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NIFD Global Gurugram Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

  • 1 Reviews
    Gurgaon (Haryana)
  • Private
  • Approved by : NCRF
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NIFD Global Gurugram Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 5.0/5
Placements 5.0/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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NIFD Global Gurugram Reviews

INIFD Gurugram Gurgaon
By amaan
Apr 02, 2024 4:17:28

Overall: INIFD Gurugram Gurgaon stands as a premier institution dedicated to shaping creative futures with excellence in design education. With its modern infrastructure, comfortable hostel facilities, experienced faculty, and strong placement support, the institute provides students with the necessary tools and resources to excel in the dynamic and competitive field of design. INIFD Gurugram Gurgaon is an ideal choice for aspiring designers looking to unleash their creativity and make a mark in the world of design

Placement: INIFD Gurugram Gurgaon places a strong emphasis on placement and career development, with a dedicated placement cell that assists students in securing internships, projects, and job placements in the design industry. The institute collaborates with leading design firms, fashion houses, and retail brands to provide students with opportunities for practical exposure and professional growth. Additionally, the placement cell conducts workshops, seminars, and mock interviews to prepare students for the demands of the design industry, ensuring that they are ready to embark on successful careers upon graduation.

Infrastructure: INIFD Gurugram Gurgaon offers a modern and vibrant infrastructure conducive to fostering creativity and innovation in design education. The campus boasts well-equipped design studios, computer labs with cutting-edge software, and workshops for hands-on learning experiences. Additionally, the institute provides access to extensive libraries, material resource centers, and exhibition spaces to inspire students' creativity and exploration. The campus environment encourages collaboration, experimentation, and interdisciplinary learning, providing students with the necessary tools and resources to excel in the field of design.

Faculty: The faculty at INIFD Gurugram Gurgaon comprises experienced designers, industry professionals, and academic experts dedicated to nurturing students' creativity and excellence in design. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom, providing mentorship, guidance, and support to students throughout their academic journey. The faculty members employ a blend of theoretical insights and practical training to impart essential design skills and knowledge, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the design industry.

Hostel: INIFD Gurugram Gurgaon provides comfortable and convenient hostel accommodations for students, ensuring a supportive and inclusive living environment. The hostels are equipped with modern amenities such as Wi-Fi connectivity, common areas, and round-the-clock security to ensure students' safety and well-being. The hostel staff organizes various social and cultural activities to foster a sense of community and camaraderie among students, creating a home away from home for students pursuing their design education at INIFD Gurugram Gurgaon.








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