
XLRI Jamshedpur Campus Facilities - Hostel Fees, Infrastructure, Address

LocationJamshedpur (Jharkhand)
Updated on - Feb 14, 2024 09:49 AM IST

XLRI Jamshedpur Campus

The academic building has airconditioned lecture halls, an examination hall, computer centre and syndicate rooms, all connected to the campus-wide network.

There are 12 state-of-the-art classrooms with multimedia presentation support. The seating arrangement is amphitheatre style and each lecture hall has a capacity for 70. These classrooms also support closed-circuit recording and playback of lecture sessions. The four syndicate rooms are multi-purpose areas for other academic exercises. In addition to this the new academic complex is equipped with latest servers and workstations to facilitate the learning process.

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XLRI Jamshedpur Hostel & Fees Structure

Hostel facilities at XLRI, are provided for students of the residential programs, consist of the four hostel blocks with more than 400 rooms in total. Every hostel room has access points linking it to the campus-wide network and the various network resources and services.

  • The Fr. Enright Men's Residence: The first hostel block to be built, this building is an imposing five-storied structure that was constructed in 1969. GH1 has 100+ rooms in both single-occupancy and twin-sharing formats. This building also houses the XL mess, the kitchens, "Cellar" the convenience store. GH1 has three large open areas for student functions and recreational activities. Enright Hall containing recreation and indoor sporting facilities is also situated inside GH1.
  • The St. Thomas Men's Residence: GH3 is the newest of the four hostel buildings on the XLRI campus. This building is a sprawling three-storied structure with 100+ single-occupancy rooms. This building has a brand new mess and a large atrium for student functions and social gatherings. It also has a common recreation room with TV.
  • The Mother Teresa Women's Residence: The New Ladies Hostel was built in 1998 in order to accommodate an increasing number of girl students across the various programmes. A three-storied building, it provides accommodation in 45 single/double occupancy rooms. Each floor is equipped with facilities, such as phones, water filter & cooler, a common room and TV, which create a homely atmosphere. All hostel rooms are computerized and have 24 hours internet access. The Internet and the Intranet of the Institute enable the students to constantly interact with each other and be connected to the outside world.
  • The Nilima Acharji Women's Residence: A smaller hostel block GH2 is a three storied building and shares messing and other facilities with GH1 and GH3. It has 20+ twin-sharing rooms.
  • Fr. McGrath Residence: It is the newly constructed hostel building and is located in the adjoining extension campus. Fr McGrath Residence house canteen and gym facilities along with two separate hostels for boys and girls. There are 384 single-room accommodations.
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Students Activities & Clubs

