What is the eligibility criteria for ICAR AIEEA 2025?
ICAR AIEEA 2025 eligibility criteria are given below
- Age: The minimum age to appear for this exam is 16 years as of 31st August 2025.
- Qualifying Exam: Candidates must have qualified in class 12 or an equivalent examination from a recognized board can apply for ICAR AIEEA 2025.
- Subject: The exam should be passed with subjects like PCM/ PCB/ PCMB/ PCF subject combinations.
ICAR AIEEA exam will be conducted in online or offline mode?
The ICAR AIEEA exam will be conducted in the online mode.
If I am still waiting for my final year exam results, can I still apply for ICAR AIEEA?
Yes, you can apply for ICAR AIEEA.
Can I apply for ICAR AIEEA if I don’t have an Aadhar Card?
No, Aadhar card is mandatory for all the candidates except Assam, Jammu & Kashmir, and Meghalaya state candidates to apply for ICAR AIEEA.
What is the ICAR AIEEA application fee for SC candidates?
The ICAR AIEEA application fee for SC candidates is INR 350 for UG courses and INR 500 for PG courses.
I am from General Category and has less than 50% in the qualifying exam. Can I apply for ICAR AIEEA?
No, the general candidates must pursue a minimum of 50% aggregate in the qualifying exam to be eligible for ICAR AIEEA.
What is the mode of application for ICAR AIEEA?
ICAR accepts only online application form for AIEEA.
What is the age limit to apply for ICAR AIEEA exam?
The minimum age limit to apply for ICAR AIEEA is 16 years and the maximum age limit is 19 years.
Who is the conducting authority for ICAR AIEEA?
National Testing Agency (NTA) is the conducting authority for ICAR AIEEA exam.
Is there are an option to fill two ICAR AIEEA application forms for different UG courses?
The candidates must note that there is only one application form for all UG courses that fall under ICAR AIEEA