Familiarization with the working of the Industrial Training Institute system.
Importance of safety and precautions to be taken in the industry/ shop floor.
Introduction to PPEs.
Introduction to First Aid.
Importance of housekeeping & good shop floor practices.
Occupational Safety & Health: Health, Safety and Environment guidelines, legislations & regulations as applicable.
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Introduction to the FTTH course and future scope.
Conductors, Semiconductors, Insulators.
Overview of current, Voltage, and Resistance (including colour code).
OHM’s Law - Description and Examples.
Different types of meters & electronic measuring instruments and their functions in brief.
Classification of Active and Passive Devices.
Functions of a Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor in Electronic systems.
Various types of Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors and their applications.
Series and Parallel circuits with Passive elements and their behaviour.
Current and voltage in series and parallel circuits.
Overview of Multimeter operation (Analog & Digital).
Transformer and its working principle.
Types of transformers.
Relationship between current and voltage in a transformer.
Properties of a transformer.
Step up and step down transformer.
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Soldering techniques, Precautions and Safety methods to be followed - for the personnel, environment and the electronic gadget under service.
Classification of Diodes.
Diode characteristics, Different types of diodes and their Power rating.
Diode as a Switch and as a Rectifier. Classification of Rectifiers.
Functional description of different rectifier circuits.
Filters – Capacitor filter, RLC filter. Ripple factor, Formulas.
Applications of diodes in Electronic systems.
DC power supply using rectifier and filter.
Classification of filters.
Factors that determine the max current through the dc power supply.
Limitations of a DC power supply using a rectifier circuit.
Zener as a Voltage regulator.
Need for voltage regulation and Practical Limitations with respect to Load requirement – PPTs and videos.
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Classification of a transistor, NPN and PNP transistors.
Biasing of NPN and PNP transistors.
Description with Videos.
Functional descriptionTransistor as a Switch.
Applications of transistors as oscillators and amplifier with sufficient examples, PPTs and videos.
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Classification of Opto Electronic Devices.
LED, IR LEDs, photodiode, laser diode, phototransistor, LDR, Optocouplers etc.
Description of Characteristics and operation of each device.
Oscillators – brief functional description, crystal oscillator.
Timer (Astable Multivibrator) using IC 555.
Audio amplifier circuit description and procedure for testing audio amplifier.
Gain and bandwidth of an amplifier.
Frequency response curve of an amplifier.
Switch Mode Power Supply as a regulated DC power supply.
Difference between analog and Digital systems
Advantages of Digital Electronic System.
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Number system (Binary, Hexadecimal, BCD), Overview of ICs, Analog and Digital ICs and applications.
Different types of Logic gates. (basic & universal gates)
Concept of Encoder and Decoder, Multiplexer and Demultiplexer, A to D converter and D to A converter.
Introduction to Microprocessor and Microcontrollers.
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Introduction to Communication technology.
Concept of modulation and demodulation.
Need for modulation.
Difference between AM, FM and PM.
Use of Transmitter and Receiver for broadcasting audio and video, used in Radio and TV broadcasting stations.
Significance of Pulse modulation.
Concept of Analog to Digital conversion and vice versa.
Present Telephone communication – uses Digital communication – Pulse Code Modulation technique.
Introduction to Fiber Optic Communication: Description for the following Terminologies used in Optical communication.
Properties of light, Relationship between Frequency and Bandwidth, Electromagnetic spectrum, Modes of Propagation of EM wave, Lightwave transmission.
Definitions: Velocity of light, Signal to noise ratio, Dispersion (pulse spreading), Wavelength, Attenuation, Fresnel reflection, Snell’s law of Refraction, Refractive Index, Total internal Reflection, Numerical aperture, Intrinsic and extrinsic losses, Return Loss, Reflection Loss, Scattering of light, Absorption.
Multiplexing in Fiber Optics.
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Fiber to Home Networks: Architecture and types: Introduction to FTTH Networks.
FTTH Topology and Technology.
Elements of FTTH system – PON, OLT, Optical Splitter, FDMS and ONT/ONU.
Types of Optical Fibers.
Optical Fiber Specifications.
Fiber Optic Standards.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Optical Fibers.
Classification of different FTTx networks- FTTC, FTTH, FTTN, FTTD, FTTP.
Network device security and its features.
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Principle of Optical Fiber communication & its Structure: How Optical Fiber Works.
Total Internal Reflection and Numerical Aperture.
Classification of Fibers: SMF, MMF Step-Index Fibers, Graded-Index Fibers. Optical fiber performance parameters and selection criteria.
Principles of optical transport media & OFC communication.
Color coding followed in Optical fiber usage.
Classification of OFC connectors (ST, SC, FC/PC, MT-RJ, LC) based on the type of equipment and application.
Connecting Techniques and their Insertion Loss.
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Techniques adopted for Optical cable splicing.
Procedure followed for splicing and use of Mechanical Splicing components.
Need for splicing.
Principle of operation of optical splitters.
Concept of feeder and distribution connections in a splitter.
Types of optical splitters and relative features/limitations.
Techniques adopted for Optical cable splicing.
The procedure followed for splicing and use of Mechanical Splicing components.
Need for splicing closure.
Fusion Splicer, Fusion Splicing methods.
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OTDR Measurement Preparation/ Connection Set up.
Procedure followed for OTDR measurements.
Classification of Losses incurred in Optical Communication.
Factors that give rise to losses in communication.
OTDR Fault Localization Techniques.
Gain and loss calculation.
Procedure for Distance Measurement, Saving & Loading Files.
Principle of operation of Optical Power Meter.
Concept of dB, dBm, optical power.
Interpretation of Power in various Units of Measurement.
Difference between SMF and MMF cable properties.
Overview of FTTH network system.
Function of Optical line terminal (OLT) and its features.
Configuring OLT.
Function of Optical network Unit. ONU/ONT) and its features.
Configuring ONU.
Difference between Active and Passive modules.
Types of Optical Splitters.
Choice of Splitters according to requirement.
Techniques followed while connecting splitter and OFC.
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Role of Passive Optical Networks in FTTH.
PON - Principles & Benefits. PON types (BPON / EPON / GPON) x PON - description.
Upstream and downstream technology.
Different types of OLT & ONU and their features and best practices related to FTTH networking and testing.
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Components of Personal Computer system and motherboard. Introduction to Networking.
Types of networks – LAN, WAN, MAN. Network Addressing, Inter NIC Register, IP Address, DNS Address, Gateway, Subnet Mask, Ports, HTTP, FTP.
Basics of networking devices such as cables, hubs and switches, routers, Servers and Clients.
Fast Ethernet – 10BaseT, 100BaseT, Optical-FX Configuring IP in PC.
Troubleshooting networks CMD commands: IPCONFIG (windows) / IFCONFIG ( LINUX) PING, etc.
Faults are likely to occur in the FTTH network.
Types of fibre optic damage.
Procedures to be followed for Testing of drop cables, Reflection testing, Measuring reflectance with a dead zone box, Optical loss testing, System related problems.
Typical causes of failure Eye diagrams.
Types of fibre optic damage Typical cable system faults.
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Safety in Fiber Optic Installations.
Safety measures to be followed while handling OFC.
Environmental and quality requirements for site risk control.
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