSIR NET syllabus well in advance of the exam.
Numerical Ability- Logarithms, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Number and Simplification, Average, Quadratic Equations, Sequence and Series, Surd and Indices, Partnership, LCM and HCF, Probability, Mensuration.
Reasoning- Puzzles, Coding-Decoding, Series Formation, Ranking and Arrangement, Distance and Directions, Calendar and Clock, etc.
Data Interpretation and Graphical Analysis- Mean, Median & Mode, Graphical Analysis: Bar Graph, Line Graph, Pie-Chart, Tabulation, Measures of Dispersion.
CSIR UGC NET 2025 Syllabus - Part B & C
A detailed CSIR NET 2025 exam syllabus that will help the students to score better in the exam and present better clarity of the topics to be covered are mentioned below.
Chemical Sciences - Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary topics, etc.
Earth Sciences - Geology, Applied Geology, Ocean Sciences, Physical Geography, Geophysics, Meteorology, etc.
Life Sciences- Molecules and their Interaction, Diversity of Life Forms, Cell Communication and Cell Signaling, Cellular Organization, Developmental Biology, Ecological Principles, etc.
Mathematical Sciences- Analysis Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Topology, Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Linear Integral Equations, Classical Mechanics, Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, etc.
Physical Sciences- Mathematical Methods of Physics, Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics, Electronics and Experimental Methods, etc.