Couselling Club - The Students Affairs Council (Apex Administrative Body) is the apex body and the representative council of the students of XLRI. SAC consists of a General Secretary at the helm and four elected representatives from the senior batch. SAC supervises various student activities on campus and is the interface between the students and the administration. It has the responsibility of all student-related issues on campus and envisioning future activities. SAC organizes XLRI's flagship Inter B-School festivals - Ensemble and Valhalla, every year. It plays an active role in issues such as restructuring academic content, enhancement of infrastructure and facilities, and coordinating extra-curricular activities on campus. SAC supervises and manage all activities that happen on campus and strives for continuous betterment of the student life on campus. It also acts as the premier body coordinating the activities and funds of the various committees on campus. SAC plays a critical role of presenting the students' point of view in issues pertaining to academics and campus life. The larger objective is always to foster a healthy academic atmosphere where the quality of education is always on the rise. The committee has always been an all-pervasive player in student affairs, at the hub of activities at all times.
Cultural Club - The Academic Committee of XLRI, or AcadCom as it is popularly known, serves as a bridge between the students and the faculty. It is a body that comprises the Class Representatives from all the sections. The sole objective of AcadCom is to serve as a central coordinator working for the benefit of students, faculty and the administration. AcadCom serves as a student’s best buddy throughout his tenure at XLRI. Be it accommodating student activities with class schedule, or coordinating for compensatory classes with the faculty, AcadCom is the body a student approaches. One may put it this way- AcadCom is the students’ negotiator and the faculty’s facilitator. The committee continues to bring to the students all academics related support including past experiences. Apart from academic support, AcadCom is the organizer of XL Utsav which is an annual event at XLRI Jamshedpur. This event is a platform for the students and faculty to come together and enjoy by participating in various sporting and cultural activities.
Alumni Club - XLRI being one of the first Business school in the country, has its Alumni graduated as early as the year 1949. By now we have over 12,000 Alumni working and serving all over the world. The Alumni Committee endeavors to connect, engage, celebrate XLRI alumni and build lifelong and mutually beneficial relationship with them. The committee organizes Summer Alumni meets, Alumni homecoming and Silver Jubilee meets. It also publishes monthly Alumni Newsletter and a quarterly Alumni Magazine. The committee also maintains the Alumni portal, which is a common collaboration platform for the Alumni.
Management and Consulting Club - Every manager has to be adept in handling operations to bring about cost savings and creating efficient processes is the norm of the day. The role of Operations and Supply Management in achieving this cannot be undermined. AXIOM is an initiative, started in 2004 by the students and the faculty of XLRI to help the students gain an insight to the intricacies of industrial and operations management. It is an attempt of this society to extend the understanding of the international best practices and develop interest among students for the same. We endeavour to spread awareness and understanding of managing production processes and delivering services by organizing quizzes,simulations, guest lectures, live projects and plant visits. We try to facilitate Certifications for the student community and help in Effective Knowledge Sharing. We further intend to contribute to the industry as a body of students and experienced faculty, by providing a platform for industrialists to share their thoughts.We release the AXIS newsletter, a compendium of latest developments in the industry.
Innovation Club - CTX: BRACE, Case-Tongji-XLRI: Business Review and Consulting Enterprise, gives a multi-cultural, multi-perspective approach to learning how businesses overcome challenges, innovate, and grow. We accomplish this through examining case studies, conducting interviews with industry professionals, and applying our learned knowledge to active, real-time consulting projects.
Entrepreneurship Club - Young Indians (Yi) is an integral part of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), a non-government, not-for-profit, industry led and industry-managed organization playing a proactive role in India's development process. Yi was formed in the year 2002 with an objective of creating a platform for young Indians to realize the dream of a developed nation. Yi has around 1500 direct members in 32 chapters, and engages around 8300 students through student nets. Yi membership includes young progressive Indians between the age group of 25 & 40 and comprises entrepreneurs, professionals and achievers from different walks of life. "To become the Voice of Young Indians Globally" being the vision of Yi, it provides a platform for young Indians to participate in and contribute by becoming an integral part of the Indian growth story. Yi's work can be divided primarily into three groups; "Youth Leadership", "Youth Social Entrepreneurship” and “International Engagements”.
Alumni Club - CRUX - Consulting and Research Undertaking at XLRI is the exclusive committee for consulting on campus. The committee's vision is to promote XLRI as a premier consulting destination. As consulting becomes one of the most sought after career options at XLRI and with many of our alumni holding leadership positions, CRUX is dedicated to honing current students' consulting skills and help them achieve their goals in this career path. Regular events, competitions and activities are organized by CRUX which help equip students with the tactics and knowledge required to successfully convert opportunities in the consulting industry.
Cultural Club - As night falls upon the campus at XLRI, the shadows of the neighboring steel plant loom ominously on the horizon and the smoke wafting from its chimney colors the sky the shade of crimson. It is then the inhabitants of this b-school stir from within the classrooms. It is then that the creative beast within them looks for an outlet, a place where it can feed its soul. And upon these crimson nights, their souls find sustenance at the house of DRACULA. Dracula, or the "Dramatics and Cultural Association of XLRI" (as muggles call it) is home to every soul whose heart beats faster on a stage, whose mind sharpens itself on a book and tongues that speak fluently the language of sarcasm. Dracula produces multiple theatrical productions a year, hosts debates (parliamentary and whimsy), and is the origin of the institute's Dance Team and Literary activities. This year Dracula is cranking it up several notches with a host of new activities like the Quizzing League, JAM Nights, Juniors Night and the first ever edition of the Dracula Literary Magazine on the cards. The corridors of XLRI has housed many a poet or author, the stage at Tata Audi played host to an actor or a danseuse or seated crowds listening in rapture to fiery speeches.
Entrepreneurship Club - Entrepreneurship Cell XLRI has a rich culture of developing skills of students through various students' societies. Established in 2012, E-Cell is gradually expanding and developing keeping in mind its aim to establish an ecosystem for entrepreneurship in XLRI. Since its inception E-Cell has organized multiple events like Aaramabh, a National Women Leadership Summit encouraging women to join the startup clan, IdeaKon which prides startup founders to share their journey and a platform to students to interact with them, Genesis a National Level B-Plan Competition that invites young budding managers to share their idea and stand out of the crowd. E Cell also supports day to day operation of gravycart, an online food delivery website which was also incubated by E Cell.
Management and Consulting Club - he Committee was founded in 1999 to coincide with XLRI’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations and christened External Linkages (better known as ExLink). It is entrusted with building the brand and handling media management of XLRI Jamshedpur.
Finance Club - FINAX is an acronym for "The Finance Association at XLRI" FINAX is a committee of like-minded people who have a flair for Finance and related fields. The committee with all its potential strives to promote finance related activities and careers for the students of XLRI. It is one of the oldest committees at XLRI and caters to the students having interest in the finance domain. The committee organizes various events and seminars/workshops aimed at equipping students with the finance knowledge required to excel in their respective fields. To help the student fraternity remain updated about the current on-goings in the field of Finance, FINAX also aims to conduct the activities that are organized every year. In line with the Jesuit Spirit of "Magis", the committee endeavors to work for the betterment of student community by presenting them with the every possible opportunity to scale new heights in the domain of Finance.
Social Club - The Forum for Industrial Relations at XLRI - FIRE@X is the committee for promotion of industrial relations at XLRI. It was founded as a discussion forum in 1996, which served as a platform for the dissemination of ideas and learning in the field of industrial relations, thus advancing and satisfying the needs of students. Overtime, it took shape and has organized itself into the formal society that it is today. FIRE@X is the hub of all IR related activities in XLRI campus. It serves as a platform for sharing ideas and discussing key aspects of Employee Relations/ Industrial Relations. It helps the students foray into the dynamic world of industrial disputes, resolutions, collective bargaining and agreements. FIRE@X organizes acclaimed events throughout the academic year, such as industry interface, live projects/case studies, intra college events, e-newsletter. All the activities of FIRE@X are designed with the same purpose in mind: spreading awareness and enthusiasm about the field of Industrial Relations and Labour Law in new and interesting ways.
Cultural Club - GAME, or Global Association for Managing Events, is a GMBA student led initiative with the goal of organizing events across all three partner schools centering on our multi-culture heritage. There are multiple nationalities within our large cohort and we each come with our own traditions. The name GAME also evokes the fun side of our traditions. We want to not only celebrate the holidays of our home countries, but the games and activities associated with those. By celebrating those festivals and all their traditions, customs & rituals we bring cultures together.
Cultural Club - ISEP is a student body representation of the International Student Exchange Program at XLRI. This functional committee handles the responsibility of managing tie-ups with foreign colleges. At present ISEP has alliances with universities across USA, Europe and Southeast Asia. Students can study a term in these colleges for a period of three months while learning from a different culture. ISEP oversees the application process to colleges abroad and is responsible for establishing new tie-ups. The committee also collaborates with banks and travel agencies to procure flight tickets, Eurail passes, travel cards, insurance etc. for these students. XLRI is home to foreign exchange from these countries who study a term with XLRI students. ISEP is responsible for organizing cultural immersion programs for these students and ensure that their stay in campus is as enjoyable as possible. Sports events, Regional movie shows, Dandiya nights and Ethnic dinners that are customary at XLRI specially welcome foreign exchange students. ISEP assigns buddies for every foreign student and help them to organize into teams for various events that take place on campus.
Marketing Club - The Marketing Association of XLRI, or MAXI as it's fondly known as, is the oldest committee on campus. Established forty-five years ago, in 1971, MAXI's mandate has been simple – to popularize the field of Marketing at XLRI and ensure that fun and quirkiness are an integral part of the entire process. This is achieved through a mix of competitive events, talks, interaction sessions, conferences and of course, the world-renowned MAXI Fair. It is often said that Marketing is something that needs to be experienced rather than studied, and MAXI uses this as one of its guiding principles. All events conducted by MAXI are designed to give students a deep, working insight into what Marketing is really about. MAXI is possibly the best-known and most respected committee, both within and outside XLRI. This standing is a result of constant innovation - be it in the more famous form of MAXI Fair, or other initiatives like Mindscapes - India's first seminar on the applications of Behavioural Research in Marketing. The flagship Marketing event Circus Maximus, held during Ensemble – the annual XLRI Fest, is perhaps the most hands-on Marketing event on the B-school circuit. Intra-college activities like MAXI Bazaar, MAXI Section League, AdTwist and industry interaction sessions under the Food For Thought umbrella serve to add flavour to the academic courses taught in Marketing and keep the interest and enthusiasm high.
Programming Club - Samarthya is the youth wing of Centre for Education Management, Leadership and Research (CEMLR) and operates under the guidance of Professor ISF Irudayaraj. The committee was formed with the sole aim of helping the school students of Jamshedpur, their parents and their teachers deal with their emotions and realize their full potential. Developing a rapport with the students, acting as their buddies and eventually helping them cope with various situations forms the bedrock of its very existence. Currently in its fourth year of operations, Samarthya facilitators currently take sessions in 3 schools across the town. The sessions deal with one topic at a time, related to common problems and dilemmas faced by the youth. The facilitators put their best efforts to make the sessions as interactive as possible and elicit responses from students voicing their opinions and concerns. The main purpose of the sessions is to make them talk and express their problems and insecurities. The sessions also lead to building of one to one bonding as the students find in the facilitators a mentor, a friend to whom they can share their fears and insecurities.
Technical club - Providing a strong thrust to the domain of human resources and industrial relations knowledge at XLRI is SAPPHIRE, the Students’ Association for the Promotion of Personnel Management, Human Resources and Industrial Relations at XLRI. SAPPHIRE is a student body aiming to integrate the experiences of practitioners with the theoretical knowledge of academicians in the area of human resource development.
Social Club - Social Initiative Group for Managerial Assistance, a committee popularly called SIGMA-oikos, is one of the oldest and most reputed committees in campus pertaining to a social cause, founded in the year 2002. This is the one team, whose work couldn't be explained better than the mission statement of XLRI - "For the greater good" already spells out! SIGMA-oikos not only operates within XLRI, but also is an active chapter from Jamshedpur and one amongst the only 4 chapters in India, the International society working on sustainability – oikos (based out of Switzerland) currently has.
Music Club - The Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture among Youth (SPICMACAY) is a prominent non-profit voluntary organization spread across educational institutions around the globe. With an objective to facilitate the exchange of traditional Indian values and to generate awareness amongst the youth about rich Indian cultural traditions, the XLRI Chapter of SPICMACAY has always worked in close association with the Jamshedpur Chapter SPICMACAY. It is our constant endeavor to introduce traditional Indian culture and Classical art forms to the youth of our institute with the hope that the wealth of knowledge and beauty that it encompasses would add further meaning to our lives. SPICMACAY also facilitates celebrations of Indian festivals in authentic Indian style within the campus and also conducts numerous events for the people of Jamshedpur. Our mission is to have everyone experience the inspiration and mysticism embodied in Indian and world heritage.
Sports Club - Life at XLRI is more than just class rooms, lectures and academics. SportsCom – A group of students that live this belief, strive on a daily basis to keep the sporting tradition alive and exuberant in this campus. From organizing Inter and Intra College sports tournaments and screening high profile Champions League and Premier League matches to conceptualizing and conducting innovative and inclusive events, it is more than just a conventional sports committee. SportsCom takes pride in being touted as one of the most active committees on campus and is responsible for events involving XLRI students, faculty and students from numerous institutions across India.
Nature Club - The XLRI Adventure and Nature Club (XLANC) is one of the most active clubs on campus providing students with the much needed adrenaline rush to cope with our heavy academic schedule. Our vision is to help students develop leadership skills and managerial acumen through outdoor activities. We help students develop spatial and environmental awareness along with textbook learning. We constantly strive to deliver new and innovative ways for students to relax and learn in sync with nature. We provide the students with activities like Rifle Shooting, Horse riding and Wall climbing. We organize treks to the nearby dalma hills where students can relax away from the hustle bustle of the college in the cozy comfort of Mother Nature. We also organize Star gazing nights where students can marvels at the beauty of the heavens. The scope of our club is limitless and the world is our playground. All in all we are the club which keeps the students sane and healthy to pursue excellence in every sphere for a healthy body houses a healthy and productive mind.
Photography Club - PiXL is the photography club at XLRI, established in 2014 by like-minded individuals who wanted to celebrate two things - photography and XL culture. Our aim is to capture every memorable moment on campus, whether they be landmark moments like Conferences, Maxi Fair & Orations or small moments that celebrate the XL way of life. We cooperate with multiple committees across the academic year and have a presence in almost every event on campus. Besides this, we spread our love of photography through walks and workshops – not to mention competitions like Per-Shot-Fect. Being a new club, we are ever expanding and trying to explore new avenues to celebrate photography – which include newsletters and more competitions.
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XLRI Jamshedpur Reviews

Infra of XLRI Jamshedpur
By Neil Jason McGuire | PGDM (Human Resources Management) | 2016
July 22, 2024 06:32:22

Infrastructure: XLRI has an excellent infrastructure. All the facilities like labs, big classrooms, library, auditorium. Campus Has Wi-Fi supply too. There are sports facilities and the hostel facilities too.

Hostel: It has a two separate hostels one is for girl and one is for boys. The hostel is very safe and secure, guards are there. You get the four time meals there.




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It was average but nice
By Rishab ram | PGDM (Human Resources Management) | 2021
April 11, 2024 02:25:32

Infrastructure: If I talk about infrastructure, the buildings are creatively made.Arena for sports was available.Libraries are available.WI services are available.Yeah , this institute infrastructure wise is good

Hostel: Hostel facility is good. Quality of food served by mess is average but we used to get varieties each day. Overall cleanliness and hygiene is maintained here




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My dream college xlri jamshedpur
By Rahul Mittal | Executive PGDM in Human Resource Management | 2022
February 19, 2024 10:30:12

Infrastructure: Let's start with college enterance gate when I see the word xlri jamshedpur I stop for a moment because it's so beautiful and campus are also awesomee

Hostel: Hostel facility is also good they maintain hostel weekly and hostel mess staffs maintain hygiene.veg and nonveg both are available at mess overall sa compare others it good




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adit sharma, Student / Alumni

-Answered on July-21-2023

XLRI Jamshedpur QnA

What are the various facilities available on campus at XLRI , Jamshedpur ?

XLRI , Jamshedpur offers various facilities to its students including Academic Zone, A/C, Auditorium, ATM, Boys Hostel and more.
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